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[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Oct 19,2006 11:39pm - anonymous  ""]
New Engalnd Concerts
Friday Dec. 1st
Mark's Showplace
6pm 18+ $10
email bandbookingmarks@aol.com

[Oct 20,2006 12:50am - the_reverend ""]

not on the events list yet.
[Nov 22,2006 10:23am - anonymous  ""]
bump this show is going to be good
[Nov 22,2006 3:56pm - mOe @ work  ""]
this is gonna be pretty (sic)
[Nov 22,2006 4:00pm - HostileTakeover ""]
THe boys from Hostile Takeover will be playing that night also!
[Nov 22,2006 4:12pm - HostileTakeover ""]
[Nov 22,2006 4:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thats so gay.
[Nov 22,2006 4:36pm - thedeparted ""]
mOe @ work said:this is gonna be pretty (sic)

are you going to get down with this sicness
[Nov 22,2006 4:40pm - mOe @ work  ""]
i might just, man...
[Nov 22,2006 4:53pm - xanonymousx ""]
i went to see otep a few years ago at club 125...
but i desided that they suck and left.
[Nov 22,2006 4:54pm - HostileTakeover ""]
Yea i bet they suck! I am just down with tits and metal!
[Nov 22,2006 5:36pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I'd rape the shit out of the singer, but she's too emotionally fucked up and would probably enjoy it.
[Nov 25,2006 5:01pm - TULIPS ON MY ORGAN  ""]
www.trollrock.com-contact-call number!!
[Nov 26,2006 12:33pm - Niccolai ""]
This show looks awful.
[Nov 28,2006 12:21pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 28,2006 1:41pm - HostileTakeover ""]
[Nov 28,2006 4:32pm - HostileTakeover ""]
whats the set list on this show?
[Nov 29,2006 8:41am - HostileTakeover ""]
[Nov 29,2006 7:48pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 29,2006 7:50pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Otep is fucking queer
[Nov 29,2006 9:18pm - Flyingpoopdestroyer nli  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:Otep is fucking queer

Motion seconded and carried. But the real question for this show is "Do I need a gas mas?" (repeat 48,000 times to nu-metal breakdown)
[Nov 29,2006 10:10pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If I had a time machine I would make the guy who raped Otep finish the job and give her a Ted Bundy special
[Nov 30,2006 9:24am - HostileTakeover ""]
[Nov 30,2006 12:00pm - mcmahon ""]
Anyone else going to this?
[Dec 1,2006 8:55am - HostileTakeover ""]
Bumping this shit for tonight! Who's comin?
[Dec 1,2006 10:10am - HostileTakeover ""]
[Dec 1,2006 12:09pm - divebomb DOD  ""]
I might show up but metal sucks and breakdowns are gay and pantera sucks too. All metal sucks, actually all music sucks in general. I'm not going now.
[Dec 1,2006 12:17pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
i'm going!... to not go.
[Dec 1,2006 12:19pm - Sinislazy  ""]
Breakdowns do suck, and Otep is atrocious.
[Dec 1,2006 12:26pm - dreadkill ""]
d00d, come on, the only thing keeping otep from being the best band of all time is the need for more syykk beakdowns.
[Dec 1,2006 12:28pm - Sinislazy  ""]
My bad, yo. Those breakdowns are so brutal. Maybe I should dye my goatee bright red in appreciation.
[Dec 1,2006 12:31pm - divebomb DOD  ""]
Showing respect to the classic metal icons should be mandatory not a fuckin joke
[Dec 1,2006 12:32pm - the_reverend ""]
otep's CDs aren't good, but they put on a good show at the bombshelter.
[Dec 4,2006 9:18am - HostileTakeover ""]
THe show was sick! Good turnout and some good ass bands!
[Dec 4,2006 9:23am - dreadkill ""]
i was unaware that otep was considered a classic metal icon.
[Dec 4,2006 9:23am - mcmahon ""]
I heard there were 400 people there. That's great. Suprising for Otep though.
[Dec 4,2006 1:17pm - divebomb DOD  ""]
disrespecting a certain red bearded guitarist is the icon I speak of not fuckin otep bro
[Dec 4,2006 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I wish I had any idea what you are talking about there buddy. I know that they had some dude from korn at one point and saying that a korn guitarist sound't be disrespected is like saying "no dis on that classic punk band, greenday!"

after looking at thier myspace, their current guitarist is named karma cheema and hasn't been on one of their CDs yet. the biggest thing I can see that he did was play in that joke band, american head charge.
[Dec 4,2006 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess that's classic.. if you nu-metal musical tastes started in 1994.
[Dec 4,2006 1:26pm - dreadkill ""]
i think divebomber is talking about dimebag
[Dec 4,2006 1:29pm - the_reverend ""]
last time I checked, dimebag wasn't playing at mark's showplace on decemeber 1st.
[Dec 4,2006 1:30pm - the_reverend ""]

dimebag's not even mentioned on their wikipedia!
[Dec 4,2006 1:36pm - dreadkill ""]
he was referencing scott's comment about dying his goatee red, which actually wasn't a slight at dimebag, although divebomber took it that way.
[Dec 4,2006 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
OHNOES!!! they didn't mention dimebag in the otep wikipedia!!!@!@

this thread is about otep, not dimebag. I actually don't mind otep live. entertaining show. I can't listen to the CDs.
[Dec 4,2006 1:39pm - Sinislazy  ""]
yeah, I wasn't talking about Dimebag...but I shouldn't expect any higher intelligence from people who were all about opening for fuckin' Otep.
[Dec 4,2006 1:43pm - Divebomb DOD  ""]
Exactly. Thank you. It shouldn't have been hard to figure out with your panterrible reference. Trust me-There is zero numetal running through my veins and I deeply respect the bands that put me where I am today. Who the fuck cares about otep. Please qoute me for ever saying I thought they were good.
[Dec 4,2006 1:46pm - dreadkill ""]
i don't believe scott ever referred to them as panterrible. that's dwyer's name for them.
[Dec 4,2006 1:47pm - dreadkill ""]
personally, i liked dimebag and pantera and don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about it.
[Dec 4,2006 1:50pm - Sinislazy  ""]
Thanks Ken. Again, I didn't say anything about Pantera. I've been pulling for us to cover Floods, unsuccessfully. Reading comprehension = good.
[Dec 4,2006 2:09pm - dreadkill ""]
i would eventually like to cover floods.

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