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Jersey Shore

[Dec 18,2009 10:54am - xanonymousx ""]
has anyone heard of this show?

[Dec 18,2009 10:59am - RustyPS ""]

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[Dec 18,2009 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
this is the kind of tv show that lowers your IQ. no thx
[Dec 18,2009 11:08am - xmikex ""]
Previously on Jersey Shore "Ey ohh oh ayyy!"

Next time on Jersey Shore "Ey! Oh! Oh! Ayyy! Ohh madone don't smudge my spray tan!"
[Dec 18,2009 12:35pm - Yeti ""]
anyone who willingly watches this should be executed.
[Dec 18,2009 12:37pm - arktouros ""]
[Dec 18,2009 12:51pm - oscarct ""]
I would fuck any chick on this show haha
[Dec 18,2009 1:09pm - xanonymousx ""]
i guess the dude who hit her was a school teacher.
[Dec 18,2009 1:11pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Best thing to happen to television since color.
[Dec 18,2009 1:12pm - are you going to slarborough fair?  ""]
yea, a gym teacher hahahaha

BTW holy tits on that chick that got punched
[Dec 18,2009 1:32pm - pam ""]
the slow head turn is so amazing.
[Dec 18,2009 1:52pm - oscarct ""]
what you didnt see in the episdoe is that the dude that hit her works at the club and told her to remove her hat many times..so he did it for her..he was just trying to be helpful..
[Dec 18,2009 1:52pm - RustyPS ""]

pam said:the slow head turn is so amazing.
the way her head snaps back is even better
[Dec 18,2009 2:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
This show is amazing in short doses - any longer than 10 minutes, it starts to melt my brain. Imagine the VD that gets passed around that circle of retards. I could watch that dishrag get sucker punched for eternity - it never gets old.
[Dec 18,2009 2:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

pam said:the slow head turn is so amazing.

"Scanning, scanning, scanning... target - BLAM!"
[Dec 18,2009 3:00pm - Samantha ""]
For some reason, I watched 3 episodes of this show in a row the other night. It's kind of like slowing down at the scene of a car accident. I'm fascinated by how these people function in the world.
[Dec 18,2009 3:17pm - Yeti ""]

Yeti said:anyone who willingly watches this should be executed.
[Dec 18,2009 3:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
well at least some one agrees with you
[Dec 18,2009 3:30pm - xmikex ""]

goatcatalyst said:Best thing to happen to television since coloreds.


[Dec 18,2009 3:50pm - Samantha ""]

In this episode, you get to see a big, tough guido guy cry... because his "girl" talked to some other guy at a bar. Wow... just... wow... This stuff is priceless. I can't believe these people.
[Dec 18,2009 4:37pm - oscarct ""]

Samantha said:http://www.mtv.com/videos/jersey-shore-ep-...ade-to-black/1627937/playlist.jhtml

In this episode, you get to see a big, tough guido guy cry... because his "girl" talked to some other guy at a bar. Wow... just... wow... This stuff is priceless. I can't believe these people.

I watched this..dude cries minutes into the episode haha
[Dec 18,2009 5:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
guineas have feelings too, you assholes
[Dec 18,2009 5:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can believe you people care about this shit.
[Dec 18,2009 5:30pm - slar samuelson back by popular demand  ""]
i watched the episode w the chick punch last night.
honestly as much as i hate people who try to justify watching reality TV as ironic cultural slumming, i was enthralled, mostly because i love watching people fulfill their stereotypes to the letter. In that regard, this show is better than if "i love new york" did an episode where all they did was eat watermelon and shoot at each other
[Dec 18,2009 5:35pm - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:I can believe you people care about this shit.

"Laughing with" and "laughing at" are two completely different concepts.
[Dec 18,2009 5:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
In that case, LOL
[Dec 18,2009 5:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I fucking love this show, even though I hate guidos with a burning passion. Getting inside their petty, retarded lives absolutely disgusts yet intrigues me because of how beyond ridiculous they are. I can't wait to see what these idiots look like when they get old.
[Dec 18,2009 5:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this show makes me proud of my heritage.

[Dec 18,2009 5:43pm - RustyPS ""]
[Dec 18,2009 5:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Judging by the tans, they will look leathery. Also the dudes can look forward to organ failure from the 'roids.
[Dec 18,2009 5:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm sure they already suffer from "organ failure"
[Dec 18,2009 5:49pm - RustyPS ""]
yea I'm sure they all frequent their local free clinic for some penicillin
[Dec 18,2009 5:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
There was a scene where 2 of the girls made out in the hot tub. Normally this would curdle my cream. In this case, I wanted to vomit.
[Dec 18,2009 6:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck you assholes... now i have to sit down and watch this show.
[Dec 18,2009 6:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

largefreakatzero said:There was a scene where 2 of the girls made out in the hot tub. Normally this would curdle my cream. In this case, I wanted to vomit.

Oh, they were making out? I thought the oompa loompa looking bitch was trying eat the tranny-esque one's face.
[Dec 19,2009 1:21pm - WICKED REAL MCGUNK  ""]


[Jan 8,2010 11:27pm - martins ""]
Addicted to this show. Beyond entertaining.
[Jan 8,2010 11:59pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
I love this show.
[Jan 9,2010 12:04am - martins ""]
Favorite thing to do is watch Pauly D. He's SO fucking awkward.
[Jan 9,2010 12:58am - Paul CNV  ""]
In Nazi Germany, the cast and crew of this show would have all been systematically shot in the head and bull dozed into a mass grave... 88
[Jan 9,2010 1:04am - Paul CNV  ""]

Cuz we are living in a Zionist world and I am a Zionist girl
[Jan 9,2010 1:06am - xanonymousx ""]

martins said:Favorite thing to do is watch Pauly D. He's SO fucking awkward.

dude pauly d is going to be in Nashua NH
[Jan 9,2010 1:08am - Paul CNV  ""]

xanonymousx said:
martins said:Favorite thing to do is watch Pauly D. He's SO fucking awkward.

dude pauly d is going to be in Nashua NH

Dude, you are a fucking faggot
[Jan 9,2010 1:20am - xanonymousx ""]
lawlz at this show this show is the end of life
[Jan 9,2010 3:40am - goatcatalyst ""]
Anyone who hates on this show is a faggot who doesn't tan, can't get laid and doesn't know how to dance to house music.

Boot niggers 4 lyfe
[Jan 9,2010 10:19am - xanonymousx ""]
i guess i need to start going to the local tanning salon,
skin cancer gets the girls i suppose.
[Jan 9,2010 10:34am - goatcatalyst ""]
Get on it! But you can't force the fist-pump. You dance to house music because it's just something inside you.
[Jan 9,2010 11:27am - Doomkid nli  ""]
Greenlight given for Season 2.

Same guidos/guidettes!
[Jan 9,2010 11:28am - zyklon ""]
Bunch of greaseballs no thanks
[Jan 9,2010 11:35am - Lamp ""]

Yeti said:
Yeti said:anyone who willingly watches this should be executed.

[Jan 9,2010 11:52am - goatcatalyst ""]
You bigoted, racist fucks.
[Jan 9,2010 11:50pm - xanonymousx ""]

Doomkid%20nli said:Greenlight given for Season 2.

Same guidos/guidettes!


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