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No Man's Sky

[Jul 15,2015 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]


This game looks awesome.
[Jul 15,2015 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
This is absolutely amazing... I can't believe the scale of it.
[Jul 16,2015 1:10pm - Minecraft did it  ""]
Minecraft did it
[Aug 7,2016 10:33pm - the_reverend ""]
Counting down
[Aug 8,2016 8:30am - RTTP Department of Gawdayum  ""]
I can't wait to jack off in space
[Aug 8,2016 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
why wait?
[Aug 8,2016 9:51am - Repetative game  ""]
This game will be fun for a week.
[Aug 8,2016 10:20pm - the_reverend ""]
only a couple more hours!
[Aug 9,2016 3:27am - the_reverend ""]
Good bye life.
[Aug 9,2016 6:33am - Repetative game  ""]
Good luck doing the same thing over and over and over.
[Aug 9,2016 7:39am - Alx_Casket ""]
How is it so far?
[Aug 9,2016 9:41am - the_reverend ""]
it's really cool and kind of just weird. There are these question things, abstract, that I don't understand, but probably have consequences later on. I think they are tied up with the Atlas.
I immediately named a planet "Planet R" as I was trying to exit out of naming the planet and I couldn't.

Things take time... and there is a countdown clock as you get to things that shows that it takes time. It takes time to walk, it takes time to fly, etc... 6 minutes until you arrive... This are definitely huge.

The sentinel bots are annoying. I'll be mining and they will just walk in the way. Then I have to race to my ship and take off. I'm sure I still have to figure out how to deal with that like I did in GTA.

The inventory is small. Very small. 5 for your backpack and 15 for the starter ship. You can't just go out and collect everything.

I like reverse y-axis so I'm always flying up into the sky at first until I remember. I didn't look to see if there was an option yet.
[Aug 9,2016 11:18am - Alx_Casket ""]
No Man's Sky - Touching letter from the devs ("Your Universe Awaits")

[Aug 9,2016 1:03pm - the_reverend ""]
so far, I have been to 3 or 4 planets and barely explored anything on any of the planets. Each planet has so much stuff that you come about. The world isn't empty. Not at all. There are all these destroyed tech that you can learn how to built cool things or use items to repair, but since your inventory is limited, you can't just pick things up and carry everything so that might turn out to be annoying. The good thing is you can send stuff back to your ship.

I also sold a bunch of stuff. But selling stuff is weird. you need to switch between ship and suit, but you can see both in the same list.
[Aug 9,2016 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I think they need a mobile atlas for you to keep and name all your planets through. that would be awesome.
[Aug 9,2016 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
they need to swap L3 and R3 functions. I keep scanning when I'm supposed to be running.
[Aug 9,2016 1:08pm - susurrate ""]
this game sounds overwhelming
[Aug 9,2016 5:22pm - the_reverend ""]
So I started just mining asteroids for Thenium9 or whatever. I got 877K so far. I get almost 200K each venture now that I ditched a bunch of crap. I'm going to go for a run and come back to name my 3 planets and work with the NMS ally app. Hello games definitely needs to come out with a companion app to help this game along.
[Aug 9,2016 9:22pm - xmikex ""]
I'm building a really cool Starlight Drive In settlement....

Ya know, if anyone cares.
[Aug 9,2016 9:40pm - Bobneverlikedmetal  ""]
Mikey trying to make himself relevant... As if....
[Aug 10,2016 8:33am - the_reverend ""]
Still haven't really upgraded much. I've just been collecting lots of things. I need to explore upgrading my multi-tool and my ship.

Weird, shooting is a different button between ship and walking.

Watching a video. Damn it, I didn't know that you could scan, name, and upload all the plants and animals. damn. I need to go back and do all that.
[Aug 10,2016 9:09am - RTTP Department of Staynard Revens  ""]

Bobneverlikedmetal said:Mikey trying to make himself relevant... As if....

