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Guess who's the highest paid QB in the league...

[Aug 5,2009 9:16am - XmikeX ""]

The guy who cost his team their post season run last year. 6 years, $97.5 million. That's almost double his career completion percentage.
[Aug 5,2009 9:16am - RustyPS ""]
[Aug 5,2009 9:18am - brian_dc ""]
A good friend of mine went to Ole Miss. Said that Eli could not handle his liquor. He was consistently the guy passed out on the couch after 2 or 3 beers.
[Aug 5,2009 10:38am - xanonymousx ""]
whatever that dudes now a millionaire
[Aug 5,2009 10:54am - XmikeX ""]
He was a millionaire before. And a shitty quarterback.
[Aug 5,2009 10:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
say what you want, i'd happily abandon my intelligence for the money he gets.
[Aug 5,2009 11:01am - boblovesmusic ""]
[Aug 5,2009 11:01am - XmikeX ""]
I'm 100% positive you could quarterback an offense as well as Eli Manning. Go for it.
[Aug 5,2009 11:05am - dreadkill ""]
eli is slightly more overrated than worthlessberger.
[Aug 5,2009 11:06am - darkwor ""]
$100,000,000 to abandon all intelligence and sleep with airhead blondes? For some reason I find myself saying no to that.

Also, I like watching football as much as the next guy, but athletes aren't worth shit, and I hate how people talk about national sports players like they know them. Baseketball had it right.
[Aug 5,2009 11:13am - arilliusbm ""]
BOTH Manning brothers suck. Brady does too.

[Aug 5,2009 11:15am - MikeOv  ""]
Bledsoe got a raw deal.
[Aug 5,2009 11:19am - dreadkill ""]
brady and peyton are great qbs. eli is mediocre at best.
[Aug 5,2009 11:20am - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
bledsoe got shitty is what he got
[Aug 5,2009 11:20am - ouchdrummer ""]
Money is the sole cause of 99% of my, and everyone around me's stress. Must be nice to never have to worry about it again.
[Aug 5,2009 11:21am - dontlivefastjustdie ""]

ouchdrummer said:Money is the sole cause of 99% of my, and everyone around me's stress. Must be nice to never have to worry about it again.
[Aug 5,2009 11:21am - XmikeX ""]
Bledsoe got replaced by a guy with better instincts, better pocket presence, better accuracy, and who's #1 goal in life is to win football games. I'm as big a Bledsoe fan as the next guy, but the decision to keep Brady over Drew is inarguable.
[Aug 5,2009 11:22am - MikeOv  ""]
Truth. At least Bledsoe came through when he needed to, during that crucial game when Brady was injured.
[Aug 5,2009 11:22am - darkwor ""]

ouchdrummer said:stress.

I'll give you stress.
[Aug 5,2009 11:27am - RustyPS ""]

ouchdrummer said:Money is the sole cause of 99% of my, and everyone around me's stress. Must be nice to never have to worry about it again.
cash rules everything around me, CREAM got da money....DOLLA DOLLA BILL Y'ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
[Aug 5,2009 11:32am - mattkings ""]
gabe gross
[Aug 5,2009 11:42am - arilliusbm ""]
you guys don't know what it's like to witness the BLEDSOE BULLET
[Aug 5,2009 11:49am - xmikex ""]
Bledsoe will forever be the man, but he's too goddamn slow to be at the top of his game in today's NFL.
[Aug 5,2009 11:52am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Bledsoe Bullet ftw
[Aug 5,2009 11:53am - xmikex ""]
Rather than making a separate thread, I'll share this little tidbit from PFT about a feud between Jim Rome and T.O.

Rome ripped Owen's unreality show in legendary fashion during Tuesday's Jim Rome Is Burning on ESPN, based on the recent report from John Ourand of SportsBusiness Journal that the much-hyped debut of The T.O. Show landed at No. 798 in the cable television ratings for the week, tied with a 5:00 a.m. showing of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

[Aug 5,2009 12:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
bahaha...i'd rather watch the fresh prince episode
[Aug 5,2009 12:00pm - RustyPS ""]
fuck Rome and TO
[Aug 5,2009 12:07pm - I_am_not_me ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:bahaha...i'd rather watch the fresh prince episode

[Aug 5,2009 1:17pm - Niggerless Cage  ""]

XmikeX said:He was a millionaire before. And a shitty quarterback.

and he won a superbowl so fuck yourself
[Aug 5,2009 1:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Patriots should have won that game. I'm still bitter about that.
[Aug 5,2009 1:26pm - XmikeX ""]

Niggerless%20Cage said:
XmikeX said:He was a millionaire before. And a shitty quarterback.

and he won a superbowl so fuck yourself

The Giants won a superbowl with their defense. Anyone who can't realize that is a short sighted poser with their head up Archie Manning's asshole.
[Aug 5,2009 1:26pm - RustyPS ""]

Niggerless%20Cage said:
XmikeX said:He was a millionaire before. And a shitty quarterback.

