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14 years ago today...

[Aug 10,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
[Aug 10,2007 10:43am - timjohn  ""]
Aarseth >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vikernes
[Aug 10,2007 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i don't agree with either of their views, but musically i am all about Burzum.
[Aug 10,2007 10:47am - timjohn  ""]
i am a pretty big burzum fan, but mayhem smokes them. buried by time and dust, what
[Aug 10,2007 10:49am - Yeti ""]
i don't really care much for Mayhem. i like De Mysteriis and the earlier stuff, but Maniac has always bothered me. however i can't think of one Burzum song that i dislike. Det Som Engang Var dominates all.
[Aug 10,2007 10:50am - Yeti ""]
Mayhem's "Ordo Ad Chao" is pretty good, but not jerkoff worthy as it has been portrayed. it does have a way more kvlt edge, but it just seems tired.
[Aug 10,2007 10:52am - timjohn  ""]
[Aug 10,2007 10:53am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
i thought he was killed on the 19th
[Aug 10,2007 10:54am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
my sources fucked up
[Aug 10,2007 11:02am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 10,2007 11:05am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I've seriously been reading a lot of Varg's writing, lately. I don't agree with an awful lot of it, but he's a smart fucking guy regardless. I'm really fascinated by what happens when you put a mind like that - a creative, inquisitive mind - in isolation for a long period of time. There's definitely such a thing as too much time to think. Waaay curious as to what he's gonna do when he eventually gets out - I wonder if he'll be able to handle life on the outside.
[Aug 10,2007 11:30am - niflheim ""]
Varg Vikernes is a musical genius despite what anyone personally thinks of him. Mayhem only wishes they could have created albums as brilliant as Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem. I don't mind his views, he's entitled to his beliefs (many of which have been distorted by lies and false rumors). P.C. kids tend to go apeshit over his Nordic pride, but whatever.
[Aug 10,2007 11:40am - timjohn  ""]
[Aug 10,2007 11:42am - goatcatalyst ""]
11 posts and 70 views and NOT ONE mention of Euronymous' belly-shirt...

I'm ashamed of you, RTTP
[Aug 10,2007 11:49am - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
goatcatalyst said:11 posts and 70 views and NOT ONE mention of Euronymous' belly-shirt...

I'm ashamed of you, RTTP

It's no wonder he stabbed him in the head.

It's going to be so weird when Varg gets out of Jail. I hope he does another Buzum Album. Im sure we will see some more books from him though.

[Aug 10,2007 11:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
Aura_At_Dusk said:goatcatalyst said:11 posts and 70 views and NOT ONE mention of Euronymous' belly-shirt...

I'm ashamed of you, RTTP

It's no wonder he stabbed him in the head.

would it have been more appropriate if he stabbed him in the butt?


on another note...

let's have a moment of silence for the REAL victim here...

snorre, of thorns. had he not gone to jail for x-many years, who knows how many glorious riffs he'd have graced us with?
[Aug 10,2007 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
it was the 90's! everyone was wearing a belly shirt.
just be glad it wasn't a cut off BUM equipment shirt.
[Aug 10,2007 11:56am - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
Ha. I forgot about him. That sucks for him that he went to jail too, but I dont think anyone really cares.
[Aug 10,2007 11:59am - goatcatalyst ""]
people should care

trondertun tape = norwegian black metal archetype


[Aug 10,2007 12:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
goatcatalyst said:11 posts and 70 views and NOT ONE mention of Euronymous' belly-shirt...

I'm ashamed of you, RTTP

I'm just secretly jealous.

Aura_At_Dusk said:It's going to be so weird when Varg gets out of Jail. I hope he does another Buzum Album. Im sure we will see some more books from him though.

From the articles on the site, he's planning on it. He says it's gonna be pretty much along the lines of the earlier albums (as opposed to synthesizer city). Apparently they just recently allowed him to have an acoustic guitar again, so I've got to imagine he's spending a LOT of time playing. Supposedly his next album is still going to be super-primitive (which I have no problem with), but I'm curious what it would sound like if he worked some acoustic stuff and more technicality into his sound.

[Aug 10,2007 12:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
goatcatalyst said:let's have a moment of silence for the REAL victim here...

snorre, of thorns. had he not gone to jail for x-many years, who knows how many glorious riffs he'd have graced us with?

Snitches get stitches. LOL

[Aug 10,2007 12:09pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
I read an interview with him. They asked about when he broke out of Jail an stole a car. They found a bunch of rope and explosives in his car. They wanted to know what he was going to do with it. I think he replied by saying something to the effect of "we will just have to wait and see about that".

So he will probably just end up in jail again.
[Aug 10,2007 12:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Aura_At_Dusk said:I read an interview with him. They asked about when he broke out of Jail an stole a car. They found a bunch of rope and explosives in his car. They wanted to know what he was going to do with it. I think he replied by saying something to the effect of "we will just have to wait and see about that".

So he will probably just end up in jail again.

Haha i remember that. You can blame the norwiegian gov't for having the bright idea of letting him out for the day.

