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girls are dumb

[Jan 28,2005 12:45pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
so apparently my girlfriend was searching on rttp for things i have said (spying if you will cause she dont even like metal) and this morning she tried exagerating things and using it against me.

she doesn't like most of the comments i have posted about other girls. mainly the fact that i'd do them.

she also does not approve of me and dirtee crayon's jungle love.

and she doesnt like the fact that i suggested she take it in the butt(which i suggest daily)

why are girls so dumb. why do they get all butt hurt over stupid shit.
[Jan 28,2005 12:47pm - assuck ""]
anal abusing is amusing
[Jan 28,2005 12:48pm - Scoracrasia ""]
dump her. she is useless.
[Jan 28,2005 12:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jan 28,2005 12:54pm - assuck ""]
i knew when i saw that you posted that it was going to be that video
[Jan 28,2005 12:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
well yeah every girl needs to her place Ha ! and like i said before damn that video makes me horny Ha !
[Jan 28,2005 12:55pm - Christraper ""]
I think thats a horribly sexist statement to make! Girls think alot, they just don't use any logic!
[Jan 28,2005 12:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
girls like to do what i tell them.
[Jan 28,2005 12:58pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
Christraper said: Girls think alot, they just don't use any logic!


i hope she reads this thread too.
[Jan 28,2005 1:18pm - davefromthegrave ""]
sounds like she needs to get fucked in the ass.
[Jan 28,2005 1:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah I hear this shit.

my next girlfriend will not even know what a computer is if I can help it.
[Jan 28,2005 1:33pm - pisscup ""]
happily single thank you
[Jan 28,2005 2:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
wow, this looks like one of my threads...
[Jan 28,2005 2:19pm - Niccolai ""]
If I read something my girlfriend wrote to a couple hundred people suggesting she put things in my ass I wouldn't get to mad...

But I don't bleed from the wetbox soo...
[Jan 28,2005 2:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 28,2005 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
OMG, reading your posts and knowing that you have a gf, I was wondering how long it would take for her to find this site.
this site is the asshole of the net-er-verse so she's come a looooong way.
[Jan 28,2005 3:02pm - Josh I Hate You  ""]
[Jan 28,2005 3:03pm - pisscup ""]
[Jan 28,2005 3:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Jan 28,2005 3:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
josh, youd better hurry up and take those poison capsles before she questions you any further
[Jan 28,2005 3:07pm - dirteecrayon ""]
hey josh, did you tell her about the baby yet?
[Jan 28,2005 3:30pm - swamplorddvm ""]
No shit.

and WHY are you with a chick that doesn't like Metal???
[Jan 28,2005 3:38pm - Christraper ""]
Ive dated girls that dont like metal. In fact i almost prefer girls who arent involed in the scene at all because i then i can hide from everyone like i always do....
[Jan 28,2005 3:38pm - Christraper ""]
christraper not can speak english good
[Jan 28,2005 3:39pm - futhman ""]
I think once you graduate high school you'll find that your trust issues will reduce.
[Jan 28,2005 7:08pm - youmoron  ""]
Actually, since she found your retarded posts I'd say that makes her pretty smart. Maybe one day she'll smarten up and dump your ass like some of her friends suggested.
As for the rest of you losers, I may not know you, but you all sound equally retarded, not allowing your girlfriend to go online so she can't see you drool over some hoe bag or porn star that you'll never bang, you make me sick. Stop thinking with your small dicks and reverse the situation and how would you feel if the situations were reversed?
[Jan 28,2005 7:10pm - pisscup ""]
youmoron said:Actually, since she found your retarded posts I'd say that makes her pretty smart. Maybe one day she'll smarten up and dump your ass like some of her friends suggested.
As for the rest of you losers, I may not know you, but you all sound equally retarded, not allowing your girlfriend to go online so she can't see you drool over some hoe bag or porn star that you'll never bang, you make me sick. Stop thinking with your small dicks and reverse the situation and how would you feel if the situations were reversed?

I'm sorry, wanna make out?
[Jan 28,2005 7:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I once dated this chick that talked about other dudes she'd like to hopscotch in her LJ.

I tossed her away like so many blood soaked tampons.
[Jan 28,2005 8:10pm - KeithMutiny ""]
excuse me, im a moron with a big dick, thank you
[Jan 28,2005 8:27pm - JOSH I HATE YOU!  ""]
youmoron said:Actually, since she found your retarded posts I'd say that makes her pretty smart. Maybe:satancross: one day she'll smarten up and dump your ass like some of her friends suggested.
As for the rest of you losers, I may not know you, but you all sound equally retarded, not allowing your girlfriend to go online so she can't see you drool over some hoe bag or porn star that you'll never bang, you make me sick. Stop thinking with your small dicks and reverse the situation and how would you feel if the situations were reversed?