and he won a superbowl so fuck yourself

the Pats handed them that game...the Giants should've sent the Pats gifts for completely blowing it
[Aug 5,2009 1:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
How about the infamous interception that SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED. biggest mistake ever.
[Aug 5,2009 1:35pm - RustyPS ""]
you talking about Asante Samuel's missed INT that went right through his hands on the last Giants drive?
[Aug 5,2009 1:38pm - xmikex ""]
Manning was putting up watermelons on every other pass. Watching that dude throw diaper shots and not seeing them picked off was one of the most frustrating things I've ever witnessed.
[Aug 5,2009 1:39pm - dreadkill ""]

RustyPS said:you talking about Asante Samuel's missed INT that went right through his hands on the last Giants drive?
that play killed me more than the tyree catch or the plax td
[Aug 5,2009 1:39pm - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:Patriots should have won that game. I'm still bitter about that.
me too
[Aug 5,2009 1:41pm - dreadkill ""]

XmikeX said:
Niggerless%20Cage said:
XmikeX said:He was a millionaire before. And a shitty quarterback.

and he won a superbowl so fuck yourself

The Giants won a superbowl with their defense. Anyone who can't realize that is a short sighted poser with their head up Archie Manning's asshole.

exactly. the pass rush manhandled the pats o-line and gave eli the great field position that he would've squandered had the pats d not handed him the game at the end.
[Aug 5,2009 1:41pm - RustyPS ""]
man I'm getting ill just thinking about that game again
[Aug 5,2009 1:41pm - dreadkill ""]

RustyPS said:man I'm getting ill just thinking about that game again
that game and game 7 of the bruins vs carolina series this year make me ill
[Aug 5,2009 1:42pm - GUY ""]
eli isn't that bad, when considering what other qb's are in the league...ie
delhomme, j.campbell, k.collins, orton, edwards, schaub, hasselbeck

he is prob a top 10 qb in the league.
[Aug 5,2009 1:49pm - RustyPS ""]
he's barely top 20...I'd say middle of the pack at very most
[Aug 5,2009 1:50pm - dreadkill ""]
schaub and hasselbeck are better than eli. delhomme, campbell, collins, edwards, and orton probably aren't.
[Aug 5,2009 1:53pm - GUY ""]
hasselbeck and manning come on bro, does hasselbeck even play more than 8 games a year? as for schaub pick your poison. he did drive the ball down field with 2 minutes left in the super bowl to win it, not many qb's can do that...mcnabb
[Aug 5,2009 2:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
It would have been nice to see Randy Moss win a super bowl with the pats. Let's hope it happens this year.
The Steelers are ranked "the team to beat" right now
[Aug 5,2009 2:06pm - xmikex ""]

GUY said:eli isn't that bad, when considering what other qb's are in the league...ie
delhomme, j.campbell, k.collins, orton, edwards, schaub, hasselbeck

he is prob a top 10 qb in the league.

According to his passer rating in 2008 he was 14th... one behind Seneca Wallace, ewww... and Wallace was in a WR situation that was so bad it warranted bringing in Koren Robinson.

Delhomme is hit or miss, I think the jury is still out on Jason Campbell. Kerry Collins, and Kyle Orton both took their teams to the playoffs with very slim pickins' at the WR position. Matt Schaub didn't start 16 games, but he had the 4th highest completion percentage in the league (Manning was 19th). And if we're comparing a healthy Matt Hasselbeck to Eli Manning there's zero discussion. If you have to wait until Hasselbeck slips a disc in his 30 something year old back to compare the two then that tells you everything you should need to know.
[Aug 5,2009 2:07pm - RustyPS ""]
Hasselbeck was only hurt last year, before that he's been pretty durable

and for Schaub, he needs to be more durable

even still, I hardly say Manning valiantly drove his team downfield to win a SB...the 3 big plays of that drive were Samuel's dropped INT, the Tyree catch (while he did break away from the pass rush, the Tyree catch was pure luck, they couldn't replicate that catch again if they had 1000 chances), and the Burress TD (which was blown coverage, Hobbs was clearly expecting over the top help from a safety, and it never came)....hardly a drive the Manning led, more like the Pats making bad mistake, and luck
[Aug 5,2009 2:11pm - xmikex ""]
If somebody put richard seymour in a sleeper hold in front of me I could get away from him too.
[Aug 5,2009 5:50pm - GUY ""]
hahahaha you guys cant let that super bowl go. manning stepped up big that entire playoffs look at the numbers. give credit where its due
[Aug 5,2009 5:51pm - GUY ""]
there are alot of bad nfl qb's eli manning is not one of them
[Aug 5,2009 6:53pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
It would be way different too if Eli wasn't playing in NY.
[Aug 5,2009 7:09pm - Dankill  ""]
So what I wanna know is, how will this effect the Giant's cap space in the future?
[Aug 5,2009 8:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 5,2009 10:28pm - xmikex ""]

Dankill said:So what I wanna know is, how will this effect the Giant's cap space in the future?

I'll field this question.

There will be none. Next question.

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