[Aug 10,2007 12:26pm - JDDomination ""]
I heard that he completely quit playing metal and rock music all together. If I remember correctly he is mostly interested in techno now because he feels that rock/metal music is derived from black roots such as blues. And he's a racist so he is refusing to play anything related to "black" music. Is this true? Or am I thinking of someone else?
[Aug 10,2007 12:27pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
No I think he just said he hates most everyone in "The scene" and doesnt like being recognized so he would go to underground techno clubs instead of Metal bars or things like that.
[Aug 10,2007 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
JDDomination said:I heard that he completely quit playing metal and rock music all together. If I remember correctly he is mostly interested in techno now because he feels that rock/metal music is derived from black roots such as blues. And he's a racist so he is refusing to play anything related to "black" music. Is this true? Or am I thinking of someone else?

i read that too. what i think is, after 14 years in jail, and turning 34 this year, he is now reflecting on all the dumb shit he said to be controversial. his recent writings are very subdued compared to what he used to be like. he could certainly be doing that to paint a different image of himself, but i wonder.
[Aug 10,2007 12:43pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
It would be hilarious if he killed the rest of Mayhem.
[Aug 10,2007 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha that would be the most amazing thing in the history of music.
[Aug 10,2007 12:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah, he does have a penchant for saying off-the-wall shit. But, according to his site, there will be more Burzum, and it will be metal.
[Aug 10,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
didn't that fag Nergal from Behemoth make a statement once that he was going to kill Varg when he gets out? i seem to recall that.
[Aug 10,2007 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
i don't care much for his political or moral standpoints on his website rants, but the section about the how and why of Burzum was really cool.
[Aug 10,2007 12:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:It would be hilarious if he killed the rest of Mayhem.

Yeti said:hahahaha that would be the most amazing thing in the history of music.

Hands up who'd rather see him kill Avenged Sevenfold?

We should set up a website where everyone votes on who Varg should kill next. If you win, he comes to stay at your house, and you have to drive him to do the deed. Just make sure to give somebody your ATM card first and you'll be in the clear.

[Aug 10,2007 12:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeti said:i don't care much for his political or moral standpoints on his website rants, but the section about the how and why of Burzum was really cool.

Right? Black Metal has always had some serious AD&D worship going on, but it's cool to hear somebody actually come out and say it.

Hell, just hearing Varg admit to having friends and/or fun is pretty novel.
[Aug 10,2007 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
though all i could picture was Varg and Immortal running around beating each other up with wooden swords. photoshop STAT!
[Aug 10,2007 12:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!
[Aug 10,2007 12:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 10,2007 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
that is just itching to be photoshopped.
[Aug 10,2007 12:56pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
I think i remember him writing about when he killed euronomous he had one of his friends still at his house eating pizza and watching movies. He had to call him from a pay phone to tell him to leave his house before he got back. I wonder if the movie was a comedy.
[Aug 10,2007 12:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Aura_At_Dusk said:I think i remember him writing about when he killed euronomous he had one of his friends still at his house eating pizza and watching movies. He had to call him from a pay phone to tell him to leave his house before he got back. I wonder if the movie was a comedy.

"Dude, Where's My Corpsepaint?"
[Aug 10,2007 1:16pm - niflheim ""]
Yeti said:didn't that fag Nergal from Behemoth make a statement once that he was going to kill Varg when he gets out? i seem to recall that.

I know Bard Eithun aka Faust (ex-emperor and thorns) said he was planning on killing him when he was released. I believe he made that statement while he was also in jail, serving a sentence for killing a homosexual man. I think a lot of people have made threats against Varg though.
[Aug 10,2007 1:19pm - Yeti ""]
thats probably it. if there is anyone Varg should worry about, it would be Faust. he essentially ratted Faust out.
[Aug 10,2007 1:22pm - niflheim ""]
Didn't Snorre rat Vikernes out? Of course, after he was broken down by investigators.
[Aug 10,2007 1:31pm - niflheim ""]
Hey, didn't Euronymous close down the Helvete shop because his mommy told him to? That's real grim of him...
[Aug 10,2007 1:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 10,2007 1:46pm - timjohn  ""]
wow bunch of ridiculously baseless mayhem hating going on in this thread...

oh yeah and fuck snorre

[Aug 10,2007 1:56pm - inject-now ""]
supposedly mortiis ratted out bard faust...thats what bard said in an interview in petrified zine around the time of his arrest. mortiis denies this.

faust also said a few years ago when he was let out of jail that he would not kill varg when released.
[Aug 10,2007 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
timjohn said:oh yeah and fuck snorre

you cannot deny the power of Thorns though.

[Aug 10,2007 3:26pm - timjohn  ""]
ummm so you hate on mayhem and love thorns... come one now
[Aug 10,2007 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
i never once hated on Mayhem. i just don't care for their material nearly as much. Thorns on the other hand.
[Aug 10,2007 3:29pm - timjohn  ""]
o i c
[Aug 12,2007 11:01am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas>>>>>Every Burzum record ever

[Aug 12,2007 12:07pm - powerkok ""]
skinny white kids bored with snow + facepaint= EEEEEVVVVIIILLLL AND KVLT!
[Aug 12,2007 12:08pm - powerkok ""]

[Aug 12,2007 12:14pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No way is that true.

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