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Beherit - Engram

[Apr 5,2009 12:16am - Conservationist ""]
Release: April 9, 2009

From what people have been hinting, this is quite the album. Like a return to form for black metal, and then taking it to the next dimension past Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. Really raw but really structured, with a deepening mood.

Anyone else looking forward to what could be the first classic of the black metal revival? Black metal has been so stale and boring for the last fifteen years, it's awesome to have something to look forward to with excitement again.

Beherit - Engram
[Apr 5,2009 8:24am - ZyklonD  ""]
Yeah, can't wait for that raver fag's newest cash cow, especially since techno isn't popular anymore.

[Apr 5,2009 11:37pm - the U.S.M.  ""]

ZyklonD said:Yeah, can't wait for that raver fag's newest cash cow, especially since techno isn't popular anymore.

shutchur mout, this is going to rule.
[Apr 6,2009 2:49am - goatcatalyst ""]
ANUS said this is going to be a masterpiece, so fuck off poser niggers.
[Apr 8,2009 1:06pm - Conservationist ""]
Just leaked on NWN
[Apr 8,2009 6:33pm - Infected Vagina of Ocelated Doom  ""]
[Apr 8,2009 7:01pm - inject-now ""]
I just finished listening to the record and it's amazing. Beherit could never do any wrong anyway. So glad to have this.
[Apr 8,2009 7:21pm - ...........  ""]
really boring shit.

if this didn't have the beherit name on it no one would care.

[Apr 8,2009 7:48pm - inject-now ""]
yeah whatever you say. it sounds like beherit you fucking baffoon.
[Apr 8,2009 7:58pm - Infected Vagina of Ocelated Doom  ""]

........... said:if this didn't have the beherit name on it no one would care.

Listen up, you Jew of Negro Blood:

You're bitter.

You're bitter because your life took a bad turn, or your bands did.

You hate Beherit for being so fucking big.

Spend your energy on practicing your instrument instead.

They deserve their success. They worked for it. Maybe they were born smarter than you or me, so what. We have the same success potentially within our grasp if we work for it.

But we don't have it. What can we learn from this?

If that offends you, why don't you make like a French black metaller and walk into a train?
[Apr 8,2009 8:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]

I love ANUS

Just finished listening. Took a healthy bong rip and thought the first two songs were great, but "Pagan Moon" is just a motherfucker. The fucking thing just keeps getting better and better... I like the way the electronic stuff figured in... "Demon Advance" ... just... FUCK!

Thanks, man.
[Apr 8,2009 9:13pm - ..........  ""]
ha. you people are insane.
[Apr 8,2009 10:54pm - Infected Vagina of Ocelated Doom  ""]

goatcatalyst said:I like the way the electronic stuff figured in... "Demon Advance" ... just... FUCK!

That song is an advancement of black metal in itself. All hail the Tangerine Dream/Brutal black metal hybrid!
[Apr 9,2009 8:13am - Infected Vagina of Ocelated Doom  ""]
Demon power!
[Apr 9,2009 10:30am - Conservationist ""]
Beherit - Engram review
[Apr 9,2009 10:32am - DYA NLI  ""]
Intrigued to hear this.
[Apr 9,2009 10:34am - Yeti ""]
as am i. Drawing Down the Moon is one of the weirder things i own. no matter how much i listen to it i can't totally like the vocals, but the music behind it is untouchable.
[Apr 9,2009 3:52pm - Conservationist ""]
BEHERIT helped make black metal what it is. They are hard to like but once you've "seen" their vision, it's hard to ever forget the majesty of it.
[Apr 9,2009 3:56pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Hail the Metal of Death!
[Apr 9,2009 5:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pure werewolf semen.
[Apr 9,2009 5:14pm - Black Fart  ""]
"BEHERIT helped make black metal what it is. They are hard to like but once you've "seen" their vision, it's hard to ever forget the majesty of it."

Bullshit. They just combined the formula of Blasphemy and Sarcofago. FACT. They were also largely ignored in the early 90's and written off as shit joke band by most people. They weren't even considered a Black Metal band back then, more like Satanic, Noisy Death Metal. The only thing that got this band any recognition is the internet. Otherwise it would have faded into obscurity.

You act like this album is a huge revelation for Black Metal when in fact it's not.

Old Beherit is great stuff, this new shit is faceless and boring. Holocausto should have just let Beherit rest and stuck with being a techno fag DJ.

[Apr 9,2009 6:26pm - Conservationist ""]

Black%20Fart said:They were also largely ignored in the early 90's and written off as shit joke band by most people.

