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Black Sabbath appreciation

[May 14,2008 7:38pm - ZJD ""]
This seems like a no brainer but I did a search and found way less than I thought I would. Maybe one doesn't think to start an appreesh thread for them the same way one doesn't think to vocally appreciate socks or sugar but whatever. Black Sabbath is truly the greatest rock and roll band I have ever heard. If they aren't your favorite band then I don't understand.
[May 14,2008 7:41pm - scumfuck ""]
agreed, maybe not my absolute favorite but definatly up there
[May 14,2008 7:42pm - W3 nli  ""]
[May 15,2008 6:52am - watchmaker666 ""]
recently watching live footage of them from 1970 thinking to my self, wow these guys nailed it 38 years ago!
[May 15,2008 7:30am - mortalis ""]
i'm not really sure that the heaviness of the under the sun intro has been matched yet.
[May 15,2008 7:53am - corpus_colostomy ""]
Any band with someone named "geezer" wins, hands down.
[May 15,2008 7:57am - thuringwethil ""]
[May 15,2008 7:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Best thing to ever happen to the universe, ever. Into the Void is the heaviest sound in the world.
[May 15,2008 8:08am - guy  ""]
there will nver be a band as influential as sabbath ever again, kinda sad

[May 15,2008 8:23am - thuringwethil ""]


[May 15,2008 9:08am - xmikex ""]
What you get and what you see
Things that dont come easily
Feeling happy in my veins
Icicles within my brain

[May 15,2008 9:58am - orgymf@work  ""]
and mine
[May 15,2008 10:25am - W3 nli  ""]

thuringwethil said:


[May 15,2008 10:30am - Yeti ""]
Lord of This World is one of my favorite songs. Master of Reality forever.
[May 15,2008 11:09am - Kadoogan-om-nom-nom  ""]

[May 15,2008 1:16pm - lbprovidence ""]
who's black sabbath?
[May 15,2008 1:23pm - xanonymousx ""]
the only thing that sucks is that there is no boston date this summer for that super tour.
[May 15,2008 1:35pm - dreadkill ""]

Yeti said:Lord of This World is one of my favorite songs. Master of Reality forever.
[May 15,2008 1:36pm - W3 nli  ""]

lbprovidence said:who's black sabbath?

you know they do elvis covers or some shit
[May 15,2008 1:48pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
Sabbath are incredible. The Tony Martin era stuff gets a lot of flack, but Headless Cross is one of my absolute favorite Sabbath records. It sound so...spooky, which was probably the idea.
[May 15,2008 1:53pm - ZJD ""]

mortalis said:i'm not really sure that the heaviness of the under the sun intro has been matched yet.

My band does a medley of Sleep and Black Sabbath riffs called Sleepy Sabbath that begins with this very riff.
[May 15,2008 1:57pm - W3 nli  ""]
[May 15,2008 1:57pm - aril  ""]
sabbath is awesome and truly inspirational.
however, King Crimson still is and will always remain my favorite British band
[May 15,2008 2:06pm - ZJD ""]

W3%20nli said: [img]


This and Technical Ecstasy are the only Ozzy era albums I don't like. I am really only speaking of the first 6 albums when I talk about the best band ever, but I think the Dio stuff is pretty great too and never got why they started to suck so hard with TE and recovered so quickly with a new singer.
[May 15,2008 2:13pm - W3 nli  ""]
c'mon there are some decent songs on Never Say Die like you know the title track......but yeah TE is well i look away from that piece.
[May 15,2008 2:16pm - metal_church101 ""]
The heavy-ness and pioneermanship will never be matched.

