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oh what? yeah , its like that....

[May 10,2012 9:15pm - ben ""]
gotta whole lotta new ass for you to munch, OURS!!!
this time it comes in the form of our fun and fucked new video, CULT CRASHERS!!! EAT IT BITCH'S!!!
[May 10,2012 9:15pm - ben ""]

[May 10,2012 9:16pm - ben ""]

[May 10,2012 9:17pm - ben ""]
one more to shit all over your faggot faces with. ooooh smells sweet!
[May 10,2012 9:24pm - DukeManjunk ""]
[May 10,2012 9:28pm - Garth Algar  ""]
[May 10,2012 9:33pm - ben ""]
oh i'm so glad you like and accept me. i feel so welcome. NOT!!!
[May 10,2012 10:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
it's sort of like this:

[May 10,2012 10:04pm - ben ""]
oooh, glad we dont sound like that.
[May 11,2012 12:08am - realmetal  ""]
nice job posting a video with the only people in that band with TALENT no longer in it. Ray and Eirik were that band and are now on to better things, leaving the 'crux with a retarded (literally) guitarist, king homophobe, and a lousy drummer. Nice job dudes.
[May 11,2012 2:26am - Dark6Evil6Hate6  ""]
This is dark. And eeevvviiilll
[May 11,2012 12:33pm - ben ""]

realmetal said:nice job posting a video with the only people in that band with TALENT no longer in it. Ray and Eirik were that band and are now on to better things, leaving the 'crux with a retarded (literally) guitarist, king homophobe, and a lousy drummer. Nice job dudes.

" Ray and Eirik were that band and are now on to better things,"
THANKS FOR SAYING SO, i am Ray(pissed) you dillweed. look you faggoty ass wimpy turd of a man, this album is still new and available on I-TUNES,and AMAZON among other fine dealers. it will soon be released through out Europe in c.d. and tape form. i am advertising the c.d. with all four original members. all 4 members are in the song asswipe. WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T THEY BE IN THE VIDEO??? all the original members are still good friends and will be working together again one way or the other. YOU DONT KNOW SHIT. ahhh and the next full length is underway! promising to be an even uglier and angrier hellish Metal abortion then the last. WE LOVE OUR LOVERS AND OUR HATERS. SO KEEP IT COMING FUCKERS! HAHHAHHAHAAH!!!
[May 11,2012 12:48pm - confused  ""]
this is a joke, right? this can't possibly be a real band.
[May 11,2012 1:48pm - realmetal  ""]
wow, itunes, amazon, and other fine vendors? hopefully those venues work out well for you. anything where you can't open your mouth on a message board is beneficial.
[May 11,2012 3:17pm - the real slim shady  ""]
[May 11,2012 3:54pm - confused  ""]
so like you guys actually put time and effort into this? really??
[May 11,2012 4:14pm - ben ""]

confused said:this is a joke, right? this can't possibly be a real band.

[May 11,2012 4:17pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Dad black metal hobby rocking.
[May 11,2012 4:24pm - the real slim shady  ""]
Fuck the haters Raypissed is a horror metal icon
[May 11,2012 4:37pm - ben ""]
HERES A RECENT REVIEW FROM ANTIMONY 51 WEBZINE. check em; out! killer site!

Ok, I know it has been a long time coming, but another band has grabbed my attention that I think will make it big. I recently have been listening to a demo from a band called Inveritcrux. The demo is titled Virgin Reaper.

I will admit that black metal is not what I normally listen to, but I gave this one listen anyway. I was very pleasantly surprised about it. The music style wasn’t what I expected from a band that describes themselves as black metal. It had more elements of thrash and old school sounding metal. Then there were some major surprises that included harmonica. The lyrics were straight up brutal and could only be described as horror inspired in ways that would make Alice Cooper proud. The music and vocals flow really well together. I could tell from the recordings were raw sounding because the vocals some times sounded a bit off, but this is no fault of the band it was just how it was recorded. I know this because I have sen live video of this band and the vocals sounded better on those. So it shows that this band is the real deal and they really enjoy what they are doing.

What I really like about this band, is that they are not afraid to push the boundaries on a style of music that always seemed like it was afraid of change. It is in your face, theatrical, it has a very dark morbid humor,. Its practically everything you could possible want in a metal band and much more than that.

Before you know it, Inverticrux will share the stage with the legends King Diamond and Venom.

