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Cannibal corpse's set list

[Feb 29,2004 3:55pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Any one know what which songs the're playing?
[Feb 29,2004 5:09pm - swamplorddvm ""]
well anyways, It should be bad-ass.
[Feb 29,2004 6:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Um lets see I they'll do
I Cum Blood
I Will Kill You
Skull Full of Maggots
Hammer Smashed Face
Pounded Into Dust

I'd love to hear the Cryptic Stench.
[Feb 29,2004 6:06pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
addicted to vaginal skin, entrails ripped from a virgins cunt, pulverized, the pick axe murders, raped by the beast... song 4 off of the one... they never play their best songs live. oh... and systematic elimination... that song rules.
[Feb 29,2004 9:36pm - JellyFish ""]
Im hoping for Shredded Humans, Born in a Casket, Covered with Sores, Gutted, Entrails ripped from a virgins cunt, pulverized, from skin to liquid, unleashing the bloodthirsty, spine splitter, pit of zombies. etc.

whatever they play, they better play MEATHOOK SODOMY.
[Feb 29,2004 10:43pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm glad that no shitty bands are playing. Almost every show i go to, some shitty band always plays.
Brutality to the max.
[Mar 1,2004 12:18am - emperor gorg  ""]
my band is playing a show this day in CT.

what the fuck, im pissed.
[Mar 1,2004 12:32am - Abbath ""]
swamplorddvm said:I'm glad that no shitty bands are playing. Almost every show i go to, some shitty band always plays.
Brutality to the max.

wait a second swamp! didn't you hear!!!! DEVIL DRIVER IS GONNA PLAY A 2 HOUR SET! ahahahahahahah enjoy!:nuke:
[Mar 1,2004 1:34am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

[Mar 1,2004 1:40am - swamplorddvm ""]
Just a joke.
[Mar 1,2004 1:43am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh i realize what it was... and i know what it wasnt: Funny.
[Mar 1,2004 1:47am - swamplorddvm ""]
Well i dont think he was trying to be the funniest guy to ever live. Just a little joke.
[Mar 1,2004 1:53am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well that was apparent.
[Mar 1,2004 1:54am - swamplorddvm ""]
[Mar 1,2004 2:15am - the_reverend ""]
man, you mean devildriver isn't playing.
damn it.
[Mar 1,2004 3:14pm - JellyFish ""]
spalding, youre jokes are twice as lame,old, not funny and at least this kid has a personality. Shut up, thank you.
[Mar 1,2004 3:51pm - HiImPaul ""]
New cannibal corpse disc is so fucking good its ridiculous too bad im missing this show though which totally sucks. every good show has to lay on a day that ive got something to do.
[Mar 1,2004 5:24pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
JellyFish said:spalding, youre jokes are twice as lame,old, not funny and at least this kid has a personality. Shut up, thank you.

you dont even know me so how in the hell can you even begin to fathom what my personality is like. besides, everyone has personality. whether or not their personality is GOOD is a different story. honestly, you have never hung out with me or anything. trying to pick up on my personality just from my posts on a message board is just as lame as my "jokes" (i wasnt aware that i cracked any real jokes on this message board in the first place). and nice way of saying your pal makes lame jokes, heh... im sure he'll like that. im sorry but you cant win. there is no way you can... it's just not going to happen. but i wont cite you for trying =)
[Mar 1,2004 5:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
There's nothing to win here. The whole thing is retarded.
[Mar 1,2004 5:50pm - morkul ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:JellyFish said:spalding, youre jokes are twice as lame,old, not funny and at least this kid has a personality. Shut up, thank you.

you dont even know me so how in the hell can you even begin to fathom what my personality is like. besides, everyone has personality. whether or not their personality is GOOD is a different story. honestly, you have never hung out with me or anything. trying to pick up on my personality just from my posts on a message board is just as lame as my "jokes" (i wasnt aware that i cracked any real jokes on this message board in the first place). and nice way of saying your pal makes lame jokes, heh... im sure he'll like that. im sorry but you cant win. there is no way you can... it's just not going to happen. but i wont cite you for trying =)

chill out touchy. god fuckin damn. get fuckin laid kid.
[Mar 1,2004 5:58pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
thats the thing... people think i get all bent out of shape about things because i type a lot in response to what people say... but in all seriousness, im not phased one bit. im just cheerful as i was before reading jellyfish's attempt at a coherent verbal slam. but whatever floats your boat.

