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finally some GOOD shows in mass

[Apr 1,2003 10:00pm - jesus ""]
5/24/03 Trance MAY-HEM
The Trance Buddha
Rt. 20 - Shrewsbury, MA
Upon Crimson Wings
Back Of Tha Neck
Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus
The Yin Yang Contrast
A Cold Reality
Swear To God
Admit Defeat
Days Will End
Reliving The Nightmare
The Intricate Slaughter Process
No Allegiance
The Pinkles
doors @ 12:00
all ages.

even better:...

5/31/03 Pearl St. Nightclub
10 Pearl Street, Northampton, MA
Corpse Of Christ
Terminally Your Aborted Ghost
Bane Of Exsistence
doors @ 2:00
all ages - 12$

shows definatly not to be missed..

[Apr 2,2003 12:21am - joostin ""]
i thought eviscerate broke up?
[Apr 2,2003 12:30am - mark fucking richards  ""]
hells yeah; may is gonna be good...

don't forget
friday may 2nd
benefit show for ben falgoust, soilent green vocalist
at the raven
2691 cranberry highway
wareham, ma
5 bucks
all ages
door at 8, show at 9
from first to last:
deadwater drowning
upon crimson wings


saturday may 23rd
benefit for aidan george, a young boy from whitman who needs a brain tumor removed
at the whitman vfw
whitman, ma
7 bucks, all ages
tons of bands including
upon crimson wings
back of tha neck
terminally your aborted ghost
in dire need
fight night
and many others; for full info go to www.foraidan.cjb.net

i also thought eviscerate broke up; it would be awesome if they are still together
[Apr 2,2003 12:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
nice! I didn't know Dysentery was playing the North Hampton show. Now it's even sicker. I look forward to finially seeing you guys live.
[Apr 2,2003 1:52pm - xxdarkknightxx ""]
May is going to be good..... How many going to the Metalfest?

Also, June looks to be good for shows too...i heard shadows fall, Killswitch, Lamb of God, Opeth, were playing a show together at the palladium..After the shad return from there europeon tour.. (them damn brits, they get a Shadows Fall/Soilwork/children of bodom tour, why dont we?)
[Apr 2,2003 4:04pm - xmikex ""]
what the fuck, i thought Devourment was supposed to play that show in north hampton.....burial is a poor substitute. fuck burial.
[Apr 2,2003 7:03pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I guess they couldn't get them. Fleshgrind is the replacement though
[Apr 2,2003 10:32pm - jesus ""]
yeah suposedly devourment backed out because it was to close to maryland's deathfest.. sounds like a load of shit to me. but whatever, fleshgrind will decimate all \m/

..oh and thanks for the good werds menstrual
[Apr 3,2003 3:56pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost is also playing that show at the top of this thread... the one in Shrewsbury haha we replaced a band that dropped off. -Devon (TYAG)
[Apr 3,2003 4:39pm - cradface  ""]
April 7th
The Axis
All Ages

Dillinger Escape Plan
Every Time I Die
The Red Chord
[Apr 4,2003 9:30am - baneofexistence ""]
@ Jarrod's Place in Attleboro, MA. This
show is 18+.
Tix $7. (if you need em let me know i have some)
w/ Gimme 5, Severeighn, Goratory,
Traumaside and Leukorrhea & bane of existence
April 18 , 2003
Place : Iron horse pub/ Ashland, MA
With: Auditory dysfunction, Bane of Existence,Coldread , no name maddox + more
Time: TBA 21+
may 11th 2003
@ the lucky dog WORCESTER MA
all ages 1pm
soon as i know THIS IS AN ALL AGES SHOW
@ Pearl Street Night Club in North Hampton, MA.
FLESHGRIND, Burial, Despoilment, bane of existence,
Corpse of Christ, Dysentary, Terminally Your Aborted
Ghost and more
Thursday June 5th 2003
Bostons' Dead
O'briens pub
allston ma.
BANE OF EXISTENCE & Kurixis (from Me.) more info to

