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Dec 27 (Sat) - Cro MAGS, DEATH Before Dishonor, Hammer Bros, Cruel hand and others - Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)

12/26 @ Anchors Up - CRO MAGS, Death Before Dishonor, Cruel Hand + more

Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA) - [colin_of_arabia][cro_mags][cruel_hand][death_before_dishonor][hammer_bros][ignorance]
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[Dec 28,2008 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
tifyf, I would love to go there.
[Dec 28,2008 2:19am - Lamp ""]
I'm not going this year, but it was great last year. I will be at this however:

[Dec 28,2008 2:22am - the_reverend ""]
it's a different world down there.
I would like to see mammoth grinder.

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