and i wasnt talking about winning in its general sense... try to figure it out on your own, junior.
[Mar 1,2004 6:01pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Junior. HA!
You know I want to end it just like you.
[Mar 1,2004 6:17pm - morkul ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:thats the thing... people think i get all bent out of shape about things because i type a lot in response to what people say... but in all seriousness, im not phased one bit. im just cheerful as i was before reading jellyfish's attempt at a coherent verbal slam. but whatever floats your boat.

and i wasnt talking about winning in its general sense... try to figure it out on your own, junior.

bro, i am not attacking you so just relax. :krusty:
[Mar 1,2004 7:25pm - aliciagrace ""]
:: dances around like a fairy princess ::
Lalala! lalade daaa!
and with a wave of my magic wand, you all stop being retarded....
[Mar 1,2004 8:08pm - JellyFish ""]
For you Alicia, yes. Just keep him out of my sight.
[Mar 1,2004 9:01pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it.. I'm getting the feeling that devildriver really isn't playing.
life is so unfair!
[Mar 1,2004 9:47pm - JellyFish ""]
haha. Nice to see someone has a sense of humor. Word up rev.
[Mar 1,2004 10:23pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
aliciagrace said::: dances around like a fairy princess ::
Lalala! lalade daaa!
and with a wave of my magic wand, you all stop being retarded....

i wish a magic wand could stop the retardation,
but unfortunately a lot of mothers smoked crack
when they were pregnant

**joins in the fairy dance**
[Mar 1,2004 11:39pm - Abbath ""]
the_reverend said:damn it.. I'm getting the feeling that devildriver really isn't playing.
life is so unfair!

oh ya rev that song "Die(and die now)" is so totally amazing!!!! i say you and i should travel the states with them together!:pukeface:
americans answer to suicide!
[Mar 2,2004 1:26am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
JellyFish said:For you Alicia, yes. Just keep him out of my sight.

sure thing, Toughie McToughtough. its so amazingly funny how you are getting so bent out of shape about the internet. honestly, if you cant handle sarcasm and smart ass comments then just dont log on. it isnt really that hard of a concept to grasp. besides, what are you going to do about it? fight me because of the internet? that is the lamest thing ever. anyways, you would be fighting a losing battle (much like you are doing now, only it wouldnt be mentally) so if you SERIOUSLY want to throwdown because i made you and your friends look stupid ONLINE then by all means try to be a tough guy... but dont say i didnt try to warn you.
[Mar 2,2004 8:43am - succubus ""]
group hug time!
[Mar 2,2004 10:09am - anonymous  ""]
funny how this guy likes to try and get the last word constantly. what is this guys problem. he seems to hide away in his room behind his computer alot, and now he wants to hide behind his friends and let them do some imaginary fighting for him. it's a message board bro, not attack who ever doesn't share your views. metal is the common interest here. this is why the scene doesn't get along because of people like you and your inferiority complex. i'll bet your not even that good on the bass. oh, you may think you are but i bet a 10yr old could wipe the floor with a crptopsy bass line you've been practicing for a month and stiill can't seem to figure out .
[Mar 2,2004 10:24am - anonymous  ""]
you know what everyone should do about this whole scene thing?SHUT THE FUCK UP WHO FUCKING CARES!!for the peopl that actually come to watch the bands play and listen to there music,there is no scene,because i know when i see a band,im in a different world,one where not even the elitist asshole hardcore kids are blocked from my site,im there for the music and could care less about dancing to get a 16 year old to give me some dome,i think ill headbang my ass off(jump in if my adrenaline cant be suppressed)and whack off when i get home,except that i have some to do that last part for me already,just shut the fuck up and listen,thats all im saying....
[Mar 2,2004 2:07pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
anonymous said:funny how this guy likes to try and get the last word constantly. what is this guys problem. he seems to hide away in his room behind his computer alot, and now he wants to hide behind his friends and let them do some imaginary fighting for him. it's a message board bro, not attack who ever doesn't share your views. metal is the common interest here. this is why the scene doesn't get along because of people like you and your inferiority complex. i'll bet your not even that good on the bass. oh, you may think you are but i bet a 10yr old could wipe the floor with a crptopsy bass line you've been practicing for a month and stiill can't seem to figure out .

