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GORGUTS - Obscura...

[Jul 8,2006 6:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

This CD ages so well, maybe even gets better as the years pass.

[Jul 8,2006 6:13pm - powerkok ""]
Love it.


GREAT thread!!
[Jul 8,2006 6:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jul 8,2006 6:27pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Both Considered Dead and The Erosion of Sanity are better but Obscura is a great album regardless
[Jul 8,2006 9:56pm - cdan nli  ""]
[Jul 8,2006 11:44pm - blue ""]
their sound will always remain fresh.
[Jul 9,2006 12:46am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I think it remains fresh because I've listened to it for the better part of a decade and I still can't figure out what the fuck they were thinking.

Fascinating record.
[Jul 9,2006 1:00am - ElJustin ""]
they are the best band ever.
[Jul 9,2006 1:37am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Do any of you freaks like NATRON or PAVOR also?
[Jul 9,2006 2:12am - ElJustin ""]
i've never heard of them...but i like PURULENCE a ton
[Jul 9,2006 9:26am - Anthony nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Do any of you freaks like NATRON or PAVOR also?

YES I do.

In terms of later-period Gorguts, I prefer From Wisdom to Hate. It has better songwriting.

Their best album is, was, and forever shall be The Erosion of Sanity.
[Jul 9,2006 1:16pm - hunterhunter ""]
I liike erosion of sanity
[Jul 9,2006 3:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I think it remains fresh because I've listened to it for the better part of a decade and I still can't figure out what the fuck they were thinking.

Fascinating record.

I second this motion, this CD is just off the wall insane. I remember seeing them with Nile/Cryptopsy/Opressor and Scattered Reminants on the Obscura tour in Springfield MA, what a sick show that was :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 9,2006 3:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I was there, I still have the shirt.
[Jul 10,2006 1:57am - BornSoVile ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Do any of you freaks like NATRON or PAVOR also?

I have Pavor - Furioso and Natron - Bedtime for Mercy. Just put on NATRON after reading this, it's been probably been like 4 years since I've heard this and I like it so much more. Heil Dwyer.

but I don't have Obscura. I finally got the from the vaults with Considered Dead/Erosion of Sanity which has been in steady rotation since....shoulda started with these rather than From Wisdom to Hate.
[Jul 10,2006 7:39pm - Anthony nli  ""]
"In the gloomy vault of nothingness
My imagination will agonize
Suffering of a psychic blindness
Nothing is all I recognize"

The way Luc delivers these lyrics in 'Condemned to Obscurity' is fucking incredible. He is one of the best death metal vocalists ever, largely because of The Erosion of Sanity.
[Jul 10,2006 7:39pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Josh, how do you like that Pavor disc?
[Jul 10,2006 8:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I am always into it till it gives me a headache, then I turn it off
[Jul 10,2006 8:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The first PAVOR CD "A Pale Debilitating Autumn" is my favorite, but both are great.
[Jul 10,2006 8:52pm - Anthony nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:The first PAVOR CD "A Pale Debilitating Autumn" is my favorite, but both are great.

have an extra copy you will sell me?
[Jul 10,2006 8:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I should email them and have them let me reissue it.
[Jul 10,2006 9:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
Anthony nli said:Josh, how do you like that Pavor disc?

not too shabby. I think I like the Natron disc more in comparision. Better bass playing on Pavor though. Overall I'd give it an 85.
[Jul 10,2006 9:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'll need to listen to Erosion of Sanity again. I remember it being, well, just pretty typical death metal with little personality. But I'll listen again.
[Jul 10,2006 9:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Josh, that isn't even the best NATRON CD, track down their "Negative Prevails" release.
[Jul 10,2006 9:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
Gorguts = Naturally Elite Quebecois Death Metal
[Jul 11,2006 12:10am - Anthony nli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Josh, that isn't even the best NATRON CD, track down their "Negative Prevails" release.

yeah that is a cool disc. production is a bit muddy for my tastes though.
[Jul 11,2006 12:11am - Anthony nli  ""]
BornSoVile said:Anthony nli said:Josh, how do you like that Pavor disc?

not too shabby. I think I like the Natron disc more in comparision. Better bass playing on Pavor though. Overall I'd give it an 85.

yeah Rainer Landferman is a fucking beast. The disc has parts that I think are mindblowing, and parts I think are so-so. I think it would benefit from shorter songs and tighter songwriting. Still awesome though.
[Jul 11,2006 12:19am - Anthony nli  ""]

[Jul 11,2006 1:36am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm putting this on my rotation tomorrow. It had better be good.

I remember getting both of the first two records and being like, "yeah, it's death metal", then shutting them off and putting Obituary, Pestilence and Bolt Thrower back on.
[Feb 14,2013 11:11am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

Kinslayer said:Both Considered Dead and The Erosion of Sanity are better but Obscura is a great album regardless

[Feb 14,2013 11:18am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Now an official appreciation.


An esoteric piece of art that gives the bardo an audio representation.

Worship in the realms of death.
[Feb 14,2013 11:51am - Mark_R ""]
All their albums and the Negativa EP are enjoyable but Obscura was definitely the one that makes an impact, at least on my ears.

I thought it was odd to read the line in Choosing Death where someone calls Gorguts just another "going nowhere" band, with no mention of Obscura and what it brought to the table for death metal.

