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Another Dungeon Cult Productions show in the works

[Aug 1,2005 8:50pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I just talked to the agent at club 125 and he is securing me a Friday in October... I'm hoping the line up will be

December Wolves
Cold Northern Vengeance

and a surprise Occult speaker... Support Unholy Heathen Occult Black Metal!!!!
[Aug 1,2005 9:05pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
It will be all ages and there will be alcohol at the club...

Club 125
Bradford Massachusetts

I'll have the date soon...
[Aug 1,2005 9:50pm - arillius ""]

[Aug 1,2005 9:57pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Arillius...check your pm.
[Aug 1,2005 10:16pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
I live right in Haverhill.
I look forward to going.
[Aug 2,2005 4:40am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Sounds excellent! I'm not an ACHERON fan at all though, sure you wouldn't rather get BLACK WITCHERY? Haha...
[Aug 2,2005 9:43am - litacore ""]
hot damn! sweet!

just an FYI, Hekseri will be in Philadelphia Friday Oct. 7
[Aug 2,2005 9:53am - Kinslayer  ""]
Get both Acheron and Black Witchery...
[Aug 2,2005 10:01am - paganmegan ""]
Black Witchery are sick!
I would love to play on the same bill as that band
[Aug 2,2005 10:02am - paganmegan ""]
not to mention the other amazing bands listed above
[Aug 2,2005 10:11am - Kinslayer  ""]
Black Witchery are on one of our Florida shows on the August tour. I'm psyched. Haven't seen them live in 2+ years...
[Aug 2,2005 11:51am - dan_bloodblister ""]
is acheron bringing the surprise occult speaker?
[Aug 2,2005 12:40pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
As in, maybe Vincent Crowley is the surprise Occult speaker?
[Aug 2,2005 12:44pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
or one of his corny friends
[Aug 2,2005 1:03pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i'm curious about the occult speaker. is it going to be informative? or just some guy talking about the Necronomicon and how jesus sucks? i'd like to check this whole show out. keep us posted.
[Aug 2,2005 1:57pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Bandwise the first one was cool as hell.....Venue and Sound sucked ass though
[Aug 2,2005 1:59pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
honestly, id rather go to a show and listen to someone talk about how jesus sucks then listen to some guy rattle on about grips while no one in the audience has the slightest idea what hes talking about...but i do enjoy lectures on the occult when its not for shock value.
[Aug 2,2005 3:30pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Henry Rollins is the guest speaker.
[Aug 2,2005 4:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I heard it was Anton Crowley.
[Aug 2,2005 5:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
wow, if Black Witchey could play this, it would be unreal.
[Aug 2,2005 5:36pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Josh, if you're going I can get you in free...call my cell around 8 or so...401-440-1528
[Aug 2,2005 7:38pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I contacted Black Witchery. We'll see what happens...
[Aug 2,2005 9:07pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Fuck, that would be unreal... Let me know if you need any help with making it work Paul.
[Aug 3,2005 8:01am - MASlayer  ""]
Killer..right down the street from me literally! If I can assit I would like to help as well...my first suggestion is once it's all confirmed hit every NE radio station witha metal show (mostly college) and give them the dates to announce...I have a good list if needed
[Aug 4,2005 9:43pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I could use all the help I could get. Thanks for the offer Bestial Onslaught and Lost Disciple! I have contacted Acheron, Black Witchery, and Manticore thus far. Do you guys have any other bands in mind?
[Aug 4,2005 9:49pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Lost Disciple and Bestial Onslaught, feel free to bring your distros to the show.
[Aug 4,2005 11:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
I don't mean to jerk your chain when I say this but how bout fucking ABSU?
[Aug 4,2005 11:15pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
funny you mention that Josh... I already wrote to them.
[Aug 4,2005 11:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
Nice. I just put on "Of Celtic Fire We are Born" after I typed that.
[Aug 5,2005 9:50am - paganmegan ""]
Oh my fucking god if absu played this it would rule so hard

I'm trying to not get too excited before the fact
[Aug 5,2005 10:51am - litacore ""]
this could be the beginning of something BIG in New England

fuckin' A!
[Aug 5,2005 10:58am - Kinslayer  ""]
If ABSU played people would come from all over the country/world. Unfortunately there is next to no chance of them re-forming for one show unless they $$$

Chris from Bloodstorm plays guitar for them live. I've talked to him numerous times about ABSU doing shows and he's never very receptive...
[Aug 5,2005 4:21pm - MASlayer  ""]
maybe KRIEG could do a one off in NE...he's done so many "last shows" in Europe, why not one here?
[Aug 5,2005 4:22pm - MASlayer  ""]
BTW...let me know when it's all confirmed...I will start raido promotion all over New England for it
[Aug 5,2005 4:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
If I could pick one European BM band to see, it would be ANTAEUS.
[Aug 5,2005 4:48pm - Kinslayer  ""]
ANTAEUS played in NJ (or was it CT??) a while back. Great fucking show and barely anyone came out!!

KRIEG is pretty much definitely done with shows at this point...

I want to see WATAIN or CRAFT here in the states....among a million others...
[Aug 5,2005 11:22pm - the dude  ""]
I know for a fact the occult speaker is vincent crowley's boyfriend jai crowley he will be speaking about the importance of erectile disfunction commonly known a E.d
[Aug 6,2005 12:14am - Phrozenspite  ""]
fuck that... reunited dissection even if the new material does suck
[Aug 6,2005 12:58am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Aug 6,2005 1:47am - litacore ""]
if you clone them enough times to make a full band each
[Aug 6,2005 1:51am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
1 man bands are so killer live.
[Aug 6,2005 1:53am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Most of you were too young but...

July 24th, 1995 (The Rock in Newport, RI)

DECEMBER WOLVES (first show)
ABSU (with Chris Gamble / BLOOD STORM)
ENSLAVED (first time in the USA)

Such a killer time.
[Aug 6,2005 1:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If I could see one european band aside from Antaeus it would be Horna.
[Aug 6,2005 3:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 6,2005 11:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Aug 7,2005 1:24am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'll second wanting to see HORNA

Well, if not Leviathan or Xasthur, how about Twilight, the collection of one-man bands all in a single band!
[Aug 7,2005 8:09am - MASlayer  ""]
Horna or Carpathian Forest...BTW just spoke to Imperial of Krieg...Krieg ist tot
[Aug 7,2005 11:49am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Carpathian Forest would rule, but might be pricey to get them over here. How about Nattefrost with his solo band?
[Aug 7,2005 1:03pm - Kinslayer  ""]
WELTMACHT are from the US are are long broken up...
[Aug 7,2005 1:27pm - MASlayer  ""]

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