Hail Inverticrux!!
[May 11,2012 5:38pm - xgodzillax ""]
this nigga is the tommy dice of "black" metal.
[May 11,2012 5:40pm - trioxin_245 ""]

xgodzillax said:this faggot is the tommy dice of "faggot" metal.
[May 11,2012 5:46pm - chernobyl ""]
tommy dice is really talented though
[May 11,2012 5:58pm - trioxin_245 ""]
oh wow, this is literally just a video of raynard in a halloween costume dancing around a haunted house with a strobe light. I guess I don't know why I expected more. NEXT.
[May 11,2012 5:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

the%20real%20slim%20shady said:Fuck the haters Raypissed is a horror metal icon

hi ray
[May 11,2012 6:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

chernobyl said:tommy dice is really talented though

Yeah, "That's Just Dice" is like 12000x better than this shit.
[May 11,2012 6:40pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[May 12,2012 2:53pm - Marketing School  ""]
Has anybody been won over yet by Raynard's supposedly promotional yet retarded posts? Or do you feel like I do, zero respect for the guy and band?
[May 12,2012 4:50pm - ben ""]
i personally think he should be hated for the absolute piece of racist extremist garbage he is. no respect given! but i do like the music....
[May 12,2012 5:35pm - MAJOR FAG ALERT  ""]
[May 12,2012 7:09pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ben said:i personally think he should be hated for the absolute piece of racist extremist garbage he is. no respect given! but i do like the music....

do you really think posting racist pics you found on google image on a message board is 'extreme'? you got a lot to learn pal... NEXT
[May 13,2012 2:04am - ben  ""]

trioxin_245 said:
ben said:i personally think he should be hated for the absolute piece of racist extremist garbage he is. no respect given! but i do like the music....

do you really think posting racist pics you found on google image on a message board is 'extreme'? you got a lot to learn pal... NEXT

whoa, you are one clueless shitbag. i love it!
[May 13,2012 2:19am - real story  ""]
I bet Ross gives you a look and you become his immediate bitch.
[May 13,2012 2:38am - ben, Dover NH  ""]
I bet you bitches want me anally....buncha faggotss you are...
[May 13,2012 2:56am - Fuck_Logging_In  ""]
[May 13,2012 3:03am - Fuck_Logging_In  ""]
[May 13,2012 12:11pm - ben  ""]

real%20story said:I bet Ross gives you a look and you become his immediate bitch.
ross who?
[May 13,2012 12:21pm - trioxin_245 ""]
man, I love that even this guys FRIENDS are telling me I should fuck him up. I mean, I'm not going to, but I still can't wait to see him in person.
[May 13,2012 12:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ben said:
real%20story said:I bet Ross gives you a look and you become his immediate bitch.
ross who?

says the guy that messaged the guy named "ross" on fb with gun threats

[May 13,2012 8:51pm - ben  ""]

trioxin_245 said:man, I love that even this guys FRIENDS are telling me I should fuck him up. I mean, I'm not going to, but I still can't wait to see him in person.

trycocksin who?
[May 13,2012 10:10pm - ben  ""]

trioxin_245 said:man, I love that even this guys FRIENDS are telling me I should fuck him up. I mean, I'm not going to, but I still can't wait to see him in person.
even if by chance you could beat me up, the life destroying HELL that would follow you to your worthless grave would not be worth your fool move at being a tough guy. stay safe.
[May 13,2012 10:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:man, I love that even this guys FRIENDS are telling me I should fuck him up. I mean, I'm not going to, but I still can't wait to see him in person.
even if by chance you could beat me up, the life destroying HELL that would follow you to your worthless grave would not be worth your fool move at being a tough guy. stay safe.

[May 13,2012 10:29pm - ben  ""]
Raypissed says "MMMMM TASTY!"
[May 13,2012 11:01pm - ben  ""]
[May 13,2012 11:04pm - ben  ""]
click the above link to hear a fine sample from the upcoming MEGA COMP!!! now available through Satanica records Australia! includes tracks from both INVERTICRUX and VINTAGE FLESH! over a hundred from the best of the U.G.!!!
[May 13,2012 11:04pm - ben  ""]
[May 13,2012 11:10pm - ben  ""]
[May 14,2012 1:06am - trioxin245 nli  ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:man, I love that even this guys FRIENDS are telling me I should fuck him up. I mean, I'm not going to, but I still can't wait to see him in person.
even if by chance you could beat me up, the life destroying HELL that would follow you to your worthless grave would not be worth your fool move at being a tough guy. stay safe.

now Im actually curious. What exactly do you mean by HELL? I need details please.
[May 14,2012 1:08am - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:man, I love that even this guys FRIENDS are telling me I should fuck him up. I mean, I'm not going to, but I still can't wait to see him in person.

trycocksin who?

[May 14,2012 1:11am - trioxin245 nli  ""]
haha dude is a JOKE
[May 14,2012 1:11am - chernobyl ""]
Raynard, you are a faggot lol
[May 14,2012 7:30am - ben  ""]
thanks for all the video hits! i swear i get more views on this page from the haters over anyone else. thank you to all our loyal haters.
[May 14,2012 8:17am - Revealed!  ""]
Truth is all the video hits are just me watching em over and over again. I'm a lonely man and need a few good laughs. :( sorry

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