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bands that replace you without even talking to you about it

[Jan 4,2009 8:12pm - sever ""]
are gay.
[Jan 4,2009 8:16pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jan 4,2009 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 4,2009 8:40pm - Pires ""]
fight them or you are a pussy
[Jan 4,2009 9:00pm - Seth  ""]
Why would a band do that without talking toyou. I enjoy a good arguement and fight in the band... Nothing makes me play better then hating someone or getting angry !
[Jan 5,2009 2:15am - Aegathis ""]
hmmmm.... sounds like the work of an all girl band to me, which would also explain why they felt you didn't fit the bill.>:]
[Jan 5,2009 2:16am - Sacreligion ""]
did you suck?
[Jan 5,2009 2:17am - RichHorror ""]
The first three replies in this thread are excellent work.
[Jan 5,2009 6:52am - Archaeon ""]
At least it wasn't over a hat...or was it?
[Jan 5,2009 7:38am - metal_church101 ""]
Was it over eating pizza at a live show?
[Jan 5,2009 8:21am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
It was over the acting abilities of Brendan Frasier.
[Jan 5,2009 8:23am - ouchdrummer ""]
what do you mean by "bands that replace you"? Do you mean replace you on a bill, or in your GF's vadge, or what?
[Jan 5,2009 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
I bet fire would fix it.
[Jan 5,2009 9:13am - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 5,2009 10:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
shit happens...find a new band.
[Jan 5,2009 10:44am - Wheres Waldo  ""]
What go around come around kid.
[Jan 5,2009 10:56am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jan 5,2009 11:03am - scmfck  ""]

Pires said:fight them or you are a pussy
[Jan 5,2009 11:11am - rhinoplasty  ""]
yeah well if you were brutal like me and McGunk then you'd never be replaced . even your former band won't be able to replace you with someone like me who is brutal with flying V solos .
[Jan 5,2009 11:33pm - Mike Patton  ""]
Thanks for letting me fuck your Dad, faggot.
[Jan 6,2009 12:33am - dino  ""]
fuck the main dudez girlfriend. thats what i did
now everytimei see the greazy douche i just smile.
[Jan 6,2009 9:21am - McGunk..  ""]
I used to be in a band once. Then they replaced me, and now they don't even have a guitar player. I hope they are happy now.

I hate it when bands go about replacing you and not even talking to you about it.
[Jan 6,2009 10:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 6,2009 10:58am - sever ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:It was over the acting abilities of Brendan Frasier.

[Jan 6,2009 11:03am - ouchdrummer ""]
geez.... whenever i have taken part in "booting" someone from a band, i usaully consult with them to make sure it's ok.
[Jan 6,2009 11:06am - arilliusbm ""]
we had to kick destroyyoualot out of herugrim because he refused to take colon blow
[Jan 6,2009 11:10am - sever ""]

ouchdrummer said:geez.... whenever i have taken part in "booting" someone from a band, i usaully consult with them to make sure it's ok.

It's not about making sure it's okay, it's about informing me that I'm no longer part of the band. When you link people to "your" band's myspace page only to find that your position doesn't have your name anymore, well, that's pretty shitty.

If you're going to kick someone from a band, why wouldn't you tell them?
[Jan 6,2009 11:12am - ouchdrummer ""]
hmmm.... that makes sense. Your wording was confusing, i that you wanted to be consulted... Yes obviously anybody worth their weight in buffalo nickles would tell someone when they're booted.
[Jan 6,2009 11:13am - dreadkill ""]
what band was it? that is pretty shitty. at least inform someone they are out of the band before announcing a replacement.
[Jan 6,2009 11:15am - the_reverend ""]
that really does sound like a sticky situation
[Jan 6,2009 11:16am - dreadkill ""]
sure does
[Jan 6,2009 11:16am - sever ""]
the band was Your Pain is Endearing.

I don't want to start any ridiculous drama though, Wes and Jason are good guys. I just can't say I 100% agree with this decision.
[Jan 6,2009 12:50pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
So you played such an insignifigant role in the band that you didn't need to be contacted to be told that your services were no longer needed?...you need to find a new hobby
[Jan 6,2009 12:54pm - Mess ""]

sever said:
ouchdrummer said:geez.... whenever i have taken part in "booting" someone from a band, i usaully consult with them to make sure it's ok.

