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Anyone who votes Ron Paul is Anti American

[Jan 17,2012 12:38pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
Why vote for an isolationist like Ron Paul? Someone inform me why you are all morons. We have Iran building nukes and enemies knocking at our door and you idiots think Paul is the answer. He was booed last night at the debate because none of us want him in office. He wants to pull back our armies when we have enemies waiting outside. Fuck Ron Paul and all of his supporters.
[Jan 17,2012 12:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cool story bro
[Jan 17,2012 12:44pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
Spoken like a true Paul hippy supporter. You don't understand reality.
[Jan 17,2012 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
and Iran
Iran so far away
[Jan 17,2012 12:46pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
Yea keep joking. Iran has nukes now and an army waiting to attack us. Russia has sided with them too. Who is your daddy now?
[Jan 17,2012 12:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only having 700 military bases around the world while your own country's infrastructure crubles is real.
[Jan 17,2012 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
I trust Russia, at least they don't pretend they aren't corrupt.
[Jan 17,2012 12:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
why the fuck wouldnt Iran want nukes anyways? Every fucking country surrounding them has them and half those countries are not even part of the non-proliferation treaty. yet we still give money to them after they supply info to North Korea. LOL at everyone in the fucking world.
[Jan 17,2012 12:59pm - CurlyRed ""]
So is your thinking we should keep the current ding dong in office then?

[Jan 17,2012 1:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
in b4 rev tells us all to "move to another country if we don't like it"
[Jan 17,2012 1:03pm - burnsy ""]
Pro-constitution = anti-American
[Jan 17,2012 1:05pm - niccolai ""]
Iran doesn't have nukes.
[Jan 17,2012 1:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
do a domestic turrurrist about it
[Jan 17,2012 1:05pm - niccolai ""]
and its not our business who has them anyways
[Jan 17,2012 1:06pm - Yeti ""]
i for one welcome a nuclear war. at least it will offset the ridiculous course we are on now.
[Jan 17,2012 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
Carnivore makes it sound like a nuclear war would be a blast.
[Jan 17,2012 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 17,2012 1:07pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
It's our job to eliminate all of those who threaten the freedom of the world. If you have a problem with that then you will see what happens to our country when your family is raped by chinese and russian soldiers. We are freedom..iran is not free. They are our enemies.
[Jan 17,2012 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
thankfully i look like Vladimir Lenin, so when the Russians come to rape my mom, they'll be so starstruck they'll try to rape me instead.
[Jan 17,2012 1:10pm - niccolai ""]

Miltary%20against%20Paul said:It's our job to eliminate all of those who threaten the freedom of the world. If you have a problem with that then you will see what happens to our country when your family is raped by chinese and russian soldiers. We are freedom..iran is not free. They are our enemies.

if we go in to Iran, Russia and china are going to turn us uver and fuck us sideways.
[Jan 17,2012 1:11pm - niccolai ""]

Miltary%20against%20Paul said:It's our job to eliminate all of those who threaten the freedom of the world.

Wheres that written?
[Jan 17,2012 1:12pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
You guys still havent answered my question. Typical Paul supporters.
[Jan 17,2012 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 17,2012 1:13pm - ark  ""]

burnsy said:Pro-constitution = anti-American

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. -Ron Paul

[Jan 17,2012 1:14pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
We have been doing it since World War 1. Why stop now? Every country looks up to us. We represent the free world. Ron Paul is an isolationist who hates freedom.
[Jan 17,2012 1:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm done with this thread. you're a fucking dolt.
[Jan 17,2012 1:16pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
Because you are wrong.
[Jan 17,2012 1:16pm - niccolai ""]
sub par troll is suuub parrr
[Jan 17,2012 1:16pm - Yeti ""]

ark said:
burnsy said:Pro-constitution = anti-American

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. -Ron Paul


i don't necessarily support Ron Paul, but he is certainly better than any other joke running. i have read this before, and that is a horribly misinformed quote.
[Jan 17,2012 1:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Miltary%20against%20Paul said:We have been doing it since World War 1. Why stop now? Every country looks up to us. We represent the free world. Ron Paul is an isolationist who hates freedom.

lulz @ your elementary understanding of WWI and our involvement in it.

do a Flanders about it
[Jan 17,2012 1:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Miltary%20against%20Paul said:Because you are wrong.

