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Suicide Dream Seeks Female Keyboardist

[Jul 4,2010 11:08am - ShadowSD ""]

neverpurified%20nli said:Being able to rip/shred on keyboard is not a requirement, but being a woman is?

We're just looking to get ideally something along the lines of what we had before, two guys and two girls. If one hasn't been in a band with that composition it's hard to appreciate the sense of balance in so many areas, but it really is there.

As far as your question, one can potentially improve their technique at keyboards, and one who does not sing can potentially learn to do back-ups; however, as I said earlier, bringing in a dude means they could NEVER do back-up vocals in the future (because girls sound WAY better harmonizing each other than the cliched male/female thing in my opinion). After all, it's one thing for a person not to have certain skills when they walk in the door, and another thing entirely if those skills can never be gained/used.

Laurel (our singer/bassist) is a good example of this, and of how technical skill can't be the first metric you look for. When she started with us, she wasn't John Myung, but it didn't matter; she knew what notes to play with me (and more importantly, what NOT to play), and that's worth a thousand times more, because ever since I met her I knew never wanted to play with any other bassist/guitarist. Within a year or two she was far more technically skilled (although she is still ridiculously modest and insists she sucks to this day), but if we had picked some of the dudes who ripped on bass and auditioned for us in 2001, they wouldn't have EVER been able to eventually learn how to hear the same notes in their head as I was, and to have that real time connection. That isn't learned; it's either there or it isn't.

[Jul 4,2010 11:39am - pagan megz  ""]
Shadow, I was never good enough for you was I? Well, anyway.....Happy 4th and a dick in my mouth's a dick in my mouth, right?
[Jul 4,2010 3:35pm - ShadowSD ""]
I think that's actually enscribed on the Statue of Liberty, and login if it's really you or color me skeptical given all the trolls here who pretend to be you from time to time.
[Jul 5,2010 1:24am - Inappropriate  ""]

ShadowSD said:Any woman thinking of taking this job can rest assured they never have to worry about the ugly hairy doods in this band hitting on them - maybe I should start the ad with that instead, it'd probably get a lot more takers.

That only leaves rape

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