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The Official Nobody Giving a Shit About Murrum at Something Bloody Fest

[Jul 28,2013 3:02pm - KateyFC  ""]
Murrum blows. The few people that were there wouldn't even lower themselves to watch Murrum's set. Embarrassing rock star antics ensued anyways. Really odd turn of events considering according to Krazey Katey Murrum is the most beloved band in New England and the Legion isn't dumb.

[Jul 28,2013 3:17pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Murrum was better then I expected but they weren't a highlight.
[Jul 28,2013 3:33pm - KateyFC  ""]
Wren's lowest review ever.
[Jul 28,2013 6:01pm - boblovesbands  ""]
[Jul 28,2013 7:35pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
The one superfat bitch bringing down the other 2's real estate is pretty kvlt.
[Jul 29,2013 5:20am - Lamp ""]
I love how even in the midst of a sparse crowd, there is Wren. A trooper for sure.
[Jul 29,2013 6:32am - RichHorror ""]
Good thing they put up that security gate to keep that rabid crowd at bay.
[Jul 29,2013 8:29am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
I just wish they woulda hired TNT security bros to just beat random members of the crowd like in the days of old.
[Jul 29,2013 9:48am - Snowden NLI  ""]
I saw the Lemonheads in the Common the other day and they got WIZARD STAFF SECURITY out for one last job, just like the crooked cops in "The Usual Suspects." Brought a tear to my eye.
[Jul 29,2013 10:07am - arilliusbm ""]
I watched a decent chunk of their set. They were good for the style, albeit I couldn't really hear the guitar parts too welll from where I was standing. Some parts sounded fuzzy. My problem is that I don't really care for that style of black metal anymore because so much of it always sounds the same to me.
[Jul 29,2013 10:10am - xmikex ""]

Snowden%20NLI said:they got WIZARD STAFF SECURITY out for one last job

[Jul 29,2013 10:22am - thread molester  ""]

arilliusbm said:I watched a decent chunk of their set. They were good for the style, albeit I couldn't really hear the guitar parts too welll from where I was standing. Some parts sounded fuzzy. My problem is that I don't really care for that style of black metal anymore because so much of it always sounds the same to me.

ITT: Aril once again has a problem with something.
[Jul 29,2013 10:23am - arilliusbm ""]
Oh, I'm sorry for honesty.
[Jul 29,2013 10:27am - cockmeatsammich  ""]
Something Problematic Fest
[Jul 29,2013 10:36am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Remember, metal is about having no standards whatsoever. And inclusion.
[Jul 29,2013 10:52am - thread molester  ""]

arilliusbm said:Oh, I'm sorry for arilhonesty.

[Jul 29,2013 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]
I feel molested.
[Jul 29,2013 10:58am - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:I feel molested.

shutup fagget
[Jul 29,2013 11:07am - chrisREX ""]
Band was better than i expected.
[Jul 29,2013 1:02pm - Yeti ""]
they weren't awful, but they weren't anything to write home about. it sounded like the drummer was playing with two left feet, the bass drum was horribly off time.
[Jul 29,2013 4:43pm - BeholdJudas  ""]

Yeti said:they weren't awful, but they weren't anything to write home about. it sounded like the drummer was playing with two left feet, the bass drum was horribly off time.

Tellier seems to think that having a massive kit that he uses maybe a quarter of will distract people from how hideously sloppy he is.
[Jul 29,2013 5:18pm - Fake Accent  ""]

Yeti said:it sounded like the drummer was playing with two left feet

False. At least one foot was managing the throttle of a Messerschmitt Me 210. Aerofascists 4 lyfe.
[Jul 29,2013 5:38pm - doing it wrong  ""]
only HATED is real... shitty

[Jul 29,2013 6:03pm - boblovesmusic ""]
They look so constipated
[Jul 29,2013 6:09pm - doing it wrong  ""]
thats what happens when your full of shit.
[Jul 29,2013 7:49pm - Oh the irony...  ""]
OP must have cared if he posted a thread about it.
[Jul 29,2013 8:06pm - Burnsy ""]
Pwnin trolls LOL! NBD! SMH!
[Jul 31,2013 10:17am - Murrum ""]
Yeah, real funny. We suck so bad. That's why the few people that were there came up to us after our set to say how much they liked it. The way I see it we made lemonade with lemons. We were stuck on a sub-par fest with a time slot that didn't represent us at all and we made the best out of it. We were grateful to play, don't get me wrong but it looks like eastern New England is the same in real life as it is on the internet... all talk with no appreciation for real talent.
[Jul 31,2013 11:11am - KEVORD ""]
What else would you make lemonade with?
[Jul 31,2013 11:16am - Snowden NLI  ""]

KEVORD said:What else would you make lemonade with?