ya sure. whatever helps ya sleep at night boss
[Jan 17,2012 1:20pm - ark  ""]
Hey Military Against Paul, why is the US Military Paul's largest financial supporter?
[Jan 17,2012 1:21pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
Freedom is keeping the west free of terrorist arab scum. I have been.over seas, have you? They hate us. you want some arab with an AK running the world? Israel is our only real ally out there. We have to maintain freedom and keep our resources for the civilized world, not some arabic sand kingdom camel loving asshole.
[Jan 17,2012 1:22pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
[Jan 17,2012 1:23pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 17,2012 1:25pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
Only being a fake boozegood on lunch break is real. Sorry Tom.. You are right.

in b4 one giant "ugh."

But hey, this is fun trolling, not shit talking pussy trolling.
[Jan 17,2012 1:28pm - niccolai ""]

[Jan 17,2012 1:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
People really think like this. Ron Paul won't stand a chance in SC- too many people like that dumb troll above.
[Jan 17,2012 1:33pm - burnsy ""]

ark said:
The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. -Ron Paul


I fail to see your point, Arkane Enchanter.

While the First Amendment provides that Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, I don't see how that equates to the rigid separation of the Church and State. When I read the entirety of the quote, it didn't seem to far off.

My main point, which I think you know, is that Ron Paul is the least of the evil's in the race. He makes the most sense to me, and while I realize he won't be President, I'd much rather vote for him than Romney, Gingrich or Obama.
[Jan 17,2012 1:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've already lost hope for any legit good change of direction at this point. i can only hope to get the most out of life before all the good things that we take for granted have vanished.
[Jan 17,2012 1:48pm - ark  ""]
Ron Paul is just a different sort of evil. I strongly support state's rights and auditing the Fed, anti-interventionism, etc. I'm just saying, going back to gold standard, privatizing healthcare, free-market environmentalism, bank deregulation, some of his positions range from dangerous to insane. Even libertarians aren't to fond of him representing them. His voting record isn't too consistent with libertarianism in Texas. And with all his small government talk, he wants to pass anti-abortion measures at a federal level. Politician as usual.
[Jan 17,2012 1:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ark said:Ron Paul is just a different sort of evil. I strongly support state's rights and auditing the Fed, anti-interventionism, etc. I'm just saying, going back to gold standard, privatizing healthcare, free-market environmentalism, bank deregulation, some of his positions range from dangerous to insane. Even libertarians aren't to fond of him representing them. His voting record isn't too consistent with libertarianism in Texas. And with all his small government talk, he wants to pass anti-abortion measures at a federal level. Politician as usual.

the real shame is that we have been reduced to only Ron Paul as a candidate that is not fully represented by the status quo corporate establishment. I only support him out of priority given the current cirucmstances our country faces. I thinks really the only reason he has such support now from many others as well.
[Jan 17,2012 1:52pm - ark  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i've already lost hope for any legit good change of direction at this point. i can only hope to get the most out of life before all the good things that we take for granted have vanished.

it's 2012, at least it's not 1812 (you'd be freezing your ass off fighting brits) or 1912. trust me. that political landscape bred the progressive era that wanted to regulate trusts and banks. sound familiar??
[Jan 17,2012 1:53pm - ark  ""]
a vote for ron paul would send a symbolic message to "the establishment" fully support that more than the man himself.
[Jan 17,2012 3:42pm - BSV  ""]
OP is a hippy, hell bent on saving the world.
[Jan 17,2012 4:34pm - Mahknovista  ""]
Ron Paul is a weak old man, death to the office of presidency and all heirachy, long live anarchy!
[Jan 17,2012 8:54pm - yummy ""]
Wikipedia and RTTP may not be the best sources of political content. It's silly to think that any candidate will free us from the inevitable...whatever that may be.

I would be ready to fight the Chinese/Russians/whoever tried to invade United States territory. I'd be more worried about the U.S. nuking itself however. We are the kind of country who takes our ball and goes home and if someone tries to take it we pop it.

I found it astounding that there are people that still think it matters who is president. Fuck you rev, I'm not going anywhere. Not that I'm completely ruling out Canada but it's cold and they hate us too.
[Jan 17,2012 10:38pm - Miltary against Paul  ""]
[Jan 18,2012 12:54am - yummy ""]
I'm not voting for Ron Paul.
[Jan 18,2012 1:07am - Lamp nli  ""]
I'm not voting for anybody.

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