This is true, but there were some exceptions who played them constantly on their radio shows.
[Apr 9,2009 9:08pm - Black Fart  ""]

Conservationist said:
Black%20Fart said:They were also largely ignored in the early 90's and written off as shit joke band by most people.

This is true, but there were some exceptions who played them constantly on their radio shows.

Yet this still doesn't change the fact you're going around on all these msg boards acting like this is the best thing since sliced bread, making it seem as if this album will cause some "revival" of a music genre that never died in the first place!

"Black metal has been so stale and boring for the last fifteen years"


Since Black Metal's rise in popularity it has caused a glutton of uninspired, garbage bands and albums. On the other hand there have also been plenty of bands/albums that surpass anything Beherit was ever able to achieve musically.

That claim is as ridiculous as saying Death Metal is dead. There's tons of shit bands, but plenty of good ones as well. The genre will continue to flourish, as will Black Metal.
[Apr 9,2009 9:33pm - Conservationist ""]

Black%20Fart said:Since Black Metal's rise in popularity it has caused a glutton of uninspired, garbage bands and albums.

Exactly, and I'm interesting in GOOD albums which are quite rare.
[Apr 9,2009 10:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
List albums you consider "good" or you are churchgoing faggot nigger posers aka PUSSIES!!!
[Apr 10,2009 8:13am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

Black%20Fart said:
That claim is as ridiculous as saying Death Metal is dead. There's tons of shit bands, but plenty of good ones as well. The genre will continue to flourish, as will Black Metal.

I think plenty would agree with the assertion that both genre's are on life support, if not dead already. The last Death Metal album I found challenging was Obscura, and that was released about a decade ago? Both genre's will always been significant for the bands who made them so.
[Apr 10,2009 8:14am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
been = be
[Apr 10,2009 8:17am - Yeti ""]

MikeOvDecrepitvde said:I think plenty would agree with the assertion that both genre's are on life support, if not dead already.

its too bad you feel that way, they are both alive and well, you just have to know where to look and be willing to accept certain forms of evolution. sift out the 1000 shit bands and there is plenty to find. New England alone has more than a handful of excellent stuff.
[Apr 10,2009 8:26am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
I didn't necessarily say I would completely agree with that, but I believe a lot of people would. I can understand that particular point of view, for allegations aren't that unfounded. I've been listening to both Death and Black Metal for years, and I have reached a point where I'm satisfied with just listening to my favorite bands/albums and not trying to discover a bunch of new ones.
[Apr 10,2009 8:51am - Conservationist ""]

MikeOvDecrepitvde said:
Black%20Fart said:
That claim is as ridiculous as saying Death Metal is dead. There's tons of shit bands, but plenty of good ones as well. The genre will continue to flourish, as will Black Metal.

I think plenty would agree with the assertion that both genre's are on life support, if not dead already. The last Death Metal album I found challenging was Obscura, and that was released about a decade ago? Both genre's will always been significant for the bands who made them so.

Well stated. If you value your time, you want quality music. Most of the stuff now is paint by numbers, mainly because the people who came into the genre later as fans never heard it when it was vital.

Skepticism - Alloy
Beherit - Engram
Averse Sefira - Advent Parallax
Profanatica - Profanatitas de Domonatia

I'm sure there are others.
[Apr 10,2009 9:51am - arilliusbm ""]
lol, I'm not even going to chime in and give my 2 cents on this discussion.
either way, i'll take a gander at this album. I was never huge on older beherit although I understand their representation and influence.
[Apr 10,2009 9:58am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

arilliusbm said:lol, I'm not even going to chime in and give my 2 cents on this discussion.

Why not?
[Apr 10,2009 10:04am - arilliusbm ""]
because arguing over black metal, credentials, and various other topics on rttp is getting boring and stale. there's about 5 people on here that even listen to black metal
[Apr 10,2009 10:07am - Conservationist ""]

arilliusbm said:there's about 5 people on here that even listen to black metal

I have always been hopeful that the relationship between metal and punk genres would continue, with one taking the lead while the other was stagnant as has been historically true.

Terrorizer: Has it been an easy transition to slide back into the metal world? Is there anything you're looking forward to? Anything you dread?

Holocausto: That's true, but what's so significant happening in metal music for the last ten years? There's not much innovation, except the sad fact that quite amount of metalheads moved to entertainment business. Hipsters flood over bulletin boards and black metal bands sounds like happy carnival melody music? I respect only handful of newer bands and talking about your metal world in general, I would rather go back to my cave.

