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Apr 28 (Sat) - Inquisition, Abazagorath, Nachzehrer, Ipsissimus, Herugrim - Middle East (Cambridge, MA)

SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH @ MIDDLE EAST UPSTAIRS: Inquisition, Abazagorath, Nachzehrer, Ipisissimus, Herugrim

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [abazagorath][herugrim][inquisition][morgirion][nachzehrer][randomshots]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Feb 15,2012 11:08am - trioxin_245 ""]
I thought DSO was more of a 2008/2009 thing.
[Feb 15,2012 11:08am - trioxin_245 ""]
They're the American Nightmare of black metal.
[Feb 15,2012 11:18am - arilliusbm ""]

trioxin_245 said:I thought DSO was more of a 2008/2009 thing.

well really they were 2004-2008ish. They exploded when "Si Monumentum.." came out. FMP was drooling over them for sometime.

I remember that FMP dude Traume von Herbst or whatever.. Had a homemade Moonblood beanie and got SHAT on because of that. Hahaha, I should start posting there again. Forum was ridiculous.
[Feb 15,2012 11:23am - RustyPS ""]

trioxin_245 said:They're the American Nightmare of black metal.
I was thinking the same thing lol
[Feb 15,2012 11:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 15,2012 11:48am - MikeOv  ""]

trioxin_245 said:
MikeOv said:Why would it ever matter if a band becomes more popular, as long as they're producing the same quality of music that you've come expect from them?

I didn't say they became popular, I said that every noob and his mom who never mentioned them before 3 months ago all of a sudden cares about them.

My post wasn't even directed at you. I was just throwing that out there.
[Feb 15,2012 11:52am - trioxin_245 ""]
Yea I know, just clarifying.
[Feb 15,2012 11:59am - Cher  ""]
Slapshot is the Immortal of black metal
[Feb 15,2012 12:01pm - Ross' typical response #231  ""]
[Feb 15,2012 12:01pm - Cher  ""]
Er I mean Immortal is the Slapshot of black metal
[Feb 15,2012 12:01pm - trioxin_245 ""]
[Feb 15,2012 12:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ [img]
[Feb 15,2012 12:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 15,2012 12:48pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Blessed Offal is the Hooded Menace of 2012
[Feb 15,2012 2:21pm - chrisREX  ""]
I remember that FMP dude Traume von Herbst or whatever.. Had a homemade Moonblood beanie and got SHAT on because of that. Hahaha, I should start posting there again. Forum was ridiculous.

What's FMP?
[Feb 15,2012 2:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 15,2012 2:27pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]

chrisREX said:[QUOTE="arilliusbm:1278539"
I remember that FMP dude Traume von Herbst or whatever.. Had a homemade Moonblood beanie and got SHAT on because of that. Hahaha, I should start posting there again. Forum was ridiculous.

What's FMP?

a lot of us used to be into machine products and such back in the early to mid-2000s, and we met on the FMP message board. there was a co-worker with a penchant for wearing gucci loafers to work on casual fridays there that would always talk about how he wanted to make the screen of the Programmable Digital Timer SEVEN INCHES wide instead of the industry standard 6.4 inches, hence the joke 'i want to seven inch LCD'

heres the site
[Feb 15,2012 2:29pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
[Feb 15,2012 2:53pm - eyeroller  ""]

goatcatalyst said:I liked Inquisition more when they lived in Colombia and played thrash

Why, where do they live now?
[Feb 15,2012 2:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
Washington State.
[Feb 15,2012 5:29pm - twat liar  ""]
Setlist will be:
Nachzehrer 1-2AM
Abazagorath 12-1245AM
Inquisition 1100-1150
Ipsissimus 1015- 1050
Herugrim 930- 1000
[Feb 15,2012 5:31pm - Burnsy ""]
[Feb 15,2012 5:51pm - Cher  ""]


No, Michael.
[Feb 15,2012 6:33pm - nekronaut ""]
Dear twat liar,

I think you meant set times not setlist.

[Feb 15,2012 9:49pm - Czarnobog ""]

twat%20liar said:Setlist will be:
Nachzehrer 1-2AM
Abazagorath 12-1245AM
Inquisition 1100-1150
Ipsissimus 1015- 1050
Herugrim 930- 1000

haha, what?
[Feb 15,2012 9:55pm - Burnsy ""]
I know a bunch of you haven't hung out with me before but SM: 1,000 obviously.
[Feb 16,2012 7:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Will Boston Antifa show at this one again?
[Feb 16,2012 7:51am - goatcatalyst ""]
Hope so. I have a long Cuban who would blacken some faggot eyes in celebration of diversity.
[Feb 16,2012 9:10am - arilliusbm ""]

goatcatalyst said:Hope so. I have a long Cuban who would blacken some faggot eyes in celebration of diversity.

