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these are the people were electing

[Feb 11,2007 12:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 11,2007 12:55pm - Dirty Sanchez  ""]
we're electing....WE'RE!!!!
[Feb 11,2007 12:56pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Dirty Sanchez said:we're electing....WE'RE!!!!

who the fuck is "we?"
[Feb 11,2007 1:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
Dirty Sanchez said:we're electing....WE'RE!!!!

i think it was hung or something
[Feb 11,2007 2:53pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Once again,This has to be HTL posting as W3 nli
[Feb 11,2007 7:16pm - PatMeebles ""]
Just because there's some dumbass creationist republican talking about dinosaur farts doesn't mean there aren't legit questions to ask that challenge the current consensus on global warming.

I also find it amazing that Think Progress decides mass extinction involving cold blooded creatures that behaved solely through instinct can somehow be related to today with us warm blooded people that don't depend on the enviroment to dictate our body temperature and our disposal of technology.
[Feb 11,2007 7:24pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah mahn what you said.....fuck fuck fuck tha police
[Feb 12,2007 1:26am - NIGGER ""]
What's this "we," white man? I refuse to vote.
[Feb 12,2007 11:49am - HailAtWork  ""]
oh my fucking god...we're all going to die because of these fucking morons..will someone please light them on fire? ...I don't need to post as W3, I think he's got his own opinions about how retarded these idiots are, this is like arguing that gravity doesn't exsist because it's a theory. They've known that global warming is caused by humans for 40 years now, how you can argue with that is beyond me, the longer people are in denial, the more fucked we'll all be.
[Feb 12,2007 12:30pm - c.dEAD  ""]
[Feb 12,2007 1:25pm - ariavette ""]
ugh.. so sick of hearing about global warming.the entire plante would have to pretty much shut down for a long period of time . ..to reverse the damage humans have done... seeing as that will never happen...
just accept it... humans have conquered and destroyed this planet.. as much as anyone talks about " fixing" it... no one ever will untill it is too late...
[Feb 12,2007 1:41pm - xmikex ""]
I thought dinosaurs didn't exist according to these creationist types? Something about triceritops not existing (despite indesputible evidence to the contrary) because it was never in the bible.

So if dinosaur farts didn't ruin the ozone whose farts did? I would like to throw my hat into the ring here and say.... the Jews.
[Feb 12,2007 1:43pm - Murph nli  ""]
HailAtWork said:oh my fucking god...we're all going to die because of these fucking morons..will someone please light them on fire? ...I don't need to post as W3, I think he's got his own opinions about how retarded these idiots are, this is like arguing that gravity doesn't exsist because it's a theory. They've known that global warming is caused by humans for 40 years now, how you can argue with that is beyond me, the longer people are in denial, the more fucked we'll all be.

I have to say I agre with her. What most people don't realize is that at the rate of warming and chemical byproduct creation we are currently at, 90% of the world's species could be wiped out or near extinction in 150-200 years. How, do you say? Because most of those are aerobic insects, plant life, and aquatic life.

Us mammals arent the only ones who suffer, and the world would be a vastly different place, pretty much a microbial nightmare (theoretically) if we kill off many of the consumers. Of course, something in nature will rise to fill these gaps, but what will it be and how will it affect us?
[Feb 12,2007 1:46pm - metal_church101 ""]

Liberalism is STILL a mental disorder


[Feb 12,2007 1:48pm - Murph nli  ""]
But also, HTL, screaming at and pointing out others missteps or ambivalence really doesn't help. No matter how blind someone might be to a situation, never, EVER will calling them or their faction an idiot help. Simply because no one likes being told that they are wrong and/or dumb. The only way to help, is to just keep studying our surroundings and hope the proof can change minds. People believe that gases they can't see and glaciers that don't surround them have nothing to do with them. These same people should stick their hand over a pure hydrogen flame or grab a live-wire with their feet in water. Then they might realize that just because they can't see it, doesn't mean it doesnt exist*.

