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[Dec 28,2008 10:32pm - Conservationist ""]
[Dec 28,2008 10:38pm - kevord NLI  ""]
[Dec 28,2008 10:41pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Dec 28,2008 11:40pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
damn bumbaklaat funny man try to ruin me reggae. Ras Trent won't stand for it.
[Dec 28,2008 11:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Dec 29,2008 6:21am - nicky d  ""]
fuck hate
[Dec 29,2008 6:58am - corpus_NLI  ""]
the reason we like peter tosh instead of that half whitey robert j nesta..HATE.
[Dec 29,2008 7:38am - convolutionist  ""]
[Dec 29,2008 9:03am - orgymf@work  ""]
1.free speech?
2.i love hate!
[Dec 29,2008 10:15am - the_reverend ""]
I like my free speech and hate yours. nilla.
[Dec 29,2008 10:21am - archaeon ""]
So i can't listen to death metal anymore?
[Dec 29,2008 10:42am - Nobody_Cares ""]
I'm listening to Necro haha. Capleton is a pussy. And I don't think reggae is nearly the worst hateful music, but there's no way metal or hip hop could ever be approached to sign something saying they wouldn't be hateful any more. Necro just said it best "You'll eat the doody from a swollen bowel/ A putrid, long, stinky piece that's brown like Colin Powell".
[Dec 29,2008 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
just for this i'm going to make a band called "Super Fun Happy Slide" and write songs about puppies and candy.
[Dec 29,2008 12:50pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Maybe i'm not "cool" enough to know this, but i thought reggae music was the most peace loving hippie shit out today?
[Dec 29,2008 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
and men in black vans that specialize in selling said items to children.
[Dec 29,2008 1:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]

the_reverend said:I like my free speech and hate yours. nilla.

by any means necessary!
[Dec 29,2008 1:07pm - GOATCATALYST ""]
I just tossed my Kroda, Hate Forest, Graveland and Arghoslent CDs... because the Queer Justice League said so.
[Dec 29,2008 1:09pm - RustyPS ""]
what about self-loathing lyrics like mine? that can be considered hate music.....lol

don't like it? DON'T LISTEN!
[Dec 29,2008 1:17pm - sfhs  ""]

Yeti said:just for this i'm going to make a band called "Super Fun Happy Slide" and write songs about puppies and candy.

Someone beat ya to it,Sorry...

[Dec 29,2008 2:01pm - largefreakatzero ""]
The Queer Justice League? Did Aquaman get fed up with the regular Justice League and start his own club?
[Dec 29,2008 2:07pm - boblovesmusic ""]
There's also Super Happy Story Time Land: http://www.myspace.com/shstl
[Dec 29,2008 3:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ouchdrummer said:Maybe i'm not "cool" enough to know this, but i thought reggae music was the most peace loving hippie shit out today?

Well, i just found out that Jamaicans are extremely homophobic. So I guess that's what they are talking about.
[Dec 29,2008 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
son of a bitch.
[Dec 29,2008 3:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I totally hate music.
[Dec 29,2008 4:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you beat me to it. damn.
[Dec 29,2008 6:02pm - Lamp ""]
Reggae fucking sucks. Anyone who likes that shit would benefit humankind by dying.
[Dec 30,2008 8:47am - orgymf@work  ""]

Lamp said:Reggae fucking sucks. Anyone who likes that shit would benefit humankind by dying.
[Dec 30,2008 11:04am - c.DeAD  ""]
Dub is good shit. It's nothing like reggay, but it was spawed from it.
[Dec 30,2008 12:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Really good reggae rules. Just tough to filter out the garbage unless you're familiar with it. (Kinda like metal.)
[Dec 30,2008 12:52pm - Conservationist ""]
[Dec 30,2008 12:57pm - orgymf@work  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Really good reggae rules. Just tough to filter out the garbage unless you're familiar with it. (Kinda like metal.)

i used to have a room mate who listened to nothing but reggae.... and after hearing hundreds of different artists, i have come to the conclusion that reggae fans are all stoners, druggies, and islanders whose brains have been fried by the sun.
because no one could listen to that bullshit sober and actually call it good music.

it's cheesy, it's annoying, it's reptitive.
just like "one-man-drum-machine-deathgrind" bands.
[Dec 30,2008 3:44pm - The-Rooster  ""]
If I didn't hate, I probably wouldn't make music.

