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Feb 25 (Fri) - WEEDEATER, ASG, Sin of Angels, Black Pyramid - The NEW Met Cafe (Pawtucket, RI)

Feb. 25th:WEEDEATER, ASG, Sin of Angels @ The NEW Met Cafe-Pawtucket, RI

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jan 21,2011 12:28pm - Pires ""]
$10 advance
$12 day of show


Weedeater Update: January 17, 2011, Album release, tour announced

Hey all,

It's been a while since we've chimed in, we know. But regarding Weedeater, silence is sometimes a good thing, this being one of those times. First off, and as many of you might already know, we are very happy to announce that Jason...The Dragon is fully completed and in production now to be released March 15th via Southern Lord on CD, and sometime in April on vinyl. We would like to thank Steve Albini and everyone at Electrical Audio for once again doing a great job of capturing this band on tape, and a big thanks to John Golden and Golden studios for another superb mastering job. And of course a big thanks to Greg and everyone at Southern Lord for helping us make this happen. Who knows, one of those new songs might just pop up here soon on myspace so you can grab a quick listen. We will also have a few special pre-order options for you early birds; stay tuned for updates on that front. Lastly, we are heading out to tour in support of Jason... very soon, with the US jaunt (sponsored by the good folks at The Brooklyn Vegan) starting February 18th and a European tour (to be announced soon) following Roadburn. Touring support in the US will be provided by our old friends in ASG (1st leg) and Zoroaster (2nd leg). It's gonna be a great time! Dates are posted below and tickets will go on sale later this week. Hope to see you all out there, and thanks as always for your support! More updates coming soon.

- Weedeater

02/18/11 Soapbox, Wilmington NC
02/19/11 Casbah @ Tremont, Charlotte NC
02/20/11 Casbah, Durham NC
02/21/11 Strange Matter, Richmond VA
02/22/11 Sonar, Baltimore MD
02/23/11 Kung Fu Necktie, Philadelphia PA
02/24/11 Santos Party House, New York NY
02/25/11 The Met, Pawtucket RI
02/26/11 Mohawk Place, Buffalo NY
02/27/11 Wreck Room, Toronto ON
02/28/11 Magic Stick, Detroit MI
03/01/11 Abbey Pub, Chicago IL
03/02/11 Triple Rock, Minneapolis MN
03/03/11 Jackpot, Lawrence KS
03/04/11 3 Kings Tavern, Denver CO
03/05/11 Burt's Tiki Lounge, Salt Lake City UT
03/06/11 Shredder, Boise ID
03/07/11 Funhouse, Seattle WA
03/08/11 Rotture, Portland OR
03/11/11 Thee Parkside, San Francisco CA
03/12/11 Ruby Room, San Diego CA
03/13/11 Echoplex, Los Angeles CA
03/15/11 Launchpad, Albuquerque NM
03/18/11 SXSW @ Dirty Dog, Austin TX
03/19/11 Korova, San Antonio TX
03/20/11 Siberia, New Orleans LA
03/22/11 Orpheum, Tampa FL
03/23/11 Backbooth, Orlando FL
03/24/11 The Earl, Atlanta GA
03/25/11 Ground Zero, Spartanburg SC
03/26/11 The Jinx, Savannah GA
[Jan 21,2011 1:03pm - xmikex ""]
not hatin it
[Jan 21,2011 1:03pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
SIN OF ANGELS will be on this as well
[Jan 21,2011 2:30pm - Mark_R ""]
This'll be cool
[Jan 21,2011 2:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Who booked this mammajamma? Would like to get Nightbitch on it. Our lazers will be burnin hott from the EHG show earlier in the week.
[Jan 21,2011 5:25pm - nekronaut ""]
I'll be there.
[Jan 21,2011 9:25pm - late_rising ""]
wait ... no Zoroaster?

