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Now Find a show to go to!

Feb 24 (Sat) - The Breathren, Never Say Never, Life At Zero, Proteus, A Timely Demise, 21+ $4 Cover, Starts at 8 PM - Milly's Tavern (Manchester, New Hampshire) +[view flyer]

2/24 - Saturday Night - Milly's Tavern - Manchester, NH - The Brethren, Life at Zero, NeverSayNever, Proteus, A Timely Demise

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Feb 8,2007 1:17pm - mcmahon ""]
The Brethren
Life at Zero
A Timely Demise

Millys Tavern
500 Commercial Street
Manchester, NH 03101

21+ Show
[Feb 8,2007 1:34pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
I'm there!
[Feb 8,2007 1:42pm - hybrid ""]
This show is going to be killer. Jim would you know anyone who would want to check the ID's at the door that night? I may have my friend Scott do it.
[Feb 8,2007 1:43pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
is it 18+ or 21+?, I'd do the door for you guys if ya want, I have worked the door at Milly's several times
[Feb 8,2007 1:44pm - hybrid ""]
If I can remember correctly this show is 21+, I'll check the e-mail again tonight when I get home.
[Feb 8,2007 1:47pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
I know it says 21+ in Mcmahon's post, but I thought shows there were usually 18+, Unless peter changed it, which could happen
[Feb 8,2007 1:51pm - mcmahon ""]
Fast Eddie worked the door for benefit shows a while back. he's familiar with the staff and such.

actually, todd, didnt you work the door once?

[Feb 8,2007 1:52pm - mcmahon ""]
fuck, im slow.

last I heard they weren't doing any more 18+ shows.
[Feb 8,2007 2:20pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
mcmahon said:

actually, todd, didnt you work the door once?

I work the door all the time for Tim(LFI), when he puts on shows there.
[Feb 8,2007 2:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]
This should be fun. We put our set together the other day, so we should be ready -- including a brandy new one for you dirty sluts.
[Feb 8,2007 2:54pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Life at Zeno

As listed on Milly's site
[Feb 8,2007 2:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Feb 9,2007 2:11pm - hybrid ""]
I should be able to make the flyer to this tommorow night when i get home. I'll post it as soon as I get the chance. Jim, I still plan on sending about 10 or 15 to you guys.
[Feb 14,2007 4:17am - mikeatzero77  ""]
I fucking cant wait!
[Feb 14,2007 8:59am - largefreakatzero ""]
Dude, why are you up at 4:17am??? Go to bed!
[Feb 15,2007 6:52pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
[Feb 19,2007 9:47am - largefreakatzero ""]
This Saturday.
[Feb 19,2007 9:54am - mcmahon ""]
ohhh yeahhhhh.
[Feb 19,2007 12:24pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
I take it you found a door guy ,huh?
[Feb 19,2007 1:50pm - mcmahon ""]
I didn't find a door guy.
[Feb 19,2007 2:00pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Who is doing it then? I just figured I will probably be in attendance at this fine event, and volunteer my services, If needed, seeing as I have done it before.Just trying to be a nice guy hahah
[Feb 19,2007 2:39pm - hybrid ""]
Yeah if you'd like to do the door that would be great.

[Feb 19,2007 2:40pm - mcmahon ""]
yah, Josh must have someone or assumed you'd do it.
[Feb 19,2007 2:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
hybrid said:Yeah if you'd like to do the door that would be great.

ok , cool , I'll be there by 7-ish, I have no idea what you look like( I don't think anyways, I am bad at remembering people),So you'll have to find me or I'll just find Jimbo and ask him to introduce us
[Feb 19,2007 4:51pm - mcmahon ""]
yah, we'll be there by 7, maybe a bit before for food.
[Feb 20,2007 10:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
Now there's a rootin' tootin' flyer. It would be funny if some country western people show up.
[Feb 20,2007 10:13am - mcmahon ""]
I made this flyer a while back:

[Feb 20,2007 2:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Anyone have an order / time slots in mind?
[Feb 20,2007 3:02pm - hybrid ""]
8 o'clock start

8-8:30 a timely demise
8:30-9 never say never
9-9:30 the brethren
9:30-10:00 life at zero
10-10:30 proteus
[Feb 21,2007 3:41pm - mikeatzero77  ""]
New song, new song get ready for 30 feet of fetus!
[Feb 21,2007 4:07pm - mcmahon ""]

since our rythym guitarist moved ot california, john and henry deveia are filling in... should make for an interesting set.

why is this ending early?
[Feb 21,2007 4:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Because at 10:30 I'm going to jump on top of the bar, drop my drawers and start whacking it ferociously.
[Feb 21,2007 4:48pm - mcmahon ""]
be careful, the crowd is fickle
[Feb 21,2007 5:01pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I don't think it will end that early -- if you add in 15 minutes for changeover between bands, that brings the show to 11:30.
[Feb 21,2007 5:15pm - mcmahon ""]
oh, phew. i was gearing up for 15 min set!

are you guys sharing your jam space with anyone yet?
[Feb 21,2007 5:19pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yes, we have an imaginary band that pays rent almost as promptly as HCN used to.

No, in all seriousness, it's just LAZ, Matty and Stevus right now. You guys interested? We like cheaper rent.
[Feb 21,2007 5:32pm - mcmahon ""]
Well, during the school year our drummer is in keene and our 'jam space' is our basement. Since we don't practice that much (stevus came over for the 3rd time ever last night), i'd have to check with the guys to see if its feasible as a halfway spot (between durham and keene).
[Feb 21,2007 9:28pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 21,2007 9:29pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Fun times will be had by all
[Feb 22,2007 8:33am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Feb 22,2007 4:24pm - hybrid ""]
[Feb 23,2007 9:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Feb 23,2007 3:14pm - hybrid ""]
bump for tomorrow
[Feb 24,2007 9:35am - mcmahon ""]
[Feb 24,2007 2:46pm - hybrid ""]
bump tonight
[Feb 24,2007 4:52pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
[Feb 24,2007 10:53pm - xanonymousx ""]
21+ suckkks
next time i'm sneaking in the back door.
[Feb 25,2007 5:15pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
xanonymousx said:21+ suckkks
next time i'm sneaking in the back door.

Backdoor leads to the new lounge, They ID you there also. The only under 21 people allowed in where band members/merch people .
[Feb 25,2007 6:40pm - mikeatzero77  ""]
That fucking soundguy sucked, I never want to play there again!
[Feb 25,2007 6:43pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Was it the tall skinny guy, or the shorter one?, I know the shorter one is in school right now and he is doing his internship @ Milly's. You probably got him, They were switching back and forth all night.

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