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Anyone else sick?

[Apr 12,2006 12:43pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I think I'm gettin it too. Must be the cool thing to do.
[Apr 12,2006 1:14pm - SteveOTB ""]
pam said:going on about 2 months now of being sick constantly. I'm pretty sure I'm dying.

My girlfriend has been sick since we started going out which is almost a year now. Doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong. She's losing alot of weight from not eating and no she's not an anorexic.
[Apr 12,2006 1:22pm - Yeti ""]
maybe she has mono. i think i have a sinus infection too, my nasal passages are completely blocked, and the glands in my neck are swollen. i hope not.

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