[Apr 4,2003 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
I hope all these shows are getting added to the events page
[Apr 4,2003 10:43am - baneofexistence ""]
but of course :NEWHORNS: they are already there man
[Apr 5,2003 1:22am - jesus ""]
hey i completely re-did the dysentery site...check out
http://dysentery.cjb.net for a few show updates..and let me know what you thin of the new site. :bartnormal::gun:
[Apr 22,2003 2:56pm - jesus ""]
+ add:

Reading, MA
Shading The End
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost
Held Hostage
In Dire Need
Letters From The Dead
The Devils Discipline
doors @ 4:00
all ages - 7$

check out all the shows mentioned in the thread :shocked: they're actually good
[Apr 22,2003 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
um.. letters from the dead?
aren't they dead?
[Apr 22,2003 4:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
its gotta be the reuinion show with special guest tom on guitar.

[Apr 22,2003 4:27pm - jesus ""]
yeah its one of those reunion/last show things
[Apr 22,2003 4:27pm - jesus ""]
[Apr 22,2003 4:56pm - embludgeonment  ""]
yea letters from the dead...reunion/last show should be good....i heard a rumor about redchord headlinging......?
[Apr 22,2003 5:47pm - jesus ""]
um, there is a chance ... dont get your hopes up, theres a sceduling discrepancy(sp?)
[Apr 22,2003 8:05pm - joostin ""]
i'm going to try and get Mortician for this show
[Apr 22,2003 10:03pm - embludgeonment  ""]
how do you plan on getting mortician......and make sure you do it.
[Apr 22,2003 10:24pm - XmikeX ""]
mortician live is one of the most pointless things i've ever seen. get devourment.
[Apr 22,2003 10:40pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
here is another good show that none of you will come to:

Monday June 16th at Bill's Bar: Red Invasion, Moral Terror and more. 18+ 9 PM

[Apr 22,2003 10:59pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
LOL it would be amazing if we got mortician to play, even though Will will mostlikely get drunk and stab someone. :satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Apr 22,2003 11:42pm - joostin ""]
Devourment is now 550 dollars to book. damn texans.
[Apr 22,2003 11:45pm - the_reverend ""]
let's start making a collection, I guess...
how much is today is the day to book?
[Apr 23,2003 4:41am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i'd sell my body to fat butch chicks in order to get money to book devourment :NEWHORNS:
[Apr 23,2003 6:02am - XmikeX ""]
gotta spend money to make money. it's a moral imperative that devourment play massachusetts.

heres some other suggested headliners: creation is crucifixion, pig destroyer, skinless, internal bleeding, circle of dead children, and somehow some way dehumanized
[Apr 23,2003 8:36am - the_reverend ""]
isn't CODC the band that everyone tries to book and they never seem to be able to book them?
I think some has a plan to get them to exit 23.
I guess we'll see.
[Apr 23,2003 9:02am - joostin ""]
i heard codc is only asking for 200
[Apr 23,2003 9:25am - embludgeonment  ""]
yea so i just found out the reading vfw where this show is taking place puts on shows "almost" every weekend and apparently all the highskewl school kdis from the surrounding towns like to go and hang out thyere regaurdless of the town......the majority of them are pop/nu metal kids ...this makes me wet....i think this night needs a theme ...how about pop punching...
[Apr 23,2003 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
$200? that's like $50 a minute.
where are all these prices listed?
is there a shopping list or something that you can look these things up on?
[Apr 23,2003 10:44am - Don  ""]
that eviscerate playing that show is a different eviscerate.

I don't know why they would pick a name of a band that was around about the same time as them, as well as the same state.

The real Eviscerate will be playing the Mass Metalfest on the saturday, most likely the last show.