Their first album, using bass distortion on NIB??? That was unheard of back then.
[May 15,2008 2:16pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

xmikex said:What you get and what you see
Things that dont come easily
Feeling happy in my veins
Icicles within my brain


my eyes are blind but i can seee....
[May 15,2008 2:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
if Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd ever toured together my brain would explode.
[May 15,2008 3:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Black Sabbath rules me.
[May 15,2008 3:56pm - porphyria  ""]
sabbath with dio appreciation.
[May 15,2008 3:58pm - dreadkill ""]

ZJD said:
W3%20nli said: [img]


This and Technical Ecstasy are the only Ozzy era albums I don't like. I am really only speaking of the first 6 albums when I talk about the best band ever, but I think the Dio stuff is pretty great too and never got why they started to suck so hard with TE and recovered so quickly with a new singer.

i like the title track on never say die, but not the whole album.
[May 15,2008 5:18pm - My_dying_bride ""]

Kadoogan-om-nom-nom said:

[May 15,2008 5:19pm - My_dying_bride ""]
meglomania for the win!
[May 15,2008 6:24pm - Sean ""]
eh I'm really glad they existed and all, but at this point I can't stand to listen to em. Sorta the same way kindergarten isn't as much fun the second time.
[May 15,2008 7:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Sean said:eh I'm really glad they existed and all, but at this point I can't stand to listen to em. Sorta the same way kindergarten isn't as much fun the second time.

You're crazy; I went there last week and had a BLASTY.
[May 15,2008 7:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

W3%20nli said:
thuringwethil said:wahoo!


Fuckin' TV Funhouse. Best show evar.
[May 15,2008 7:11pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Under the Sun and Supernaut. SICK!!!
[May 15,2008 9:04pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Technical Ecstacy is great
listen again and think: when a bands worst album is THIS GOOD...

they are Gods

the first 60 seconds of the first song on the first album will NEVER BE SURPASSED... yup, it was all over in 1969, why bother trying to be heavy after that
[May 16,2008 12:50am - DJ DEATH  ""]
[May 16,2008 1:07am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I fucking hate Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

"A National Acrobat" is a fantastic song till the ending, then it bombs hard

Paranoid was actually pretty rocking

haven't heard anything else
[May 16,2008 2:15am - Sean ""]

ZJD said:Maybe one doesn't think to start an appreesh thread for them the same way one doesn't think to vocally appreciate socks or sugar but whatever.


I think the whole world can agree that the first wear of a new pair of socks, well, just rocks my socks! Also, would life be quite as sweet without my white granular friend sugar? I think not.
[May 16,2008 10:41am - Kadoogan-om-nom-nom  ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I fucking hate Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

"A National Acrobat" is a fantastic song till the ending, then it bombs hard

Paranoid was actually pretty rocking

haven't heard anything else

Huh? Weren't you complaining about Iommi's guitar being out of tune on one song or another? Snowblind, I think. What a terrible thing to complain about.
[May 16,2008 10:50am - Yeti ""]

porphyria said:sabbath with dio appreciation.

seriously. Heaven and Hell is incredible.
[May 16,2008 7:19pm - ZJD ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I fucking hate Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

[May 16,2008 9:25pm - unholy_dave ""]

Sean said:eh I'm really glad they existed and all, but at this point I can't stand to listen to em. Sorta the same way kindergarten isn't as much fun the second time.

FALSE. listening to Rage Against the Machine for the first time when you're 12 is like kindergarten.
listening to Sabbath is like catchin a beej. never gets old. and even when it sucks, it's still pretty cool.
[May 16,2008 9:26pm - unholy_dave ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I fucking hate Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

"A National Acrobat" is a fantastic song till the ending, then it bombs hard

Paranoid was actually pretty rocking

haven't heard anything else

this boggles my little mind
[May 16,2008 10:12pm - mortalis ""]
martin era sabbath rarely gets discussed. it's a shame, some of those albums are really good. anno mundi is and incredible song.
[May 17,2008 8:54am - brad weymouth  ""]

mortalis said:martin era sabbath rarely gets discussed. it's a shame, some of those albums are really good. anno mundi is and incredible song.


i heard a version of the song Black Sabbath with Ian Gillian singing, holy shit it was awesome.
[May 17,2008 10:01am - #1 sabbath fan  ""]

W3%20nli said:[img]

what about technical ecstasy?
[May 17,2008 10:03am - #1 sabbath fan  ""]
Black Sabbath Featuring Tony Iommi is awesome.

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