* this argument in no way applies to God. God doesn't exist. If you're arguing that point, pick up some history books, learn a little about ancient belief, political climate, and especially economy. Then sit back and let it all sink in.
[Feb 12,2007 3:27pm - HailAtWork  ""]
I'm not screaming at anyone, I'm posting an opinion...if no one points put that these people are dangerous and stupid, then the same idiots who put them in office will keep them there.
[Feb 12,2007 4:55pm - hungtableed  ""]
ahhhhhhhhh! Global Warming!
What I love is that the same assholes who tout this environmental crisis shit were in the 60s and 70s telling us that is was getting warmer. In the 90s when they didn't know what the fuck to say the called it El Nino, something that no one could really explain to you what it really was. Now we got this broad who looks like the son of Axl Rose telling us that it's a fact that it's cause by humans, like she even went to college let alone took any environmental science classes. After all the propaganda and Al Gore's powerpoint presentation, it's still just a theory. What you don't pay any attention to is that there are just as many 'scientists' saying that it's not caused by humans.
[Feb 12,2007 4:56pm - W3 nli  ""]
someone please post the youtube of chris farley as El Nino
[Feb 12,2007 4:58pm - hungtableed  ""]
hungtableed said:ahhhhhhhhh! Global Warming!
What I love is that the same assholes who tout this environmental crisis shit were in the 60s and 70s telling us that is was getting warmer. In the 90s when they didn't know what the fuck to say the called it El Nino, something that no one could really explain to you what it really was. Now we got this broad who looks like the son of Axl Rose telling us that it's a fact that it's cause by humans, like she even went to college let alone took any environmental science classes. After all the propaganda and Al Gore's powerpoint presentation, it's still just a theory. What you don't pay any attention to is that there are just as many 'scientists' saying that it's not caused by humans.

*in the 60s and 70s were telling us that is was getting COLDER
(i.e. look up the Kennedy's history on environmental issues in the 60s and 70s

my typo, too bad I didn't log in so that I could fix it.
[Feb 12,2007 5:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
more chris farley less theory's about dino farts
[Feb 12,2007 5:06pm - hungtableed  ""]
please don't get me wrong, I am not ascribing the to dino farts theory either.

btw. Chris Farley's death was one of the greatest losses the entertainment industry has ever suffered.
[Feb 12,2007 5:06pm - HailAtWork  ""]
hungtableed said:ahhhhhhhhh! Global Warming!
What I love is that the same assholes who tout this environmental crisis shit were in the 60s and 70s telling us that is was getting warmer. In the 90s when they didn't know what the fuck to say the called it El Nino, something that no one could really explain to you what it really was. Now we got this broad who looks like the son of Axl Rose telling us that it's a fact that it's cause by humans, like she even went to college let alone took any environmental science classes. After all the propaganda and Al Gore's powerpoint presentation, it's still just a theory. What you don't pay any attention to is that there are just as many 'scientists' saying that it's not caused by humans.

Sorry, I can't stop laughing long enough to properly reply to this nonsense...
[Feb 12,2007 5:17pm - Lamp ""]
I believe El Nino is when the jet stream splits in two.
[Feb 12,2007 5:21pm - W3 nli  ""]
hungtableed said:Chris Farley's death was one of the greatest losses the entertainment industry has ever suffered.

along with John Candy.
[Feb 12,2007 5:35pm - Murph nli  ""]
hungtableed said:hungtableed said:ahhhhhhhhh! Global Warming!
What I love is that the same assholes who tout this environmental crisis shit were in the 60s and 70s telling us that is was getting warmer. In the 90s when they didn't know what the fuck to say the called it El Nino, something that no one could really explain to you what it really was. Now we got this broad who looks like the son of Axl Rose telling us that it's a fact that it's cause by humans, like she even went to college let alone took any environmental science classes. After all the propaganda and Al Gore's powerpoint presentation, it's still just a theory. What you don't pay any attention to is that there are just as many 'scientists' saying that it's not caused by humans.

*in the 60s and 70s were telling us that is was getting COLDER
(i.e. look up the Kennedy's history on environmental issues in the 60s and 70s

my typo, too bad I didn't log in so that I could fix it.

First off, completely off subject, in the 60's we still had segregated communities and women made almost 1/2 of what men made in the workforce. So there is no infallibility. Not that there is now, but I'm guessing "facts" and their execution were a little more susceptible to narrower view.

Now, on subject. Well, with all the glaciers melting in to the sea, I'm sure, based on currents, it would seem the Earth was getting colder. Measuring the temperature and change in aquatic life, one would assume an Ice Age was not too far out of the question. Also, with the amount of byproduct pumped into the air, our oxygen could become less and less, and if hydrogen, which is much lighter, became the normal gas, we'd not only be dead, but quite cold. I'm not sure of those studies, but I'm sure there are ways to view changes that would precipitate cold. HOWEVER, even if some aspects of global warming cannot be ascribed to human action (even though most of it is an after effect, a variation due to increased fluorocarbon emissions and increased byproduct thrown into the air. Many people don't realize, when gases are released into the atmosphere, they dont just sit there. They bond to form new substances, and many of the things the bond with are hydrogen and carbon, but also oxygen. Which means we are losing air purity due to these chemical amalgamations.