Love songs are for black queers and the women that love them. ;)
[Dec 30,2008 4:09pm - orgymf@work  ""]
[Dec 30,2008 6:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

orgymf@work said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Really good reggae rules. Just tough to filter out the garbage unless you're familiar with it. (Kinda like metal.)

i used to have a room mate who listened to nothing but reggae.... and after hearing hundreds of different artists, i have come to the conclusion that reggae fans are all stoners, druggies, and islanders whose brains have been fried by the sun.
because no one could listen to that bullshit sober and actually call it good music.

it's cheesy, it's annoying, it's reptitive.
just like "one-man-drum-machine-deathgrind" bands.

[Dec 30,2008 8:18pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Burning Spear
[Dec 31,2008 8:00am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
[img] [img]
[Jan 2,2009 2:16pm - ryanplegics ""]
That's stupid. Can we retaliate and preserve our right to hate? Aren't these people hating what we (haters) do?
[Jan 5,2009 2:16pm - orgymf@work  ""]
good call ryan
[Jan 5,2009 5:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ryanplegics said:That's stupid. Can we retaliate and preserve our right to hate? Aren't these people hating what we (haters) do?

[Jan 5,2009 5:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
all day long niggas be hatin
[Jan 5,2009 7:54pm - Mess ""]
blue eyed devils are awesome
[Jan 5,2009 8:30pm - thuringwethil ""]
hey, fuck 'em. I'll write RETALIATORY hate lyrics.

If you write that shitty music, have a shitty backwards attitude towards minorities, IGNITE MY METAL WRATH.

fuck Reggae, it nearly destroyed Punk.
I do really like Dub, though, which started in Jamaica.
[Jan 6,2009 10:11am - Liberals suck  ""]

thuringwethil said:hey, fuck 'em. I'll write RETALIATORY hate lyrics.

If you write that shitty music, have a shitty backwards attitude towards minorities, IGNITE MY METAL WRATH.

Racism is a two way street. We know you are a bleeding heart liberal hipster jew who thinks white people are the only ones capable of being racist. Every ethnic group and every race is racist.
[Jan 6,2009 12:31pm - Conservationist ""]

thuringwethil said:If you write that shitty music, have a shitty backwards attitude towards minorities, IGNITE MY METAL WRATH.


Translation: WE KNOW BETTER NOW.

But do we? Society sucks ass. You spend most of your time complaining about it, and you ignore the obvious.

If you want what's best for minorities, think outside the box. Every group is happier with its own kind.

Look what's happening to Israel -- multiculturalism fucking them in the ass. How are you supposed to have a Jewish state with an enemy within the gates?

Israel's getting penalized for being ahead of the Palestinians. Big fucking surprise -- average IQ of an Ashkenazi Jew is 105, at minimum (hard to gauge Israeli population as a whole, and not all are Askhenazim). Average IQ of a Palestinian is probably 94-98. Guess who's going to be more prosperous?

Multiculturalism doesn't work for many reasons, only one of which is that it pits industrialized nations against minorities. Think outside the box. Multiculturalism is the backward attitude here.
[Jan 6,2009 12:41pm - thuringwethil ""]
hmm, well have fun because multiculturalism is a fact of life.

as is conservatism.

also, hmm, what box? I'm in a box because I don't worship some shit-heel dictator who offed himself in a bunker?
[Jan 6,2009 12:44pm - Mess ""]
i like hate music. strong hate music. it's better than bitching about how your girlfriend/boyfriend or mommy and daddy abandoned you. little faggots sing tough these days and you read read some of the lyrics, it just blows you away. how could someone be so fucking gay.
[Jan 6,2009 12:46pm - thuringwethil ""]

Liberals%20suck said:
thuringwethil said:hey, fuck 'em. I'll write RETALIATORY hate lyrics.

If you write that shitty music, have a shitty backwards attitude towards minorities, IGNITE MY METAL WRATH.

Racism is a two way street. We know you are a bleeding heart liberal hipster jew who thinks white people are the only ones capable of being racist.

awesome! I'm hip :stupidflanders:
[Jan 6,2009 12:48pm - thuringwethil ""]
just for the record, I don't think censorship is the answer.
The flyer up top takes the wrong approach and is counterproductive.
[Jan 6,2009 12:56pm - Conservationist ""]

thuringwethil said:hmm, well have fun because multiculturalism is a fact of life.

No, it's not.

Most of us still live divided from the horde, or will do so as soon as we get the cash.

Very few white people socialize or interbreed with other races.

Why? We all like being what we are.

And the political battle is far from finished.

You wish what you said were true, though, and you were hoping we'd all just accept it as fact. LOL
[Jan 6,2009 1:03pm - thuringwethil ""]
Isolation from other people because of their ethnicity is your prerogative, I'm sayin' go right ahead

but don't take my own freedom of choice away
(unless your livelihood really does hinge on that. interesting.)

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