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The Beatles, appreash

[Aug 25,2008 2:49am - Hungtableed  ""]
Fuck you, they were ridiculous once they discovered lsd. The "Blue Album" 1967-1970 conquers anything of its time.
[Aug 25,2008 3:07am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
oh! darling ftw
[Aug 25,2008 4:06am - zenerik NLI OMFGZ  ""]

I actually like a good amount of material off the first few releases along with the later stuff.
[Aug 25,2008 4:11am - goatcatalyst ""]
not so much. i fucking hate the beatles.

my father learned me when i was a kid - there's two kinds of people in this world: beatles fans and stones fans. FUCK the beatles fans.
[Aug 25,2008 8:16am - ellesarusrex ""]
i love the beatles..
[Aug 25,2008 8:17am - THE_REAL_JOHN_DWYER ""]
Pestilence > STONES / BEATLES
[Aug 25,2008 8:36am - Kadooganaut  ""]

goatcatalyst said:not so much. i fucking hate the beatles.

my father learned me when i was a kid - there's two kinds of people in this world: beatles fans and stones fans. FUCK the beatles fans.

have fun with that. The Stones were a bunch of pansies. The Beatles used to kick people's asses at shows. Then the roles got reversed. I'm paraphrasing Lemmy, and Lemmy don't lie.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Stones.
[Aug 25,2008 9:22am - Conservationist ""]
Rock music sucks.

Kraftwerk / Burzum > Beatles / Stones
[Aug 25,2008 9:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
Chapman shot him dead
Plugged him in the head
No more slopehead wife to fuck
No more 'squito bites to suck
[Aug 25,2008 9:59am - dreadkill ""]
i love the beatles
[Aug 25,2008 10:01am - rbass  ""]
The Beatles have some fantastic music. Overall, I find the Stones' music to be much more boring.
[Aug 25,2008 10:06am - aril  ""]
They are both good in their own right; however, from 1969-on King Crimson pwns.
[Aug 25,2008 10:16am - corpus_nli  ""]
Take a few of the most important blacks in the music scene and you dont have the stones anymore.

that being said, you'd still have the beatles.

fuck the stones.
fuck elvis.

wait wut?
[Aug 25,2008 10:44am - corpus_colostomy ""]

corpus_nli said:Take away a few of the most important blacks in the music scene and you don't have the stones anymore..BITERS.

that being said, you'd still have the beatles.

fuck the stones.
fuck elvis.

wait wut?

[Aug 25,2008 11:00am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I stand by my statement. You're all on drugs... with your sitars and nehru jackets! Fuck the Beatles, gimme the Stones and motherfuckin ZEPPELIN all nite long, baby. Sure, both were mere Negro plagiarists, whitewashing that savage race music for the kids - kinda like that OTHER honky plagiarist... Elvis something-or-other. Fuck your faggoty yellow submarine in the periscope with a big black bluescock. Two words: ALTAMONT!!!
[Aug 25,2008 11:02am - aril  ""]
I would love to hear a drunk GoatCatalyst rant about this subject matter.
[Aug 25,2008 11:05am - hyper_sludge ""]
the beatles are fucking nasty. sgt. peppers makes me go EEEEEEEBOBAT
[Aug 25,2008 11:06am - GoatCatalyst ""]
September 13th at Cherry St. FIGHT ME OR YOU ARE A PUSSY.
[Aug 25,2008 11:12am - corpus_colostomy ""]

GoatCatalyst said:ALTAMONT!!!

hells angels for the WIN.
...and notice i did say fuck elvis.

[Aug 25,2008 11:33am - Kadooganaut  ""]
[Aug 25,2008 11:42am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 25,2008 11:47am - markfuckingrichards ""]
I'm with Goat. Fuck The Beatles. I had to learn about 25 Beatles songs for one of my old guitar teachers, and I wanted to kill myself. Some of their later works are tolerable though, since they stopped writing nothing but 3-4 simple chord progressions with no umph to them. Oh, and listen to some of their really early shit and you'll see they did many songs by black musicians.
[Aug 25,2008 11:48am - goatcatalyst ""]
hey nick... u + me + [img] +[img] = [img]
[Aug 25,2008 11:49am - corpus_colostomy ""]

markfuckingrichards said:Oh, and listen to some of their really early shit and you'll see they did many songs by black musicians.

such as....?
[Aug 25,2008 11:50am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Psychedelic Beatles is tolerable, but "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" makes me want to strangle a puppy.
[Aug 25,2008 11:51am - corpus_colostomy ""]

goatcatalyst said:hey nick... u + me + [img] +[img] = [img]