[Jan 21,2011 10:44pm - nekronaut ""]
ASG is solid, STFU Mark. Do a steak fajita about it.
[Jan 21,2011 11:14pm - W3 nli  ""]

nekronaut said:steak fajita

that actually sounds good right about now, I could care for two and a side of seasoned curlie fries to go. thank you.
[Jan 21,2011 11:57pm - late_rising ""]

nekronaut said:ASG is solid, STFU Mark. Do a steak fajita about it.

Not hating on ASG. But Zoroaster>ASG. Just like you think CKY>ASG. Shit out an undigested pizza roll about it.
[Jan 22,2011 3:06am - nekronaut ""]
CKY is untouchable... Honestly one of the top five live bands I've ever seen.. and I've seen them at least five times since Vol 2. They still impress me. That takes a lot.
[Jan 22,2011 8:48am - Pires ""]

nekronaut said:CKY is untouchable... Honestly one of the top five live bands I've ever seen.. and I've seen them at least five times since Vol 2. They still impress me. That takes a lot.

Was bam there?
[Jan 22,2011 1:16pm - nekronaut ""]
Once. At SPOT.
[Jan 23,2011 12:18pm - RichHorror ""]
I think Zoroaster is on this. Or they were when I heard about this show last week.
[Jan 23,2011 6:30pm - Loveisafist nli  ""]
ASG is awesome, I might need to find a ride to this
[Jan 23,2011 6:35pm - nekronautnli  ""]
Don't think Zoroaster is on this.. I should just ask the all knowing Angela, since you know, she works for them and all.
[Jan 23,2011 7:21pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Fingers crossed for added sleaze.
[Jan 23,2011 10:32pm - nekronautnli  ""]
No Zoroaster.
[Jan 24,2011 12:24am - Pires ""]

nekronautnli said:No Zoroaster.

[Feb 13,2011 10:22pm - eyehatehippies ""]
Black Pyramid has been added to this billing...
[Feb 13,2011 10:40pm - Pires ""]
And this show just got incredible
[Feb 13,2011 11:47pm - W3 nli  ""]
dammit must be at this show.
[Feb 14,2011 6:36am - josh_hates_you ""]
fuck yeah. can't wait.
[Feb 14,2011 8:30am - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Feb 14,2011 8:31am - sinofangels-ray ""]
Get HIGH about it!!!
[Feb 14,2011 10:44am - eyehatehippies ""]
It's gonna fuckin' smoke...
[Feb 14,2011 7:35pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Feb 14,2011 11:38pm - Jon Svc  ""]
[Feb 16,2011 7:36am - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Feb 17,2011 11:22am - eyehatehippies ""]
Bump fuckos
[Feb 22,2011 12:45pm - eyehatehippies ""]
Eat shit.
[Feb 24,2011 11:43am - eyehatehippies ""]
Bump for tomorrow.
[Feb 24,2011 9:57pm - fappy  ""]
Top of flyer = awesome.
Bottom = special guests "Dull Fucking Font"

[Feb 25,2011 10:30am - eyehatehippies ""]
[Feb 25,2011 11:46am - josh_hates_you ""]
doors @ 8, any idea what time Black Pyramid starts at?
[Feb 25,2011 12:34pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I'll definitely be there tonight, can't pass up a lineup this good. How is the Met Cafe when it comes to starting stuff on time?
[Feb 25,2011 3:36pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Yeah, I think I'll go to this.
[Feb 25,2011 5:09pm - eyehatehippies ""]
I have no idea what time we're starting, I'm assuming around 8PM, but you know what they say about assuming...
[Feb 25,2011 5:26pm - late_rising ""]
on the FB event page it says "doors at 8, show at 9" ... if BP really aren't starting to 9 remains to be seen, but that's what it said.
[Feb 25,2011 6:05pm - Angela  ""]
FB event doesn't say that. Just says doors at 8. But spoke with the guys earlier, yes doors at 8, first band at 9. There you have it.
[Feb 25,2011 7:12pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Was supposed to hang with my brother tonight but he's too busy assisting others in their pursuit of rituals. Should be leaving by 8. Got room in my car for more Worcester people. Just sayin.
[Feb 26,2011 9:29am - josh_hates_you ""]
black pyramid killed it as usual.
sin of angels played there last set for a long time, wish the sound guy turned up the drums.
ASG totally fucking rocked
weedeater decent set but thought it was kinda dissapointing after that set from asg.
[Feb 26,2011 1:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
good show.
Josh-best pizza ever
[Feb 26,2011 1:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh yes, the NEW met is incredible.
[Feb 26,2011 4:06pm - nekronaut ""]
This venue rules. Amazing sound, two bars, clean bathrooms, plenty of room and areas to sit.

