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ATTN: Composted

[May 7,2008 5:59pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
oh, my mind works in mysterious ways. ever since i joined composted, all i can think about is dicks.
[May 7,2008 6:37pm - Sacreligion ""]

blue said:
RichHorror said:I've only heard of bad experiences there. Staff with shitty attitudes, bands not getting paid, etc.

the lucky dog blows. i tried for almost a solid year to try to get actual decent metal shows there and all they wanted to do is put skulltoboggan and fucking whatever other horrible other baystate rock bands on it. theyd rather not have to deal with solid shows that draw.

the lucky dog is perfectly happy being a townie bar that lives off the reputation of the rolling stones playing a surprise show there 30 years ago.

the problem is that metal shows typically don't do well there. if there was a touring band coming around i'm sure they would do it with a couple local openers. same as any other place.
[May 7,2008 6:46pm - blue ""]

Sacreligion said:the problem is that metal shows there are full of horrible bands that dont draw.


if there was a touring band coming around i'm sure they would do it with a couple local openers. same as any other place.

false. if that was the case, they wouldve had skulltoboggan open.

[May 7,2008 7:19pm - Sacreligion ""]
as hilarious as that may be, i'm sure it could happen otherwise
[May 7,2008 7:26pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
Ppft edit sry.
[May 7,2008 7:30pm - W3 nli  ""]

AfterWorldObliteration said:ATTN: Composted

Your new bassist is a hottie with a body.


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