Terrorizer Beherit interview

For those who are curious about such things, this is why bands like Beherit lead: the people behind them are realists, intelligent, and also care about the romance of life -- such as producing great art, art which values intensity of experience over safety; Satanic art, not God-will-save-your-dumb-ass art.
[Apr 10,2009 10:22am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Inflated ego's are what cause discussions and debates to lead into arguments (more like dramatic pissing contests). People take things way too personally and can't grasp the fact that not everyone is going to think the way they do. It's good to be passionate about what you believe in, but when you try to impose your views on others, that's precisely when conflict arises.
[Apr 10,2009 10:32am - arilliusbm ""]
In response to your statement which I wholeheartedly agree with, it's rttp we're talking about here. I had plenty of fun doing that stuff on the FMP board and others.. but this board? Forget about it.
Just be thankful there are no Moonblood worshipping kvlt peons posting here bragging about their supposed collection, bragging about their “occult” beliefs even though they don’t even practice what they preach, and/or talking about how everyone else is a poser compared to them.
As I stated yesterday in a thread, there is a legitimate lack of individualism in both the black metal and hipster scenes alike, and it’s getting worse and worse.
Everyone wants to feel good about themselves; some use their “knowledge” about black metal to try to establish some sort of authority, others impose their will by arguing with everyone about everything metal.
I could care less what people think about me or anything else.. I listen to what I like and prefer isolation from most black metal folk.
[Apr 10,2009 10:39am - arilliusbm ""]
I must add the discussion boards are exactly what they say they are: made for discussion.
However, arguing with a decent chunk of the blackmetal crowd is like arguing with a 5 year old who is cornered in a room while kicking and screaming. They immediately argue and never agree to disagree. They've always got to be right.

I don't even know if what I'm saying even matches what you guys were talking about above.. haha. I'm just bored at work.
[Apr 10,2009 10:54am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
The professional virgins who sit at home on the internet, whacking it to redtube and espousing what they believe to be "tr00"; are far from leading Satanic lives. Their will to power equates to nothing more than rushing to the corner store for a bag of cheeto's, before beating the latest Halo on Xbox.
[Apr 10,2009 11:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Do you know what the OAA is?
[Apr 10,2009 11:15am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
OAA stands for a multitude of different things. Is it some sort of secret order like the OTO or TOTBL?
[Apr 10,2009 11:19am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
OAA clearly stands for the Obstreperous Appledumpling Army.
[Apr 10,2009 11:19am - dreadkill ""]
fuck this, i'm not reading a whole thread about an album named after a wide receiver who can never get on the field for all 16 games of the season. he does have good hands though.
[Apr 10,2009 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
@mike- PM me if you're interested.

@mfr - hahaha x2
@dreadkill: hahaha x3
[Apr 10,2009 12:01pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Heard some tracks off this last night. I don't think its a "comeback" record, more of a return to form. It sounds like Beherit, if you've been into them you will like this. Better production but not clean. I like the keys over the simple riffs, gives them some more life. I would say some of it is a bit DM but they've always bordered on that. Beherit has always drawn me in, I think of them as a very true representation of what traditional BM is. Can't wait to get a bit more into this record.
[Apr 10,2009 6:07pm - Conservationist ""]

MikeOvDecrepitvde said:Inflated ego's are what cause discussions and debates to lead into arguments (more like dramatic pissing contests).

And the shitty thing is that if you then do offer a considered opinion, people think you're doing it to one-up them. Oof.
[Apr 10,2009 6:53pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Yeah, definitely.
[Apr 11,2009 4:29pm - PrickBaxter  ""]
Man some people here are dumbasses. Ya Beherit had influences so what. They were disregarded by the early Norwegian scene who now look back and laugh at all the silly rules they came up with! No one mixed the super primitive caveman drumming, primal riffing, and hissing serpent vox of Holocausto. It was different and still is. The new album is great if you call yourself a fan. It sums up everything they ever did with killer production and spirit!
[May 6,2009 9:12am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I think I could listen to Axiom Heroine, on repeat, all day long. Quite the personification of Black Metal, indeed.
[Aug 27,2009 6:00pm - CNV on LSD  ""]
This is some of the best trancy tripped out bm I have heard in a long time!
[Aug 27,2009 10:51pm - Conservationist ""]
Hell yeah!
[Jul 15,2011 6:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Blaring this right now. Great album.
[Jul 15,2011 9:19am - ark  ""]
Yeah I still listen to this a lot, this record stands out big time.
[Jul 15,2011 12:44pm - Drawing Down the Koon  ""]
Archgoat's Whore of Bethlehem destroys Engram.

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