[Aug 25,2008 11:53am - markfuckingrichards ""]
Check out their anthology, volume 1 and you'll see about 10 or 15 songs by Chuck Berry and several other black rhythm & blues musicians. Granted they're actually covers, not stolen music...I just fucking hate The Beatles so I'm grasping at straws, haha.
[Aug 25,2008 11:54am - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Aug 25,2008 11:56am - markfuckingrichards ""]
Yeah but I get that 5 back plus another 5 because The Beatles still suck and I am infinitely awesome at hating on them. I'm straight gangsta. And shit.
[Aug 25,2008 11:59am - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Aug 25,2008 12:03pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
[Aug 26,2008 2:34am - Hungtableed  ""]
I stand by my post. Fuck you. "A day in the Life"-era Beatles is fucking probably better than anything that could ever come from it's time. Fuck the Stones...maybe it was good that John Lennon was shot and didn't start producing such trash like the Stone do now

"But one thing that is certain
Life is good at Haliburton
If you're really so astute
You should invest at Brown & Root.... Yeah"

Queers. I do, however, like oooooooooooold Stone material a lot.
[Aug 26,2008 2:52am - Martins ""]
The Beatles rule but for every mindblowingly musically advanced song that mostly goes over people's heads they wrote a just as bad one that inspired most of the shitty "indy" rock that exists today. If more people paid attention to some of the RIDICULOUS musical exploration (and not that stupid psychedelic shit...sorry) they did, the world would be a better place.

The same goes for The Beach Boys except the vast majority of their music was mindblowing and not just half.

Pet Sounds > The Beatles and every other musical endeavor before and since.
[Aug 26,2008 3:08am - todayistheday nli  ""]
amazing band. i love 100's of their songs...greatest band ever..the haters dont know shit and just listen/make death slam shit
[Aug 26,2008 5:23am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 26,2008 9:06am - Kadooganaut  ""]

Martins said:

The same goes for The Beach Boys except the vast majority of their music was mindblowing and not just half.

Pet Sounds > The Beatles and every other musical endeavor before and since.

Pet Sounds is amazing. What else is good by the Beach Boys, album wise? I know Smile is supposed to be good even though it took forever. I really don't like their super "surfy" stuff. I'd rather just listen to good surf bands, or Chuck Berry, haha.
[Aug 26,2008 1:00pm - oscarct ""]
Revolver is one of the best albums EVER made
[Aug 26,2008 1:12pm - Martins ""]

Kadooganaut said:
Martins said:

The same goes for The Beach Boys except the vast majority of their music was mindblowing and not just half.

Pet Sounds > The Beatles and every other musical endeavor before and since.

Pet Sounds is amazing. What else is good by the Beach Boys, album wise? I know Smile is supposed to be good even though it took forever. I really don't like their super "surfy" stuff. I'd rather just listen to good surf bands, or Chuck Berry, haha.

Just get SMiLE. The one that Brian Wilson rerecorded a few years back. That album is unbelievable.
[Aug 26,2008 8:07pm - anonymous  ""]
the image thing isn't working... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5.../55/The_Beatles_-_Butcher_Cover.jpg
[Aug 26,2008 8:47pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

Is this working? My dad unknowingly had one of the pasteovers until my half-brother "discovered" the original cover sometime during the early-80s, peeled the new cover off and sold it. The payday presumably kept him swimming in the finest marijuana available on the Cape.
[Aug 26,2008 8:51pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Two down, two to go.
[Aug 26,2008 8:52pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Kadooganaut said:I'd rather just listen to good surf bands, or Chuck Berry, haha.

the Ventures live in Japan 64 is ESSENTIAL for surf music.
[Aug 26,2008 9:46pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
enjoying abbey road right now..if you dont love the song I want you (she's so heavy) you dont like music.
[Aug 26,2008 9:54pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

todayistheday%20nli said:enjoying abbey road right now..if you dont love the song I want you (she's so heavy) you dont like music.


yer blues
i'm only sleeping
happiness is a warm gun

[Aug 26,2008 10:07pm - DomesticTerror ""]

goatcatalyst said:not so much. i fucking hate the beatles.

my father learned me when i was a kid - there's two kinds of people in this world: beatles fans and stones fans. FUCK the beatles fans.

Exactly what my dad told me. I'll take a needle and spoon over an octopus' garden any day.
[Aug 26,2008 10:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

DomesticTerror said:

my father learned me when i was a kid - there's two kinds of people in this world: beatles fans and stones fans.

or you can be the coolest and like both
[Aug 27,2008 8:17am - Kadooganaut  ""]
haha exactly. I knew a kid who said he HAD to choose between Zappa and Beefheart, like it was fucking do or die. Just listen to both for fucks sake.
[Aug 27,2008 10:02am - orgymf@work  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Chapman shot him dead
Plugged him in the head
No more slopehead wife to fuck
No more 'squito bites to suck

they played this on saturday night

they changed/updated the title/chorus

2 DOWN 2 TO GO!!!
[Aug 27,2008 11:02am - Conservationist ""]

someone should start a cover band called THE WIFE BEATLES
[Aug 27,2008 12:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've recently developed an appreciation for the Beatles. fun to play on bass too.

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