If you don't believe humans cause it, then believe we can at least help fight against it. For proof, look no farther than the Australians. Their tight flourocarbon laws have helped greatly repair some areas where ozone had been depleted.

I don't get it. People have to realize that our planet began as an ANAEROBIC entity, which through mutation of life created oxygen in huge amounts and dissipated many of the more prevalent gases in the atmosphere. If we keep pumping our anaerobic waste into the air, we could revert someday. The amount of plantlife destroyed from this earth is not there anymore to help synthesize the carbon from the air to leave pure oxygen. I mean, it really is simple science and environmental cautiousness. It is not a definite thing, but why not try to manuever the future toward a healthy (for our aerobic beings) state instead of leaving it even more open to chance (meteors, nuclear wars, volcanic issues).
[Feb 12,2007 5:38pm - the_reverend ""]
nearly 90% of scientists agree that it's humans who are a main contributing factor to global warming.

that is roughly the same percent as a poll done about another theory, evolution.
[Feb 12,2007 5:55pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 12,2007 5:55pm - hunterhunter ""]
i thought this was a good explanation:
[Feb 12,2007 9:23pm - PatMeebles ""]
Does anyone here even know about the issues with Mars' recent global warming? Does anyone here know of the two recent books which address the theories that Global Warming may be a solar issue (one of which actually created global warming in a chamber by recreating the atmosphere and pumping uv rays into it)? I'm not trying to defend pollution and say that it's good, but this whole hysteria MIGHT be over-blown and could lead to crippling economic policies that won't do diddly squat.
[Feb 12,2007 10:15pm - Murph nli  ""]
Well, if UV A or B rays caused the warming, then our attack on ozone is definitely gonna put us in a precarious position. It's all relative.
[Feb 12,2007 10:15pm - Murph nli  ""]
Well, if UV A or B rays caused the warming, then our attack on ozone is definitely gonna put us in a precarious position. It's all relative.
[Feb 12,2007 11:25pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
I love how any time you say something that rebukes the global warming theory all the sheep who prescribe to it get their panties tied in a knot like you just said something negative about their religion. Afterall, that's what it has become to those who tout the "fact" that humans are to blame. I guess my point wasn't exactly framed in the manner in which I meant it to be, which is, all these talking head politicians don't know dick. First they say its getting colder, then warmer, then it's 'El Nino'- now it's getting warmer. It's become a political issue and the red diaper liberals are playing it harder than the illegal immigration issue (which they only prescribe to in favor for the latino vote). In 10 years the environmentalist freaks will again say it's getting colder. The talking head politicians don't know their balls from their dick in terms of environmental science, however, they spew all this garbage like they've personally done the research themselves. I guess I see where most of you are coming from. Al Gore must be right; after all, he has all these graphs and charts and shit!

I'm glad HTL found my last post humorous, I found it rather funny myself. I knew she'd like the one about how she looks like the son of Axl Rose.
[Feb 13,2007 12:48am - W3 nli  ""]
best line ever......

"while all the debating goes on the holocaust has already begun."
[Feb 13,2007 2:13am - powerkok ""]
To think global warming is non existent, is a horrible lie to yourself.

I wont get into statistics, charts or graphs, (but I could), however, I will say that even in the last 10 years there has been a noticable change in the WORLD climate.

Its not El Nino, its not a 'band of extreme weather patterns', its not a cycle that will start over again.
It is the gradual heating of an ice cube.
[Feb 13,2007 2:23am - PatMeebles ""]
What do you mean it's not a cycle? We're on the tail end of a miniature Ice Age. The medieval period was warmer than it is now. If global warming turns out to be a solar issue, then a cycle is exactly what it is.
[Feb 13,2007 2:25am - the_reverend ""]
if that is true then why is all the ice melting now? that doesn't gell with me. yes, there are more things that just humans going on right now... but everything that is going on PLUS humans is fucking everything. I just hope I guess right and get some nice beach front property.
[Feb 13,2007 2:27am - powerkok ""]
thats a large if.
[Feb 13,2007 2:28am - powerkok ""]
And Rev, by humans, you mean mostly the US and China.
[Feb 13,2007 2:53am - the_reverend ""]
I meant the US. I didn't know that chinamen were considered humans yet. did you read that on anus dot com?
[Feb 13,2007 3:00am - the_reverend ""]
the way I see it, anyone that doesn't want to remove themselves from the gene-pool must realize that putting your lips on the tail pipe of a car is bad for you.
[Feb 13,2007 11:39am - HailAtWork  ""]
It's great for you when it gets into your food and water also...mmmm...deadly chemicals.
[Feb 13,2007 1:20pm - PatMeebles ""]
Ice glaciers in the eastern Hemisphere are growing. Not everything is receding.

