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finally some GOOD shows in mass

[Jan 6,2004 9:41pm - Enemyofdastate  ""]
XmikeX said:gotta spend money to make money. it's a moral imperative that devourment play massachusetts.

heres some other suggested headliners: creation is crucifixion, pig destroyer, skinless, internal bleeding, circle of dead children, and somehow some way dehumanized

Get us a club and some bands and we will show up
[Jan 6,2004 11:18pm - diamond_dave ""]
mark fucking richards said:hells yeah; may is gonna be good...

don't forget
friday may 2nd
benefit show for ben falgoust, soilent green vocalist

what happened to ben?
[Jan 7,2004 12:28am - dreadkill ""]
diamond_dave said:mark fucking richards said:hells yeah; may is gonna be good...

don't forget
friday may 2nd
benefit show for ben falgoust, soilent green vocalist

what happened to ben?

his legs got fucked up in that road accident a while back and he has no money
[Jan 7,2004 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
weird old thread...

he was hobbled, but is recovered nicely.
was on a cane for a loooooong time.

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