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In this thread post criminal complaints against Andrew Bastard

[Oct 31,2013 8:06pm - Junky DiMatteo  ""]
[Oct 31,2013 8:08pm - Junky DiMatteo  ""]

[Oct 31,2013 8:29pm - King Thünderstõol  ""]


[Oct 31,2013 9:35pm - marttys brigade  ""]
He accepted my ball sack into his mouth for $53.00 and refused to send paypal payment in this amount. Victoria claimed she was a suicide girl and also refused to send paypal payment. I put my trust in sharia law and hope that justice is served in accordance with the will of allah.

inshallah allahu ackbar
[Oct 31,2013 10:13pm - Aud Smell  ""]
[Oct 31,2013 10:40pm - anonymous  ""]
Why don't you post this someplace where somebody will give a shit?
[Oct 31,2013 11:18pm - AudKhed  ""]
You put my fuckin name, betch!
[Oct 31,2013 11:19pm - AudKhed  ""]
Aud Smell. Sweet name. You must be friends with Andrew
[Oct 31,2013 11:32pm - DYA is TOTALLY LOGGED IN, BRO  ""]
For please let this be the last time, "junkie". Unless you're complaining that he is like junk, or that he has junklike qualities, in which case I think you're missing the point.
[Oct 31,2013 11:36pm - Basement Demon  ""]
Audrey is the most obnoxious person alive and makes me want to barf. If this was a thread about her and Andrew going off a cliff in her jeep it would be cause for a parade.
[Oct 31,2013 11:48pm - reality sucks  ""]
This shitbag gets what he deserves. (period)
[Oct 31,2013 11:50pm - King Thünderstõol  ""]


[Nov 1,2013 12:18am - Barren_Oak ""]
Audrey and Aril bot start with an A, nice try but I connected the dots. Immature of you to try discrediting Andrew.
[Nov 1,2013 1:20am - Aud Smell  ""]
[Nov 1,2013 8:33am - Warmth Jeopardizer  ""]

reality%20sucks said:This shitbag gets what he deserves. (period)

So when do Audrey and Dwyer get theirs?
[Nov 1,2013 10:09am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Maybe now Duncan will give me that $18 he's owed me since July!
[Nov 1,2013 10:32am - shutup willey fagget  ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:Maybe now Duncan will give me that $18 he's owed me since July!

shutup willey fagget
[Nov 1,2013 12:41pm - DYA is TOTALLY LOGGED IN, BRO  ""]
Dude, you should just give him the 18 bucks.
[Nov 1,2013 12:45pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
I actually did invite Willey or the fagget pretending to be him (whoever that is) to meet me at the Palladium last night. To absolutely no one's surprise, he/she/whothefuckever didn't show up.
[Nov 1,2013 1:05pm - You are one stupid fagget  ""]
Really? He didn't show up? He must have been so scared to face you.
[Nov 1,2013 1:06pm - Dog Faced Gremlin  ""]
What does this have to do with this thread you ask? Absolutely Nothing.

[Nov 1,2013 1:24pm - xmikex ""]
[Nov 1,2013 1:29pm - KEVORD ""]
I forgot that even happened on Nitro. So bad it's good.
[Nov 1,2013 2:04pm - $18 Dollars of Lies  ""]
Good one Duncan, you're such a liar. I showed up at the palladium and wouldn't you know it you were all "I'm sorries" to my face and handed me a money order for $18 with your tail between your legs. Figures when I went to cash it this morning it wasn't even a real money order, you made it on your printer. Why don't you pay up the $18, plus another $18 for my trouble and this counterfeiting doesn't make to the Postmaster General
[Nov 1,2013 2:19pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
No you didn't, fagget,
[Nov 1,2013 2:26pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]

$18%20Dollars%20of%20Lies said:Good one Duncan, you're such a liar. I showed up at the palladium and wouldn't you know it you were all "I'm sorries" to my face and handed me a money order for $18 with your tail between your legs. Figures when I went to cash it this morning it wasn't even a real money order, you made it on your printer. Why don't you pay up the $18, plus another $18 for my trouble and this counterfeiting doesn't make to the Postmaster General

[Nov 1,2013 2:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Warmth%20Jeopardizer said:
reality%20sucks said:This shitbag gets what he deserves. (period)

So when do Audrey and Dwyer get theirs?

I wrested with Niagara Falls, and I won.
[Nov 1,2013 2:56pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]

grilled_dickcheese_sandwich said:
$18%20Dollars%20of%20Lies said:Good one Duncan, you're such a liar. I showed up at the palladium and wouldn't you know it you were all "I'm sorries" to my face and handed me a money order for $18 with your tail between your legs. Figures when I went to cash it this morning it wasn't even a real money order, you made it on your printer. Why don't you pay up the $18, plus another $18 for my trouble and this counterfeiting doesn't make to the Postmaster General


Shutup Thundersteel
[Nov 1,2013 3:07pm - shutup willey fagget  ""]
shutup willey fagget
[Nov 1,2013 6:21pm - auds new horse teeth  ""]
Fuck this gay worcester troll shit no one gets or cares, moar andrew drug addict thief updates like him getting engaged to a dolt while parents bail him out or the threat of bb gun suicide lol
[Nov 1,2013 6:26pm - AudrEBT  ""]
Need $150 to survive first frost of the season -STOP-Send gift cards -STOP-
[Nov 1,2013 6:53pm - trvth  ""]

auds%20new%20horse%20teeth said:Fuck this gay worcester troll shit no one gets or cares

It's Scott Wily. He must be off his meds.
[Nov 3,2013 2:32pm - The Truth  ""]
Andrew Bastard is a useless assclown and Panzer Bastard is a shitty, derivative, unoriginal band.