Do you really want to know?
[Jul 31,2013 12:19pm - Dave Emerson  ""]
Subtle Murrum troll is subtle. We had an amazing time at Something Bloody.....sure, it would have been awesome to get a later slot or have a larger audience, but someone's got to open. Truth be told, I was happy to get our set out of the way, so I could focus on seeing the other awesome bands on the fest. Thanks to the actual logged in users for their honesty and actual constructive criticism.....it's a lot better than the reception we usually get on RTTP, so I'll consider it a step up.
[Jul 31,2013 12:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
You guys aren't a bad band by any means; I personally find myself moving away from liking that style in the way I did when I was younger.
Honest review of the set:
Good stage presence by Morg (?) despite the lack of people in the crowd. Sometimes the bass drum seemed to disappear, then reappear and it sounded off. Not sure what was going on there. Obviously there's room for you guys to progress the sound, as with any band.
On a lighter note, I saw a video on YouTube with the inverted nipple crosses, and was hugely disappointed that he did not have them on.
[Jul 31,2013 12:40pm - ASBERGERS SHUTUPFAGGET  ""]
I was thinking just yesterday about MURRUUUM and enjoying a slice of peach cobbler, do you like peach cobbler? i'ts not an everyday thing for me but it's a pleasant surprise me-to-me on a hot summer day and shut up fagget.
[Jul 31,2013 12:41pm - Murrum ""]

KEVORD said:What else would you make lemonade with?

It's a figure of speech asshole. Why don't you come out to the next show and swap lemonade recipes to my face?

We are the Legion.
[Jul 31,2013 12:45pm - RichHorror ""]
Murrum troll is the best troll.
[Jul 31,2013 12:49pm - King Thûndérstøøl  ""]

[Jul 31,2013 12:51pm - #hashtag  ""]

arilliusbm said:You guys aren't a bad band by any means; I personally find myself moving away from liking that style in the way I did when I was younger.
Honest review of the set:
Good stage presence by Morg (?) despite the lack of people in the crowd. Sometimes the bass drum seemed to disappear, then reappear and it sounded off. Not sure what was going on there. Obviously there's room for you guys to progress the sound, as with any band.
On a lighter note, I saw a video on YouTube with the inverted nipple crosses, and was hugely disappointed that he did not have them on.

ITT: #HomoElitistAril wants you to seek his approval.
[Jul 31,2013 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Come to my flat.
[Jul 31,2013 12:53pm - shutup_fagget ""]

arilliusbm said:You guys aren't a bad band by any means; I personally find myself moving away from liking that style in the way I did when I was younger.
Honest review of the set:
Good stage presence by Morg (?) despite the lack of people in the crowd. Sometimes the bass drum seemed to disappear, then reappear and it sounded off. Not sure what was going on there. Obviously there's room for you guys to progress the sound, as with any band.
On a lighter note, I saw a video on YouTube with the inverted nipple crosses, and was hugely disappointed that he did not have them on.

shutup fagget
[Jul 31,2013 12:54pm - #hashtag  ""]

arilliusbm said:Come to my flat.

[Jul 31,2013 12:54pm - King Thûndérstøøl  ""]

I AM THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 31,2013 12:57pm - Dave Emerson  ""]
I think, with regards to the kick drum, that it was an issue with one or both of the kick mics….I'm not sure. Usually, he triggers his kicks, so I was pretty much unable to hear them during this set (there wasn't any kick in the monitors). Pretty much, on my side of the stage, it was all lead guitar, snare, and cymbals.
[Jul 31,2013 1:00pm - #hashtag  ""]

Dave%20Emerson said:I think, with regards to the kick drum, that it was an issue with one or both of the kick mics….I'm not sure. Usually, he triggers his kicks, so I was pretty much unable to hear them during this set (there wasn't any kick in the monitors). Pretty much, on my side of the stage, it was all lead guitar, snare, and cymbals.

#shutup fagget
[Jul 31,2013 1:03pm - shutup_fagget ""]

Dave%20Emerson said:Usually, he triggers his kicks

shutup fagget
[Jul 31,2013 1:21pm - Czarnobog ""]
eh, i thought it was decent. never heard murrum before and didn't really know what to expect. its a hard style to translate live without losing alot of nuances in the frenzied/layered riffs and have it sound like mush, but i thought you guys did it well.
[Jul 31,2013 1:25pm - Czarnobog ""]
was also happy to play early. my band was barely in shape to be in public, nevermind play a set after the sun went down.
[Aug 3,2013 4:21pm - FAROOQ OF THE NATION OF DOMINATION  ""]

[Aug 7,2013 8:25am - RTTP CLEANUP CREW SR.  ""]
[Aug 7,2013 10:04am - LucidCurse ""]
Trolls do not deserve owls.
[Aug 7,2013 10:15am - shutup fagget  ""]

shutup_fagget said:
Dave%20Emerson said:Usually, he triggers his kicks

shutup fagget

shutup fagget

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