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these are the people were electing

[Feb 14,2007 9:10am - W3 nli  ""]
PatMeebles said:Yes, comparing smoking-causes-cancer-deniers to global-warming-causes skeptics is just oh so easy. Just remember, in the sixties, people like you would've said "yeah, and I can find you a scientist who would say that the earth is warming, you kook."

remember in the good ole days when the world was flat and god told us all what to do.

[Feb 14,2007 9:27am - hung_to_bleed ""]
The hype around global warming is a sham. The very same people who are trying to convince us that the earth will be X amount of degrees 100 years from now are dead wrong 75-90% of the time when they are trying to predict what the weather will be tomorrow. If they can't accurately predict tomorrows weather, what the fuck makes any one think that these people can predict to the fucking degree how hot/cold it will be in 100 years. Is it getting warmer? Probably - but does anyone really know why and can they predict where this is all going? With their credibility, I highly fucking doubt it. WE'RE ALL GOING TO FUCKING BURN UP!!!!!





[Feb 14,2007 9:28am - hung_to_bleed ""]
[Feb 14,2007 9:34am - PatMeebles ""]
W3 nli said:PatMeebles said:Yes, comparing smoking-causes-cancer-deniers to global-warming-causes skeptics is just oh so easy. Just remember, in the sixties, people like you would've said "yeah, and I can find you a scientist who would say that the earth is warming, you kook."

remember in the good ole days when the world was flat and god told us all what to do.

Remember the good old days when science dictated that blacks should undergo a eugenics campaign since they were less evolved?
[Feb 14,2007 9:40am - Lamp ""]
I don't know. I watch the Weather Channel a lot and see a lot of the record highs and lows on the local forecasts. There are times when the record high in February around here was in the 60s several decades ago. Why is it global warming now and not then?

I just really hate when I watch that channel and people are telling me there's a threat of global warming when it's fucking 15 degrees outside. That's like punching me in the balls in front of a nice warm fireplace.

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