It's not about making sure it's okay, it's about informing me that I'm no longer part of the band. When you link people to "your" band's myspace page only to find that your position doesn't have your name anymore, well, that's pretty shitty.

If you're going to kick someone from a band, why wouldn't you tell them?


[Jan 6,2009 12:56pm - ouchdrummer ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:So you played such an insignifigant role in the band that you didn't need to be contacted to be told that your services were no longer needed?...you need to find a new hobby

a.) that's just mean. sever's a nice guy (i know that doesn't stop internet people from being mean, but i just wanted to mention it)

b.) it's kinda silly. I mean, how is his significance in the band related to them not needing to talk to him? I guess if you had said something like "So your relationship with your band was so poor that they didn't feel the need to tell you" it would've made sense, but i really can't see the corelation to what your saying. It seems like nothing more than a cheap shot with no real justification.
[Jan 6,2009 12:58pm - Conservationist ""]

sever said:are gay.

It's conflict avoidance, man. Keeping the peace. Being good liberals.

Doesn't mean it's right of course ;)
[Jan 6,2009 1:11pm - Maddox Jolie-Pitt  ""]
Leave it to conservationist to make a non political thread political. Nobody cares tough guy.
[Jan 6,2009 1:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:we had to kick destroyyoualot out of herugrim because he refused to take colon blow

Crazy talk. I quit 'cause you guys couldn't handle my colon and its tasteful bouquet of curry and beer. It was the only compassionate thing to do. LOL
[Jan 6,2009 1:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Maddox%20Jolie-Pitt said:Leave it to conservationist to make a non political thread political. Nobody cares tough guy.

For what it's worth, he's got half a point - passive aggressive behind-the-back-talk causes 90% of problems in bands, from where I stand. People who are afraid of confrontation can't functionally be in a band, because nothing ever gets resolved until it's too late.
[Jan 6,2009 1:22pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I'm just being a prick, I'm sure he has a great personality and a huge amount of talent.
[Jan 6,2009 1:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 6,2009 1:23pm - Mess ""]
hahaha massive amounts
[Jan 6,2009 1:25pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]


spank me bitch!
[Jan 6,2009 1:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
it can be difficult when you've already vested a great amount of energy and aspiration into a band but sometimes being removed/replaced can lead to different opportunities that may better suit your interests. dont get too down about it just keep your eyes open for other projects.
[Jan 6,2009 1:38pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said: it can be difficult when you've already vested a great amount of energy and aspiration into a band but sometimes being removed/replaced can lead to different opportunities that may better suit your interests. dont get too down about it just keep your eyes open for other projects.

dude?! what's your problem? why would you give REALISTIC advice to a REAL person? Don't you know your supposed to just make fun of him? The kids will think your much more "hip" if you do that.
[Jan 6,2009 1:41pm - Mess ""]
ouch, i want tea.
[Jan 6,2009 1:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]

Mess said:ouch, i want tea.

I have the makings. When? And what to trade?
[Jan 6,2009 1:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ouchdrummer said:
FuckIsMySignature said: it can be difficult when you've already vested a great amount of energy and aspiration into a band but sometimes being removed/replaced can lead to different opportunities that may better suit your interests. dont get too down about it just keep your eyes open for other projects.

dude?! what's your problem? why would you give REALISTIC advice to a REAL person? Don't you know your supposed to just make fun of him? The kids will think your much more "hip" if you do that.

haha i must be crazy :spineyes:
[Jan 6,2009 1:53pm - Mess ""]
i emailed ya
[Jan 6,2009 2:16pm - sever ""]

FuckIsMySignature said: it can be difficult when you've already vested a great amount of energy and aspiration into a band but sometimes being removed/replaced can lead to different opportunities that may better suit your interests. dont get too down about it just keep your eyes open for other projects.

I'm not really down about, just surprised as fuck. I can understand the decision of replacing me - I'm far away and school hinders when I'm available to practice - but I would have liked to hear it from the actual band.

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