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New name for Nasum

[Feb 19,2005 11:15pm - Bradness ""]
thank John Gillis for that one
Miesko used to be grindcore, but now he's new wave
[Feb 19,2005 11:33pm - Robdeadskin ""]
not funny......
[Feb 19,2005 11:41pm - metalmatt666 ""]
[Feb 20,2005 12:06am - HangingByAThread  ""]
you're crude, and funny too
[Feb 20,2005 12:25am - powerkok ""]
thats almost as funny as the sri lankan swimming team joke I heard.
[Feb 20,2005 12:27am - Boots ""]
Q: how do you find a whore in sri lanka?
A: she's the one wearing the fish nets
[Feb 20,2005 1:33am - jonnyrites ""]
ehhhhhhh...RIP nasum. and not that funny...
[Feb 20,2005 2:42am - MyDeadDoll ""]
shitty joke, but i kinda giggled...

what was te sri lankan swimming team one??
[Feb 20,2005 5:33am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Bradness said:Miesko used to be grindcore, but now he's new wave

[Feb 20,2005 9:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Feb 20,2005 12:31pm - armageddonday ""]
[Feb 20,2005 1:18pm - dreadkill ""]
that joke wasn't funny
[Feb 20,2005 1:32pm - Paullll  ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHA! nasum was washed up anyways. After inhale/ exhale they went down the drain.
[Feb 20,2005 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't like human 2.0.. but I liked the new cd.
[Feb 20,2005 2:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Paullll said: nasum was washed up anyways.

Just like the vocalist!


[Feb 20,2005 3:46pm - armageddonday ""]
it's really not funny at all...
[Feb 20,2005 5:44pm - lil_jackie ""]
[Feb 20,2005 6:06pm - Kalopsia ""]
not funny
[Feb 20,2005 7:56pm - Mary ""]
Oh loosen up, fuckwads.
[Feb 20,2005 8:15pm - Boots ""]
break out the bibs and pampers.
[Feb 20,2005 8:37pm - danny_p ""]
faggot nigger kike etc etc.....

[Feb 20,2005 8:38pm - danny_p ""]
ps. it is a bad joke though, that i can comprehend
[Feb 20,2005 11:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
anyone who got upset is a stupid faggot
[Feb 21,2005 5:24am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
People live, people die, it's the circle of life.
[Feb 21,2005 8:16am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:People live, people die, it's the circle of life.

choir time!
[Feb 21,2005 9:51am - Josh_Martin ""]
[Feb 21,2005 3:26pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
I like Nasum alot, and I still think the joke is funny. Get a sense of humor you PC faggots.
[Feb 21,2005 3:31pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
that new wave part made me giggle
[Feb 21,2005 3:39pm - Hooker ""]
They changed their sound. They're a new wave band these days.
[Feb 21,2005 3:45pm - anonymous  ""]
PC? its a joke...what does it have to do with being PC or not?
[Feb 21,2005 3:56pm - Kalopsia ""]
it has nothing to do with being PC dumbass
[Feb 21,2005 4:01pm - anonymous  ""]
people love to use "hes just a PC faggot" for everything here. I think someone was taking about how PC people were making threats to a club that was gonna have CNV play. I didnt realize it was PC to threaten people?
[Feb 21,2005 4:11pm - armageddonday ""]
Kalopsia said:it has nothing to do with being PC dumbass

Yeah he probably doesn't know what PC means. I think a lot of people on this board have no clue what it fucking means. I'm being called PC all the fucking time by some folks on here and I'm seriously getting sick of it. This term is being overused.
Fuck you.
[Feb 21,2005 5:30pm - anonymous  ""]
armageddonday said:Kalopsia said:it has nothing to do with being PC dumbass

Yeah he probably doesn't know what PC means. I think a lot of people on this board have no clue what it fucking means. I'm being called PC all the fucking time by some folks on here and I'm seriously getting sick of it. This term is being overused.
Fuck you.

Sorry you are just a hippie peace punk, somehow peace and punk sound very wrong together
[Feb 21,2005 5:30pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
anonymous said:armageddonday said:Kalopsia said:it has nothing to do with being PC dumbass

Yeah he probably doesn't know what PC means. I think a lot of people on this board have no clue what it fucking means. I'm being called PC all the fucking time by some folks on here and I'm seriously getting sick of it. This term is being overused.
Fuck you.

Sorry you are just a hippie peace punk, somehow peace and punk sound very wrong together

That was me
[Feb 21,2005 5:37pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah whatever works for you Masshole
[Feb 21,2005 6:35pm - Blue ""]
funny, but i cringed at the same time.
[Feb 21,2005 7:03pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
People seem to make alot of jokes on here about bands losing members, which is for the most part annoying ,I have to admit I saw the Tsunami jokes coming,laughed ,but then was like that was not funny,And the whole dimebag thing got way outta hand on here,So think of it like this next time you go to make a joke,What if it was a member of a band that posted on this board? Someone in your band? Would you be laughing and making jokes then?
[Feb 21,2005 7:04pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
haha ,That was my PSA for this thread
[Feb 21,2005 7:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
Todd said:People seem to make alot of jokes on here about bands losing members, which is for the most part annoying ,I have to admit I saw the Tsunami jokes coming,laughed ,but then was like that was not funny,And the whole dimebag thing got way outta hand on here,So think of it like this next time you go to make a joke,What if it was a member of a band that posted on this board? Someone in your band? Would you be laughing and making jokes then?

the thing is todd, someone like joe/notcommon, would
[Feb 21,2005 7:20pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
yea true ,he may be the exception to this whole thing
[Feb 21,2005 7:22pm - Bradness ""]
i love Nasum
i love lamp
i really love laughing
[Feb 21,2005 7:52pm - armageddonday ""]
what is lamp?
[Feb 21,2005 7:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Short for Lampooning maybe, I don't know.
[Feb 21,2005 8:01pm - Boots ""]
this is for everybody that got offended... take your pick.
[Feb 21,2005 8:01pm - armageddonday ""]
[Feb 21,2005 8:03pm - Boots ""]
nevermind. blah fucking blah. just stop crying everybody. you will die too!!!
[Feb 21,2005 8:11pm - Bradness ""]
it's from a movie Anne. Anchorman to be exact.
[Feb 21,2005 8:54pm - Phil E  ""]
Didnt some of you get all pissed when people talked shit about seth from A.C's stroke-out? Whatever, I dont wanna bitch about this...I laughed at the joke, sucks for that guys family tho, but musicly I think nasums last 3 albums were average to shitty.
[Feb 21,2005 9:56pm - KeithMutiny ""]
if i die, i hope people make everlasting joke threads about me...

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