The only question _I_ have is, is there some sort of techno-Sharpie you can use to write on alien refugee's space siding?
[Aug 12,2016 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
My game got corrupted :/ I had to start all over. From now on I'm backing up all saved games to a sub device
[Aug 12,2016 10:38pm - the_reverend ""]
Looks like I might just sign up to ps+
[Aug 13,2016 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]
Mining in space tip: go for the big asteroids. Much more valuable.
[Aug 15,2016 4:36pm - SIXTYBUX  ""]
game sux
[Aug 15,2016 5:29pm - susurrate ""]

SIXTYBUX said:game sux

i'm sure it does, honestly. as a ps4 user, the past and upcoming titles come out way too far apart and don't really deliver in terms of what one pays for them.
[Aug 15,2016 7:48pm - the_reverend ""]
so far the 2 games I have played were just what I wanted. No Man's Sky and Fallout 4
[Aug 17,2016 10:25am - Lookbackandlaugh  ""]
Fallout 4 one of the best games ever...just started NMS and it's unlike anything I've played before. High learning curve and some glitches that will hopefully get patched asap...but so far fascinating (Spock voice).
[Aug 17,2016 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
started over and I went through all the 5 planets in my first solar system with a more fine toothed comb. Spent so many hours there. I found a bunch of things, mined a lot better, blasted holes into the ground, and got a good ship. Lastnight, I finally jumped to the next solar system before bed. That was after I found a ship for 17 million unit. I don't have nearly enough for that.
[Aug 17,2016 1:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Have you mined any latinum yet?
[Aug 17,2016 1:54pm - the_reverend ""]
mined? no. Found, yes.
[Aug 24,2016 9:23pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 25,2016 7:10pm - susurrate ""]


the idea seems very interesting, though rushed. off topic, but have any of you played The Talos Principle? Games such as these I have no interest in, but TTP seems.... intriguing.
[Aug 25,2016 10:47pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 30,2016 1:35am - the_reverend ""]
My 3rd solar system was already discovered by someone
[Aug 30,2016 9:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
Are you bored yet?
[Aug 30,2016 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been mostly grinding. I'm starting to take some risks now.
[Sep 3,2016 1:59pm - Mooville cometh inc.  ""]
Making my way though dues Ex humanity Divided.........epic.
[Nov 27,2016 12:11pm - the_reverend ""]
Holy crap! Huge new update makes it a new game.

Space fighting is better.
The crossbar thing is going to take some time.
Defended a freighter and then got to board. Freighters make the space stations look like a joke. I could have bought a freighter too.
[Nov 27,2016 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
You can pre-scan planets.
[Nov 27,2016 1:32pm - susurrate ""]
rev you should be hello games press secretary. you're the only person who enjoys this game as of 11.27.16
[Nov 27,2016 2:15pm - the_reverend ""]
my kid likes it to, but the internet is right about us being the biggest gay faggots of ALL TIMEEEE!!!!!111!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nov 27,2016 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]
Building a base now! It's pretty sweet. Also, they made it so you can find minerals in caves like you do above ground
[Jan 2,2017 11:16am - the_reverend ""]

ok, I've been searching for viridium... I just found out the planet classes. damn it.
[Jan 3,2017 11:32am - the_reverend ""]
ok, did all the foundation things. Time to beat the last DLC for FO4
[Mar 8,2017 2:40pm - the_reverend ""]
NEW DLC! https://www.engadget.com/2017/03/08/no-mans-sky-path-finder-update/
[Mar 15,2017 6:17pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Mar 16,2017 8:31am - the_reverend ""]

[Mar 16,2017 9:09am - susurrate ""]

the_reverend said:

[Mar 16,2017 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
I still enjoy this game. The rover is kind of bunk.
[Aug 11,2017 11:12am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 5,2018 12:11am - the_reverend ""]
Loaded newest update now.
[Mar 25,2019 8:35pm - the_reverend ""]

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