heh... i attack people because they dont share my views? you obviously havent been paying attention. super tough guy Jellyfish doesnt like me because i correct spelling errors. fucking spelling errors. not only that, but i didnt think something was funny and then i made a sarcastic comment about it. i dont have ANY friends "fighting for me" either... please, please tell me where you saw me having a friend fighting for me. you cant. i wouldnt need a friend to fight for me verbally and i dont need a friend to fight for me physically. as to the bass comment... i'll quote a couple people that said something about my bassing in a thread a while ago...

in this thread: http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=4838

BornSoVile said:Best Bass players in the scene,
Spalding of Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost
Zack of Goratory
Anthony of Cryptic Warning

joostin said:agreed, Adam is AMAAAAAZZZIIINNNGGG!...
[Mar 2,2004 5:57pm - aliciagrace ""]
my magic wand is defective...v_v

i hate every single last one of you.
[Mar 3,2004 8:14am - the_reverend ""]
I have no clue what is going on here, stop acting like AIDs babies and start humping since you all seem to like
a) the same music
b) gay sex
[Mar 3,2004 12:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Mar 3,2004 1:21pm - succubus ""]
wait they are different!
is one circumsized and the other not?
[Mar 3,2004 1:45pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Every penis is different, every penis is strange. If you train your muscles you can shoot impressive range.
[Mar 3,2004 1:47pm - succubus ""]
i want one now
[Mar 3,2004 2:11pm - the_reverend ""]
sorry, working.
[Mar 3,2004 2:19pm - succubus ""]
that's not what i meant

i wanted to have one for myself
[Mar 3,2004 5:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
You can have mine. I'll just cut it off, it never comes to use anyways.
[Mar 3,2004 6:04pm - succubus ""]
ohhhh ok!

so it's a detachable one..very cool....
as long as you don't bleed or anything

some things i can't wait to do with my new penis:

~i can't wait to pee
~and say "i have a shlong" hahahahaha

~i'm sure i'd play with it all the time too

i'd use it plenty!

hmm then i'd try to have sex with myself to see how that feels
[Mar 3,2004 6:04pm - succubus ""]
damn..that makes it sound like i've given it a lot of thought

[Mar 4,2004 12:41am - blue ""]
back to the topic...i hope they play dead human collection.
[Mar 4,2004 12:46am - swamplorddvm ""]
Meat hook sodomy. It would kick ass.
[Mar 4,2004 1:28am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Meat Hook Sodomy is one of those songs they need to NOT play anymore. they play it everytime. just like they need to stop playing hammer smashed face, skull full of maggots, stripped raped and strangled, i cum blood, and everyother song they ALWAYS play. i have seen them twice and both times they played the same exact songs, save for a couple of differences. the worst part was... that they played them in the same order pretty much. not only that, but corpsegrinder sfays the same exact thing everytime. the sad thing is... the corpse lackies eat it up everytime. now Cannibal Corpse is one of my all time favorite bands... but i must admit that they have a shitty and stupid fanbase (much like black metal, death metal, ICP, numetal, and metallica has)... they better play systematic elimination. thats about all i ask for.
[Mar 4,2004 1:35am - swamplorddvm ""]
Agreed... somewhat.
[Mar 4,2004 10:37am - sitroMmuidOeD ""]
They should play We are Motorhead.
[Mar 4,2004 11:55am - RustedAngel ""]
I think I'm still going to this piece of shit even though Decapitated is not playing.
[Mar 4,2004 12:02pm - sitroMmuidOeD ""]
See you there, smelly pants.
[Mar 4,2004 12:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
ok, penis breath.
[Mar 4,2004 1:42pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
RustedAngel said:I think I'm still going to this piece of shit even though Decapitated is not playing.

new decapitated is gay anyway

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