On the other hand, it doesn't strike me as a game-changer in that it didn't really alter the flow of the river (so to speak) since its release. It appears to be standing more as a unique monument in death metal history: an album that could be made at one time by one group of musicians, respected yet not imitated.
[Feb 14,2013 12:06pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Yeah, I agree with you, and I'm sort of glad that no one attempted to really mimic this albums style, simply because it is so unique and unorthodox. Sometimes a single piece of expression should be left to stand on it's own, rather than birth poor attempts at emulation from lesser artists.
[Feb 14,2013 12:18pm - AndrewBastard ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:
Kinslayer said:Both Considered Dead and The Erosion of Sanity are better but Obscura is a great album regardless


i still feel this way. 6 years later...

DrinkHardThrashHard said:then shutting them off and putting Obituary, Pestilence and Bolt Thrower back on.

really? 'guts are easily on par ...particularly for a fan of said bands.
[Feb 14,2013 12:38pm - chrisREX ""]
When it was real hot a couple years ago I was listening to a fair amount of technical death metal, but Obscura helped me realized how most of the music was petty and weak. Unlike its attempted imitators there's this ]soul behind Obscura that makes it something powerful.

...shut up feggot?
[Feb 14,2013 3:06pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Did anyone else attend the show at the Palladium back around 2001 or so? Eternal Suffering and Marduk also played. I think it was just Luc on guitar and the bassist Steve? It was too bad Steeve Hurdle wasn't involved, so they could have really pulled off all the crazy shit from Obscura live.
[Feb 14,2013 7:47pm - NEGROTIC OVERLORD  ""]


[Feb 14,2013 8:02pm - blue ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Did anyone else attend the show at the Palladium back around 2001 or so? Eternal Suffering and Marduk also played. I think it was just Luc on guitar and the bassist Steve? It was too bad Steeve Hurdle wasn't involved, so they could have really pulled off all the crazy shit from Obscura live.

i still dont understand why i didnt go to that.

always thought that the first riff on obscura was best described as 'a washing machine getting thrown down the stairs.'

when they played great scott a couple years ago new guitar player dude from dysrhythmia was fucking riffs up all over the place. i was all liek 'hey dude you should let me play that for you lolol'
[Feb 14,2013 8:16pm - BSV  ""]
I was at that palladium show, legendary night.
They reinvented how to play guitar on Obscura
[Feb 14,2013 8:45pm - Spence ""]
This thread inspired me to listen to Obscura and From Wisdom to Hate today. Amazing band, they make so many fucking cool sounds come from their guitars. And their basslines are always thick and sexy as fuck.

Definitely appreciated.
[Feb 14,2013 9:04pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

blue said:
always thought that the first riff on obscura was best described as 'a washing machine getting thrown down the stairs.'

Man, the very opening of that song kills me everytime, that quick stop and go section where he blasts for just a second with the hi hat and then immediately switches it up and is hitting the crash ride while blasting. It's one of the most hectic sounding things I've ever heard. That's a fine example of utilizing blast beats properly. Technically precise, appropriately placed, and adds a necessary layer of intensity to compliment the riffing which is completely over the top.

BSV said:
They reinvented how to play guitar on Obscura

This. I remember listening to the album while reading early reviews up its release. It got panned all over the place, and one reviewer went as far as to say that Luc forgot how to play guitar and that it gave the reviewer the impression that they recorded the sounds of throwing their guitars down a spiral staircase. I couldn't figure out what album everyone else was listening to because Obscura literally melted my mind and I still can't get enough of it even to this day.
[Feb 14,2013 9:13pm - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Yeah, I agree with you, and I'm sort of glad that no one attempted to really mimic this albums style, simply because it is so unique and unorthodox. Sometimes a single piece of expression should be left to stand on it's own, rather than birth poor attempts at emulation from lesser artists.

you have a way with words. you should write reviews or have a blog or something...you're quite the wordsmith. not to mention the fact that you are into good shit so generally whatever you choose to write about would probably be interesting to most of us...
[Feb 14,2013 9:17pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Thanks you man, I appreciate that. I was actually working on something called "Blog Sothoth" but I've been busy at work and I've got other obligations so I haven't been able to dedicate as much time to it as I'd like. Hopefully soon I can get things back on track.
[Feb 14,2013 9:21pm - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]
holy shit, Bog Sothoth is genius...fucking do it.

ive always wanted to get a crew of contributers together a do an old school style paper print zine dedicated to metal, art, writing etc...

want to do it a. to keep that old school flame burning and b. because I could to the layout and print/staple the thing for free at work so that factor of it would be totally covered.

just need contributers.
[Feb 14,2013 9:26pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
You have the capabilities too. If you go forward with it, I'd jump on board as a contributor. I'd like to start conducting interviews again with underground bands, like I did in the late 90's, early 2000's.
[Feb 14,2013 9:42pm - AndrewBastard nawt logged in  ""]
every issue will feature your blog, Blog Sothoth...Ill also put each issue online digitally as a dwnloadable PDF file and we'll have a facebook page for the zine to keep people updated and to give people the option of mailing *well concealed cash* if they want t order physical copies...
[Feb 15,2013 12:55am - BSV  ""]
I was at that palladium show, legendary night.
They reinvented how to play guitar on Obscura
[Feb 15,2013 12:57am - BSV  ""]
My phone sucks to post with
[Feb 15,2013 7:04am - arilliusbm ""]
This band absolutely kills. I've always liked Erosion the best but everything they've done has been amazing. I must say, though, I don't like the KralliceFag in them.
[Feb 15,2013 4:21pm - NEGROTIC OVERLORD  ""]

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