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Which show are you going to? BONGZILLA/WARGASM

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[Sep 14,2004 10:13pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Fucked if I can decide yet... Maybe leave the Block after KEVORKIAN'S and try to catch WARGASM...
[Sep 14,2004 11:23pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
Kid Rock
[Sep 14,2004 11:57pm - Mary ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Fucked if I can decide yet... Maybe leave the Block after KEVORKIAN'S and try to catch WARGASM...

Good luck. Kevorkian's set is over around 11:15pm.
[Sep 15,2004 7:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Kevorkian's Angels set is around 10:45
[Sep 15,2004 9:05am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to go to wargasm and then head to the block. I'm not a fan of bongzilla's music, but I like the singing.
[Sep 15,2004 9:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you will probably catch Gut as well, Reverend.
[Sep 15,2004 9:14am - subjugate ""]
who cares they are both great bands and great shows

gasm is gonna easly sell out i think it's ben close to 10years since they broke up and it may be the last chance for anyone to see em so for me the choice is obvious
[Sep 15,2004 9:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I care
[Sep 15,2004 11:23am - Anonymous  ""]
Well, let's see, Wargasm is not worth spending money on, and Bongzilla is at the chopping block, a horrible venue. The sound always sucks. So u decide.
[Sep 15,2004 11:26am - Robdeadskin ""]
whatta mean gasm isnt worth goin to!!
[Sep 15,2004 11:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the block is a great venue, if the sound sucks then that means you saw bands with bad equipment because they only mic the vocals there.
[Sep 15,2004 11:31am - Robdeadskin ""]
hey...whatta sayin...hahaha
[Sep 15,2004 11:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Anonymous said:Well, let's see, Wargasm is not worth spending money on, and Bongzilla is at the chopping block, a horrible venue. The sound always sucks. So u decide.

Go hang yourself.
[Sep 15,2004 12:54pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
anyone who submits posts slamming bands under 'anonymous' is a very special kind of pussy
[Sep 15,2004 12:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Tru dat!
[Sep 15,2004 12:58pm - subjugate ""]
th3rdknuckle said:anyone who submits posts slamming bands under 'anonymous' is a very special kind of pussy

couldn't have said it beter myself man
[Sep 15,2004 1:15pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i hope tix arent sold out yet
[Sep 15,2004 1:20pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
they aren't sold out yet
Shred at the mid east is projecting it will sell out friday night/saturday afternoon, after the WAAF Harder Faster interview on Thursday
[Sep 15,2004 1:42pm - Mary ""]
Haha, WAAF.
[Sep 15,2004 2:10pm - Flesheater ""]
Im going to the Wargasm show.Got my ticket yesterday.If ne of you are in the Salem,NH area Filenes at the Rockingham Mall sells tickets for all ticketmaster shows.
[Sep 15,2004 2:41pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
subjugate said:gasm is gonna easly sell out

I'm doubting this a LOT, but I could be wrong.
[Sep 15,2004 2:44pm - Anonymous  ""]
oh well, it's fun to see you guys talk it up. it's worth posting just for that. But yeah, blame the chopping block sound on bad equipment, haha. Do u know anything about sound Notcommon? You've been putting on shows for awhile, i'd figure you'd know better by now. Anyways, i await your petty bickering.
[Sep 15,2004 2:46pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
In fact I do know about sound, the place is acoustically designed fairly well, they only mic the vocals, and with the new mixing board and mic it sounds fine.
[Sep 15,2004 2:58pm - moran ""]
If I actually motivate myself to leave Quincy, Wargasm is choice.
[Sep 15,2004 3:06pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Some bands sound VERY good at the Choppin' Block... End of story...
[Sep 15,2004 4:16pm - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
Well, i've played the chopping block, which i won't do again, and i know my drums sounded good, because they are expensive good sounding drums but the overal mix from my point was awful, and the other bands i heard also had a horrible mix and overal tone. I would figure it's harder to mix the bands i'm in at a place like that just because of our song writing. Slower more open music would work better.
[Sep 15,2004 4:23pm - Bradness ""]
when i bring our mixer and some decent mics , the Block sounds pretty good. To anonymous: Joe is correct in saying the equipment is the problem, the mixer they have has ONE working input, has horrible EQ settings, and the speakers have almost no high end. That said, when i bring our mixer and good mics, it improves exponentially, though still needs improvement. They don't even have a sound guy, it's up to the bands to do the sound, and in my opinion, there isn't alot of hope for bands who can barely set up their amps let alone a PA, to get good sound(ie. no screeching feedback)

so fuck you all, especially you Joe
[Sep 15,2004 6:23pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The Block has a new mixing board, where all but one channel works. I think some band left it behind or something. It sounds alot better there these days, but still not as good as your mixer.

