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[Jan 6,2009 1:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Mess said:i like hate music. strong hate music. it's better than bitching about how your girlfriend/boyfriend or mommy and daddy abandoned you. little faggots sing tough these days and you read read some of the lyrics, it just blows you away. how could someone be so fucking gay.

[Jan 6,2009 1:04pm - Conservationist ""]

thuringwethil said:Isolation from other people because of their ethnicity is your prerogative, I'm sayin' go right ahead

but don't take my own freedom of choice away
(unless your livelihood really does hinge on that. interesting.)

Don't take my right of choice away by inducing socialized costs I have to bear, including the costs of delusional people creating multiculturalism.

You want multicultural? Go to a state that has been multicultural for a long time. And bring a generator for your Macintosh!
[Jan 6,2009 1:04pm - Conservationist ""]

orgymf@work said:
Mess said:i like hate music. strong hate music. it's better than bitching about how your girlfriend/boyfriend or mommy and daddy abandoned you. little faggots sing tough these days and you read read some of the lyrics, it just blows you away. how could someone be so fucking gay.


Death to shallow love songs.
[Jan 6,2009 1:07pm - thuringwethil ""]
I'm already in a muticult state, which is probably why we're in disagreement.


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