[Apr 23,2003 11:34am - XmikeX ""]
CODC is only a band during the summer...or so the legend goes.
get them.
[Apr 23,2003 1:02pm - joostin ""]
actually, Devon Terminal named the show "Grind Ya' Face Off"
I wasn't witty enough to think of a name like that, so it stays.
He said he can also get CODC to play. sound good?
also, i loved old Eviscerate.
anyone remember reflections?
[Apr 23,2003 1:06pm - jesus ""]
no, sounds shitty. get cher.
[Apr 23,2003 1:15pm - joostin ""]
in thewords of homer simpson
"Shaddupah' Yo' Mouth!"
[Apr 23,2003 3:05pm - XmikeX ""]
didn't phobia print tshirts that said grind your face off? or something to that extent.
[Apr 23,2003 3:05pm - XmikeX ""]
didn't phobia print tshirts that said grind your face off? or something to that extent.
[Apr 23,2003 7:35pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Yeah, I think Phobia had shirts that were like that, I dunno if it was exactly, but I made it up when i was bored for our site, it was more like a joke, 'cause it is suppose to be in a "wicked boston accent"... "Grind 'Ya Face Off" Fest, haha. I emailed Jason about the show in Reading, so hopefully, duders, they can play. Devon (TYAG)
[Apr 24,2003 10:01am - joostin ""]
Nick(the guy who sreams, look him up) has agreed to open the show
[Apr 24,2003 11:01am - XmikeX ""]
OR....how bout this for a radical idea.....book something that ISN'T completely retarded and that people will actually come to the show to see. Alot of the bands on this bill are completely unknown, and while Im sure they're all decent bands and i'll like them, there still remains the matter of getting people in the door.
[Apr 24,2003 11:56am - joostin ""]
i totally agree. the nick thing is just for shits and giggles. believe me, i'm working on finding a suitable headliner
[Apr 24,2003 12:28pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Ok, here is the deal with CODC. they'll play if we can get TRC also... So, everyone and I mean everyone talk to TRC when they come back from tour and make em play so we can finally have a REAL good show here in MA thats not 18+ or some bullshit. hahaha. Devon (TYAG)
[Apr 24,2003 1:37pm - baneofexistence ""]
i think the red cord are going on tour over seas with b.t.s.s. in june i'm pretty sure thats what i was told but hell i dunno:NEWHORNS:
[Apr 24,2003 4:10pm - joostin ""]
problem with all that is, the 21st is the first day of the red chord tour and guy wants it in MA. he also wants the VFW and doesn't want these shows competing. i'm absolutely stumped now.
[Apr 25,2003 9:38am - tyagxgrind ""]
Dont worry a headliner will be found. Were working on a good one, so its worth it for all you lazy fucks to go to a good show haha. Devon (TYAG)
[Apr 25,2003 3:54pm - XmikeX ""]
soultion: tell the red chord that whatever bands they're going on tour with can play your show. then thats some more great bands that we can haev on the show PLUS CODC

[Jan 6,2004 9:41pm - Enemyofdastate  ""]
XmikeX said:gotta spend money to make money. it's a moral imperative that devourment play massachusetts.

heres some other suggested headliners: creation is crucifixion, pig destroyer, skinless, internal bleeding, circle of dead children, and somehow some way dehumanized

Get us a club and some bands and we will show up
[Jan 6,2004 11:18pm - diamond_dave ""]
mark fucking richards said:hells yeah; may is gonna be good...

don't forget
friday may 2nd
benefit show for ben falgoust, soilent green vocalist

what happened to ben?
[Jan 7,2004 12:28am - dreadkill ""]
diamond_dave said:mark fucking richards said:hells yeah; may is gonna be good...

don't forget
friday may 2nd
benefit show for ben falgoust, soilent green vocalist

what happened to ben?

his legs got fucked up in that road accident a while back and he has no money
[Jan 7,2004 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
weird old thread...

he was hobbled, but is recovered nicely.
was on a cane for a loooooong time.

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