Preach on sister!
[Jan 28,2005 8:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
that was me. hahaha
[Jan 28,2005 8:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ps- hi there josh's girlfriend, hes a nice kid, and i wouldnt belive everything you read on a messege board. but im just a random asshole, so disreguard this post.
[Jan 28,2005 9:05pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Keith's got a good point. Men do stupid shit and say stupid shit, but that don't necessarily mean the guy don't love ya.

He might just have a funny way of expressing stuff.
[Jan 28,2005 10:54pm - Niccolai ""]
Men do stupid shit... Like snoop around on people's web history and search for things they do on message boards and than go and make blatant assumptions that the person who's privacy they intrude actually advocate the things they do in the chatroom.
[Jan 28,2005 11:46pm - mikehuntstinks ""]
why bother with girlfriends its comptely useless just use your hand or pay a whore
[Jan 29,2005 12:57am - Abbath ""]
youmoron said:Actually, since she found your retarded posts I'd say that makes her pretty smart. Maybe one day she'll smarten up and dump your ass like some of her friends suggested.
As for the rest of you losers, I may not know you, but you all sound equally retarded, not allowing your girlfriend to go online so she can't see you drool over some hoe bag or porn star that you'll never bang, you make me sick. Stop thinking with your small dicks and reverse the situation and how would you feel if the situations were reversed?

hahahaha oh man you know this bitch likes it in the ass

i too prefer dating chicks that aren't into metal, they tend not to be whores (excluding the few who post on here)
[Jan 29,2005 2:27am - BornSoVile ""]
Josh, we need to go to the bar some night.
[Jan 29,2005 8:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i suggest punching her a few times, then telling her to stay off the computer and get rid of her friends who speak against you
[Jan 29,2005 12:12pm - KeithMutiny ""]
"YEAH, he took a DUMP, on my chest, then he punched me repeatedly in the neck"
[Jan 29,2005 12:19pm - succubus ""]
aaron told me to read this thread...

i dunno..just treat her like you want to be treated?

on another note i woke up early went to get my prescriptions at the pharmacy and then made an artichoke pie, a broccoli quiche for aaron to bring, poor guy has to work for a while and then he's off to a show...
then white chocolate banana cream pie for dessert.

[Jan 29,2005 12:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
you made fucking pies? fuck i feel so unproductive, all im gonna do is call my friend and go for breakfast... at muthafuckin 1pm, hahaha
[Jan 29,2005 12:29pm - Niccolai ""]
Breakfast before 1 PM is overrated.
[Jan 29,2005 12:40pm - pisscup ""]
succubus said:aaron told me to read this thread...

i dunno..just treat her like you want to be treated?

on another note i woke up early went to get my prescriptions at the pharmacy and then made an artichoke pie, a broccoli quiche for aaron to bring, poor guy has to work for a while and then he's off to a show...
then white chocolate banana cream pie for dessert.

way to kill a thread
[Jan 29,2005 1:18pm - succubus ""]
i'm usually a thread killer but people actually replied

[Feb 1,2005 1:16pm - joshhasalwaysbeenlame  ""]
Josh, i hope jen fucking dumps your ass. you are such a piece of shit. You dont even realize how lucky you are to have that girl. Or maybe you do but your just to proud to admit it.
[Feb 10,2005 8:28pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
joshhasalwaysbeenlame said:Josh, i hope jen fucking dumps your ass. you are such a piece of shit. You dont even realize how lucky you are to have that girl. Or maybe you do but your just to proud to admit it.

you got your wish asshole.

the best thing that ever happened to me just walked out on me after over 5 years. she says it was mostly cause im lazy, unemployed, unambitious, self loathing, have poor hygene and i will never amount to anything in life and i wont be able to give her what she wants in life.

there are not enough things in this house to break right now. by the end of this weekend something is gonna be destroyed, most likely me.
[Feb 10,2005 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
well, I'm sorry to hear that. hopefully, you wont do anything to destructive to your things or your house.
I've read most of the things you've posted and, whether kidding or not, I could see how she would be pissed.
[Feb 10,2005 9:39pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Josh_hates_you said:joshhasalwaysbeenlame said:Josh, i hope jen fucking dumps your ass. you are such a piece of shit. You dont even realize how lucky you are to have that girl. Or maybe you do but your just to proud to admit it.

you got your wish asshole.

the best thing that ever happened to me just walked out on me after over 5 years. she says it was mostly cause im lazy, unemployed, unambitious, self loathing, have poor hygene and i will never amount to anything in life and i wont be able to give her what she wants in life.

there are not enough things in this house to break right now. by the end of this weekend something is gonna be destroyed, most likely me.

come to as220 tomorrow night, ill buy you a beer or 2, i know the feeling too well dude.
[Feb 10,2005 9:45pm - Hooker ""]
pee in her butt
[Feb 10,2005 10:21pm - anonymous  ""]
use this as motivation to changing your ways. most girls wouldn't put up with your behavior --- obviously she loves you. you need to make her feel appreciated --- the things you say on the board kidding or not are disrespectful to her --- she has feelings too and you have to recognize that. think before you type something that could be taken the wrong way. get a job and clean yourself up and she'll prolly come back in to your life.

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