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bands that replace you without even talking to you about it

[Jan 6,2009 2:24pm - c.DeAD  ""]
Yeah, thats a pretty big pussy move. Shows alot about their character so fuck em.
[Jan 6,2009 2:49pm - dertoxia ""]
since they never officially informed you of your replacement......you should show up at their next show with all your gear and set up like usual. It'll make for a very awkward and awesome time.
[Jan 6,2009 2:51pm - Conservationist ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Maddox%20Jolie-Pitt said:Leave it to conservationist to make a non political thread political. Nobody cares tough guy.

For what it's worth, he's got half a point - passive aggressive behind-the-back-talk causes 90% of problems in bands, from where I stand. People who are afraid of confrontation can't functionally be in a band, because nothing ever gets resolved until it's too late.

Very true, and...

Avoiding confrontation, when discussing songs or options as a band, leaves people settling on the lowest common denominator instead of making something distinctive.

It's how you get bland albums tricked out in all sorts of incompatible ways.

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