Big Al would wreck any scrawny Antifa n-words if they show.
[Feb 16,2012 9:21am - eyeroller  ""]
Antifa @ this show equals anti-South American.
[Feb 16,2012 9:26am - arilliusbm ""]
Lol true. They won't show.
[Feb 16,2012 12:11pm - arktouros ""]
Ha!! Need more SA bands to keep them out!
Also extra pumped Abazagorath is on, their lazers were throbbing last time Ryan hosted us at Cherry st
[Feb 16,2012 12:11pm - Cher  ""]
[Feb 16,2012 12:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
All lazers are burn to fuck!!!
[Feb 16,2012 12:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ryan, play in wheelchair again or false.
[Feb 16,2012 12:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Haha. No wheelchair- but if someone can get me enough Dilaudid to prohibit fiber gnomes for a week, I can bring the old crutches, take a seat and see if we can relive the magic
[Feb 16,2012 1:14pm - boblovesmusic ""]

arilliusbm said:Ryan, play in wheelchair again or false.
[Feb 16,2012 1:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

eyeroller said:Antifa @ this show equals anti-South American.

Heh - both bands I'm in lost their Spanish. Now we're wide open to Antifa gossip attacks.
[Feb 16,2012 1:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Steve, I'm Bolivian and Brazilian.
[Feb 16,2012 1:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Steve, I'm Bolivian and Brazilian.

[Feb 16,2012 1:45pm - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:Steve, I'm Bolivian and Brazilian.

More like Bravilian, amirite?
[Feb 16,2012 1:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Burnsy said:
arilliusbm said:Steve, I'm Bolivian and Brazilian.

More like Bovalian, amirite?

[Feb 16,2012 2:04pm - Czarnobog ""]
its cool, in the '90s i used to fight nazis with the best of 'em (back when people knew the difference between organized nazis who would trash shows or jump your friends and random people or bands who don't walk some hyper pc line or happen to have different politics/beliefs). if anyone needs someone to explain how stupid it would be to fuck with this or any other show i'm happy to act as liason.
[Feb 16,2012 2:07pm - arilliusbm ""]

Burnsy said:
arilliusbm said:Steve, I'm Bolivian and Brazilian.

More like Bravilian, amirite?

[Feb 16,2012 2:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Czarnobog said:its cool, in the '90s i used to fight nazis with the best of 'em (back when people knew the difference between organized nazis who would trash shows or jump your friends and random people or bands who don't walk some hyper pc line or happen to have different politics/beliefs). if anyone needs someone to explain how stupid it would be to fuck with this or any other show i'm happy to act as liason.

It's just symptomatic of running out of targets; 19 year-old college students who hear all about whatever tales of olden glory they tell at the Democracy Center or the EG Bookstore, and want to get in on the action. Except there's nobody left around who isn't either a) in established crews that, let's be honest, these kids would never fuck with, or b) living out in the woods, somewhere.
[Feb 16,2012 2:36pm - trioxin_245 ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Czarnobog said:its cool, in the '90s i used to fight nazis with the best of 'em (back when people knew the difference between organized nazis who would trash shows or jump your friends and random people or bands who don't walk some hyper pc line or happen to have different politics/beliefs). if anyone needs someone to explain how stupid it would be to fuck with this or any other show i'm happy to act as liason.

It's just symptomatic of running out of targets; 19 year-old college students who hear all about whatever tales of olden glory they tell at the Democracy Center or the EG Bookstore, and want to get in on the action. Except there's nobody left around who isn't either a) in established crews that, let's be honest, these kids would never fuck with, or b) living out in the woods, somewhere.

[Feb 16,2012 3:03pm - Czarnobog ""]
pretty much.
[Feb 16,2012 3:18pm - Czarnobog ""]
either way, this show seems solidly unfuckwithable. i mean, i guess one of the ex-members of abazagorath is in disma with that dude who had that sketchy side project back whenever... but i'd think that's a pretty tough sell as far as rallying points go. plus the number of latin folks who will be there supporting would probably put the antifa kids to shame.
[Feb 16,2012 3:32pm - Czarnobog ""]


[Feb 16,2012 3:37pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Czarnobog said:plus half of east boston will be there supporting would probably put the antifa kids to shame.

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