[Sep 15,2004 6:35pm - Hooker ""]
The chopping block always sounds like shit. I don't know why we can't get good sound in there. I think they should have bands play in the next room over and leave the bar alone. That stage can't handle shit and I hate having people sit right in front of me. I think the outlets in there just make amps sound like shit. We all have damn good gear and it always sounds shitty but fuck it. It's the block. It's usually a good time regardless.
[Sep 15,2004 7:12pm - noosebomb666 ""]
The CHOPPING BLOCK FUCKING ROCKS PERIOD, as does OBRIENS and all other dives with so called "bad sound". All you people whining about bad sound care too much about what others think. Its all about the energy and volume. Has anyone actually ever come up to you after playing there and said" Man, your sound sucked"? Just go out and play, tear it up and have fun. No one really cares if the sound sucks, unless the vox are too low or one guitar is drowning the other, etc. 2 second volume check before your set will take care of that.
[Sep 15,2004 7:23pm - Hooker ""]
Shit sound shit band shit show.
[Sep 15,2004 7:41pm - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
i've played the Choppin Block and O'Breins several times, both do FUCKING rock if you don't like the club around here dont play them. you're not Metallica dont complain about the sound, just be happy you get to play shows
[Sep 15,2004 7:44pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 15,2004 7:48pm - Assuck ""]
who are you whiskey weed and women?

i take it you like hank williams III?
[Sep 15,2004 7:56pm - Hooker ""]
I might get drunk and rob a boink. Sheeoot mah car if it don't craynk.
[Sep 15,2004 8:44pm - ninkaszi187 ""]
i agree with hooker about having the bands play on the other side of the choppin block. i also hate having people sitting on bar stools two feet away from me. if people just stood up it would be a lot cooler like at phobia/rotten sound. people were actually really thrashing at that show. it should be like that every time imo.
[Sep 15,2004 8:53pm - Hooker ""]
it'd be sweet
[Sep 15,2004 9:36pm - succubus ""]
ohh now i feel like an ass for sitting on those stools when i'm taking pics =(
[Sep 16,2004 12:56am - ninkaszi187 ""]
your taking pics, you get a free pass.

i actually do like the choppin block a lot. i've seen some great bands there like methadrone, demoncy, anal cunt, rotten sound, phobia, noosebomb, etc. most of the time bands sound pretty good. it's just a really cramped space up there.

[Sep 16,2004 2:38am - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
Hey noosebomb66, your response explains exactly why i care about live sound.
[Sep 16,2004 4:52am - BestialOnslaught ""]
whiskey, weed, and women said:i've played the Choppin Block and O'Breins several times, both do FUCKING rock if you don't like the club around here dont play them. you're not Metallica dont complain about the sound, just be happy you get to play shows

*thumbsup* :NEWHORNS:
[Sep 16,2004 5:21am - George ""]
bands can sound good live, but most metal bands dont. partially that's at fault of the venue having bad equipment/acoustics or what have you, but i think it has alot more to do with the guitar sound. when you scoop your mids like every death metal band does you cut out volume. all you can hear is farting vocals and drums. guitars are mid range instruments, when you dont have any midrange you can't hear what notes are being played, so you have to turn up, and usually that just ends up sounding like shit (ie. that new dimebag darrel amp that doesn't have midrange and is 300 watts...ugh). it gets mudded in with the drums and vocals because there's nothing to give the guitar definition, just overdistorted chug noise.
live sound can sound good and is important. i have been told when my band has sounded good or bad at a venue. like at alot of basement shows i've played the sound wasn't that great, but at some venues i've played the sound has been awesome. i've only played the chopping block once and dont really recall the sound. obriens isn't that bad, i've sounded much worse at shows than that. try playing in a back yard, you wont be able to hear anything the other band members will play.
[Sep 16,2004 9:00am - KING NOOSEBOMB  ""]
[Sep 16,2004 10:28am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
The way a band sounds live is the whold damn thing. You could be the best band on earth but if you sound sucks its going to bring that down period. The Block is cool but the sound is shit there. Aside from the sketchy electricity in that place. We've blown the fuses everytime we've played there. My teeth touched the mic grate once and sent lightning into my eyeballs. That being said I still like playing there alot, its always fun, I just wish the sound was better. And I didnt get electrocuted.
[Sep 16,2004 3:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Is this show 18+?
[Sep 16,2004 3:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wargasm I mean
[Sep 16,2004 3:26pm - Hooker ""]
it's all ages.
[Sep 16,2004 3:29pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
Nooooooooooo....Wargasm is 18+
[Sep 16,2004 3:30pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Which is it??????? 18+ OR all ages?????
[Sep 16,2004 3:31pm - Hooker ""]
ah fuck it. I'm done.
[Sep 16,2004 3:32pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
IT'S 18+
[Sep 16,2004 3:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah I checked. CRAP. Just checking for a friend.
[Sep 16,2004 3:40pm - Hooker ""]
I love how I know nothing about shows I'm playing. I'm AWESOME.

*shoots self in the face*
[Sep 17,2004 10:41am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Yeah you suck.

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