[edit] I put the wrong hemisphere...
[Feb 13,2007 1:22pm - W3 nli  ""]
sure pat, keep thinking that.

hey i got this awesome land down in florida if you wanna buy it.
[Feb 13,2007 1:25pm - PatMeebles ""]

Here's the kind of information the \'\'scientific consensus" types don't want you to read. MIT's Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology Richard Lindzen recently complained about the \'\'shrill alarmism" of Gore's movie \'\'An Inconvenient Truth." Lindzen acknowledges that global warming is real, and he acknowledges that increased carbon emissions might be causing the warming -- but they also might not.

\'\'We do not understand the natural internal variability of climate change" is one of Lindzen's many heresies, along with such zingers as \'\'the Arctic was as warm or warmer in 1940," \'\'the evidence so far suggests that the Greenland ice sheet is actually growing on average," and \'\'Alpine glaciers have been retreating since the early 19th century, and were advancing for several centuries before that. Since about 1970, many of the glaciers have stopped retreating and some are now advancing again. And, frankly, we don't know why."

[Feb 13,2007 1:36pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah i can find you some scientists who'll tell you smoking doesnt cause cancer either.

or professionals who say our lives in danger over the national debt.

whats your point ?
[Feb 13,2007 1:39pm - powerkok ""]
Wow....this IS the end of the fucking world, because w3 and I actually agree on something.

Nice knowin ya, but not really.
[Feb 13,2007 1:42pm - W3 nli  ""]
but we havent eaten deer together yet, or smoked a doobie.
[Feb 13,2007 2:00pm - HailAtWork  ""]
I wonder what the next wild excuse the GOP will come up with next for global warming...maybe the polar bears are commiting suicide in some vast left-wing conspiracy to make people believe that destroying the earth for profit might not work out well.
[Feb 13,2007 2:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
where is the cylinder truck.
[Feb 14,2007 1:04am - PatMeebles ""]
Yes, comparing smoking-causes-cancer-deniers to global-warming-causes skeptics is just oh so easy. Just remember, in the sixties, people like you would've said "yeah, and I can find you a scientist who would say that the earth is warming, you kook."

[Feb 14,2007 9:10am - W3 nli  ""]
PatMeebles said:Yes, comparing smoking-causes-cancer-deniers to global-warming-causes skeptics is just oh so easy. Just remember, in the sixties, people like you would've said "yeah, and I can find you a scientist who would say that the earth is warming, you kook."

remember in the good ole days when the world was flat and god told us all what to do.

[Feb 14,2007 9:27am - hung_to_bleed ""]
The hype around global warming is a sham. The very same people who are trying to convince us that the earth will be X amount of degrees 100 years from now are dead wrong 75-90% of the time when they are trying to predict what the weather will be tomorrow. If they can't accurately predict tomorrows weather, what the fuck makes any one think that these people can predict to the fucking degree how hot/cold it will be in 100 years. Is it getting warmer? Probably - but does anyone really know why and can they predict where this is all going? With their credibility, I highly fucking doubt it. WE'RE ALL GOING TO FUCKING BURN UP!!!!!





[Feb 14,2007 9:28am - hung_to_bleed ""]
[Feb 14,2007 9:34am - PatMeebles ""]
W3 nli said:PatMeebles said:Yes, comparing smoking-causes-cancer-deniers to global-warming-causes skeptics is just oh so easy. Just remember, in the sixties, people like you would've said "yeah, and I can find you a scientist who would say that the earth is warming, you kook."

remember in the good ole days when the world was flat and god told us all what to do.

Remember the good old days when science dictated that blacks should undergo a eugenics campaign since they were less evolved?
[Feb 14,2007 9:40am - Lamp ""]
I don't know. I watch the Weather Channel a lot and see a lot of the record highs and lows on the local forecasts. There are times when the record high in February around here was in the 60s several decades ago. Why is it global warming now and not then?

I just really hate when I watch that channel and people are telling me there's a threat of global warming when it's fucking 15 degrees outside. That's like punching me in the balls in front of a nice warm fireplace.

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