My only complaints were that bass rig kept cutting out on Sin of Angels (who had a great set otherwise) and that the Gansetts were $3.50 but the board read $3.

Moar shows here please.

Also, I wanted deep dish pizza :(
[Feb 26,2011 5:01pm - Valkyriescreams ""]
That was the best pizza I've had in a long time... you two missed out. What happened?
[Feb 26,2011 5:04pm - nekronautnli  ""]
They wanted to head back to Boston.. couldn't complain too much since I wasn't the one driving

[Feb 26,2011 5:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]

ValkyrieScreams said:Was supposed to hang with my brother tonight but he's too busy assisting others in their pursuit of rituals.

Your brother is a deacon?
[Feb 26,2011 5:34pm - Valkyriescreams ""]

goatcatalyst said:
ValkyrieScreams said:Was supposed to hang with my brother tonight but he's too busy assisting others in their pursuit of rituals.

Your brother is a deacon?

Um, yes. Yes he is just exactly that.
[Feb 26,2011 6:12pm - eyehatehippies ""]
Cool show. The bass cutting out on SoA was a bummer, but they killed it otherwise. Last song crushed/grooved old school and shit.

Wasn't into ASG. Their first two songs were background music, then suddenly heard something horrendous, looked up and there was that little skinny dude like shrieking like a chick and stuff, I turned to the other dudes and was like, "what the fuck is this? I hate this band so much right now."

Thing is, I gave them a chance, went down and checked them out proper after, and I liked some of the stuff they were bringing to the table, good riffs/parts arrangements, but every once in awhile they just threw in some shit that rubbed me the wrong way, made it tough for me to get into them. I can forgive the vocalist's style, he was good, just not my thing, but I'm hardly one to judge considering how shitty of a singer I am, sure plenty of people complain about my vox.

Weedeater were fucking crushing. Seen them many times, and this was the best set I've ever seen from them. Amazing performance, loud as fuck, feedback drenched, and just everything that good sludge is supposed to be about. Shep is still the nicest dude in the world, Keko is still a beast who plays the drums like he's going to eat them, and Dixie is whacked out of his skull. He's an animated motherfucker up there, and that's the most animated performance I've ever seen from him.
[Feb 26,2011 6:26pm - late_rising ""]
blame my faggotry for Nekronaut missing out on his deep dish pizza. I did appreciate the invite and wanted that pizza and "the best weed in Rhode Island" but I knew if we went along I wouldn't be home before 4 or 5 am and had to work today, so the fag within took over.

As for the show, ASG started off great but started to blend together in my head and soon I was barely paying attention to them. Good riffs, lots of energy, just kind of boring after a while. I like them on record, so maybe it just wasn't a good night or I wasn't in the mood.

Weedeater fucking destroyed, so damn drunk and just insanely heavy. Like EHH said, just what sludge should be - a toss up between them and Thou for best sludge sets I've seen in the past couple of years.

Venue was good, great sound and a nice layout, they just didn't seem accustomed to this kind of show, and whoever was playing a Disturbed album over the PA between bands should be run over with a fucking dumptruck and back again.
[Feb 26,2011 6:41pm - eyehatehippies ""]
I got some really good weed and hash at the show.

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