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[Nov 16,2011 8:20pm - Lamp ""]
So, as of right now this is a two piece band, me on guitar/vocals and on the drums a man named Dave you may remember from Throwing Shrapnel. I would describe it as crossover thrash with a healthy dose of blast beats for good measure.

This is a link to shit we recorded. It doesn't have vocals on it, but 3/4 of the songs have words now and will be performed as such.

We got a couple shows coming up. The Whitney House in Hartford on the 29th with Misanthropic Noise and Rat Storm from Indiana. Then on Dec. 2nd we're playing a house show in Providence with Spread the Infection and a bunch of other bands.

This should all be quite phat.

We're interested in being like... you know, booked and stuff and would appreciate the offer. Check it out.
[Nov 18,2011 2:43am - josh_hates_you ""]
Neat. This band and my band from Providence should totally play together.
[Nov 18,2011 3:52am - Lamp ""]
Wow... I was about to bump the thread too.

I'd be down for that for sure.
[Nov 18,2011 9:28am - hauptpflucker ""]
I'll probably be booking some stuff out here in wMass in a couple of months. I'll hit you up if you're interested.
[Nov 18,2011 9:36am - burnsy ""]
I first read that as Indefatigable Wombat for some reason.
[Nov 18,2011 9:37am - zyklon ""]
You sound gay...
[Nov 18,2011 10:45am - the_reverend ""]
you do know that he is in fact gay right? not cool to call someone (who is actually gay) gay.
[Nov 18,2011 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:you do know that he is in fact gay right? not cool to call someone (who is actually gay) gay.

you're gay.
[Nov 18,2011 10:57am - RichHorror ""]
Fags Hate God.
[Nov 18,2011 2:39pm - Lamp nli  ""]

hauptpflucker said:I'll probably be booking some stuff out here in wMass in a couple of months. I'll hit you up if you're interested.

I'd definitely be interested, I've been hearing about a lot of cool stuff going on around Amherst/Northampton lately.
[Nov 18,2011 3:06pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I first read that as Indefatigable Wombat for some reason.

Get out of my mind.
[Nov 18,2011 4:02pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:
the_reverend said:you do know that he is in fact gay right? not cool to call someone (who is actually gay) gay.

you're gay.

[Nov 18,2011 4:06pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
This sounds like shit. I'm not surprised.
[Nov 18,2011 4:09pm - Lamp ""]
nigga be trollin'
[Nov 18,2011 4:20pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

Lamp said:nigga be trollin'

[Nov 18,2011 5:42pm - Lamp ""]
I love this flyer.

[Nov 18,2011 6:29pm - xmikex ""]
Pretty rad. I wish I didn't hate music so much or I'd play some shows with you guys.
[Nov 18,2011 6:37pm - Lamp ""]
INTHESHIT/Insufferable Ingrate live at the Democracy Center's smoldering ashes split LP or gtfo
[Nov 30,2011 2:28am - Lamp ""]
We just played our first show tonight and I was satisfied anyway...

So supposedly we are playing January 6th at the Whitney House again. Nothing has been announced yet so I'm biting my tongue on the rest.

[Nov 30,2011 5:26am - Lamp ""]
[Nov 30,2011 5:44am - Lamp ""]
[Jun 17,2012 11:13pm - Lamp ""]
We recorded some new stuff, thanks to Sir Josh Hates You for letting us do it on the equipment in the SDS practice space. I think this shit sounds great, give it a listen.

[Jun 18,2012 9:09am - Lamp ""]
bump for the AM crowd
[Jun 18,2012 9:36am - arktouros ""]
not bad at all lamp. i can't stand this vox style (crossover just isn't my bag) but you bring something to it and the drums are killer.
[Jun 18,2012 10:08am - Lamp ""]
Well, thanks dude.
[Jun 18,2012 10:32am - arktouros ""]
and i just read there's only two of you. YA GOT ME.
[Jun 18,2012 10:37am - arilliusbm ""]
Aspergers: always producing superior products.
[Jun 18,2012 10:44am - Lamp ""]

arktouros said:and i just read there's only two of you. YA GOT ME.

Yeah, it just sounds bigger because Josh did an awesome job recording it and there's a second guitar track over everything.

I actually do like reading criticisms of my music and thought it was really cool that you were honest to me about not liking the vocals. So you know... if anyone wants to log out and call me every name in the book under 30 screen names, here's your cue.
[Jun 18,2012 12:11pm - yummy ""]
I like stuff way worse than this.
Nah, this is good Mike. I think the vocals are a little thrown together but it fits the style well. I dig it. Educate to Desecrate was my favorite of these 3. I could picture Third Death playing after this, not even sure their around anymore.
[Jun 18,2012 12:20pm - Lamp ""]
Third Death is not around anymore and your favorite song is probably our best song period, haha.
[Jun 19,2012 6:42pm - yummy ""]
I keep listening to this. I really gotta stop being so busy and come see you guys.
[Jun 19,2012 10:36pm - Lamp ""]
July 18th, man.
[Jun 19,2012 11:18pm - HellionLord ""]
where on july 18th?
[Jun 19,2012 11:30pm - Lamp ""]
Funky Jungle

[Jun 19,2012 11:51pm - HellionLord ""]
requested night off work. there.
[Jun 20,2012 12:47am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

arktouros said:i can't stand this vox style

Just raise the vox a couple octaves and you're set to fucking rule.
[Jun 20,2012 3:11am - xgodzillax ""]
[Jun 20,2012 9:35am - arktouros ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:
arktouros said:i can't stand this vox style

Just raise the vox a couple octaves and you're set to fucking rule.

that's truth
[Jun 20,2012 9:47am - faggy shit is coming  ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:
arktouros said:i can't stand this vox style

Just grow taller by a couple inches and you're set to fucking rule.

[Jun 20,2012 11:06am - Lamp ""]

HellionLord said:requested night off work. there.

And I'll definitely go to the show at Dusk the week before!
[Jun 20,2012 11:10am - Lamp ""]
God, I fucking hate Hirax.
[Jun 20,2012 11:47am - eyeroller  ""]
Then why does your band sound a lot like Hirax? Raise those vocals up and that's totally in the same ballpark.
[Jun 20,2012 12:14pm - Lamp ""]
The vocals are pretty much the main turnoff for me with that band.

As far as being in the same ballpark, I can't disagree really. I do like a lot of their contemporaries, just not them.
[Jun 20,2012 12:22pm - eyeroller  ""]
For the record, I like the stuff you posted, and I'm a huge Hirax fan.
[Jun 20,2012 12:27pm - Lamp ""]
Well, thanks dude.
[Jun 20,2012 3:00pm - faggotsauce  ""]
Insufferable ungrateful is one of the worst band names I have ever heard. I would seriously consider changing it.
[Jun 20,2012 3:00pm - faggotsauce  ""]
Ingrate * auto correct
[Jun 20,2012 3:09pm - Lamp nli  ""]
faggotsauce = German for "spacecorpse"
[Jun 20,2012 3:26pm - faggotsauce  ""]
Or English for lamp is a faggot whos band has a faggot name and he puts faggotsauce on his boyfriends asshole before he sucks it.
[Jun 20,2012 3:30pm - faggotsauce  ""]
Oh and his boyfriend is dukemanjunk who is also a faggot and a buttlicker

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