Any questions?
[Nov 3,2013 3:15pm - the_reverend ""]
he's not in pb...
[Nov 4,2013 1:19pm - Newport Alumni  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:
I wrested with Niagara Falls, and I won.

An assist from paramedics and arresting officers doesn't count.
[Nov 4,2013 1:39pm - real talk crew  ""]
Andrew dopeMatteo is on some faggot shit for real. Not even Cherhoniak was a scumbag like this douche. And not to put both dudes shit on blast but the only motherfucker I can respect that has fucked with this shit is that Mikey Shoes. Know for a fact that nigga can go hard in the motherfuckin paint and he keeps it real. He aint out there robbin niggas, ripping people off or actin the fool. That's a real nigga right thurrr.
[Nov 4,2013 2:27pm - SMH Crew  ""]

real%20talk%20crew said:Andrew dopeMatteo

Probably the weakest insult since Low Information Person.

[Nov 4,2013 3:40pm - shutup low information fagget  ""]

SMH%20Crew said:
real%20talk%20crew said:Andrew dopeMatteo

Probably the weakest insult since Low Information Person.


shutup low information fagget.
[Nov 4,2013 4:39pm - really real talk crew  ""]

real%20talk%20crew said:Andrew dopeMatteo is on some faggot shit for real. Not even Cherhoniak was a scumbag like this douche. And not to put both dudes shit on blast but the only motherfucker I can respect that has fucked with this shit is that Mikey Shoes. Know for a fact that nigga can go hard in the motherfuckin paint and he keeps it real. He aint out there robbin niggas, ripping people off or actin the fool. That's a real nigga right thurrr.

Naw dawg that nigga is too busy pooping in basements and passing out at shows.
[Nov 4,2013 6:26pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
What kind of sentence is typical for a charge of "jeopardizing Audrey Hell's warmth"?!?!

Or "even worse; possibly getting her in trouble"?!?!

Looking forward to some groundbreaking legal precedents being set in this case!
[Nov 16,2013 3:24pm - MikeOv  ""]

really%20real%20talk%20crew said:
real%20talk%20crew said:Andrew dopeMatteo is on some faggot shit for real. Not even Cherhoniak was a scumbag like this douche. And not to put both dudes shit on blast but the only motherfucker I can respect that has fucked with this shit is that Mikey Shoes. Know for a fact that nigga can go hard in the motherfuckin paint and he keeps it real. He aint out there robbin niggas, ripping people off or actin the fool. That's a real nigga right thurrr.

Naw dawg that nigga is too busy pooping in basements and passing out at shows.

I don't hang in basements, and I don't shit. You know, that whole opiate induced constipation and all. As for passing out at shows, I don't go to shows. However, I was wide awake when I recently saw Esoteric and Evoken destroy TT's, which I'm sure your faggot ass didn't attend.

I'd say I don't want my name mentioned in these threads or any threads for that matter but this is RTTP so I'll take it with a smile. xoxo
[Nov 16,2013 3:29pm - MikeOv  ""]
Also I'm pretty sure I know who posted this because they were never the brightest bulb. Love you too harlot.
[Nov 16,2013 3:52pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

The%20Truth said:Andrew Bastard is a useless assclown and Panzer Bastard is a shitty, derivative, unoriginal band.

Any questions?

hey now, we may be shitty, derivative, and unoriginal, but we are DEFINITELY not... wait, what was that last one?
[Nov 17,2013 12:25pm - Josh Martin NLI  ""]
heroin doesnt make you paranoid like that complaint said. Sounds like he was shooting coke.

If anyone gives a fuck, Im clean again (boring, i know)

[Nov 17,2013 2:06pm - conservationist ""]

Josh%20Martin%20NLI said:Im clean again (boring, i know)

Congratulations and good luck.
[Nov 17,2013 3:57pm - Hoser ""]
Ugggh...heroin is a disgusting drug. They're all disgusting, but heroin takes the cake.
[Nov 17,2013 4:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i've seen coke make someone wander around their own house with a knife in the middle of the night, randomly stabbing pillows, thinking that feds were trying to break in and steal their stash, and accusing family members of helping them.

neither is anything to scoff at, but shooting coke will fuck you up psychologically, rather than cause physical withdrawals. some use heroin or other opioids to combat the paranoid psychosis of coke.
[Nov 17,2013 9:03pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

Josh%20Martin%20NLI said:heroin doesnt make you paranoid like that complaint said. Sounds like he was shooting coke.

If anyone gives a fuck, Im clean again (boring, i know)

Good to hear!
Good luck Josh
[Nov 17,2013 11:42pm - Ye Olde News  ""]

grandmotherweb said:i've seen coke make someone wander around their own house with a knife in the middle of the night, randomly stabbing pillows, thinking that feds were trying to break in and steal their stash, and accusing family members of helping them.

neither is anything to scoff at, but shooting coke will fuck you up psychologically, rather than cause physical withdrawals. some use heroin or other opioids to combat the paranoid psychosis of coke.

This was already covered in this thread and every other thread about Andrew. Try to keep up, fagget.
[Nov 17,2013 11:59pm - Ye Olde Original News  ""]

Ye%20Olde%20News said:
grandmotherweb said:i've seen coke make someone wander around their own house with a knife in the middle of the night, randomly stabbing pillows, thinking that feds were trying to break in and steal their stash, and accusing family members of helping them.

neither is anything to scoff at, but shooting coke will fuck you up psychologically, rather than cause physical withdrawals. some use heroin or other opioids to combat the paranoid psychosis of coke.

This was already covered in this thread and every other thread about Andrew. Try to keep up, fagget.

troll stealing fagget in this thread^
[Jul 2,2018 10:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What a loser.
[Jul 3,2018 12:04am - Is this guy typing to himself  ""]
He's had this thread saved in his favourites under "one day use this to win internet" folder.

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