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Dysentery loses axemen

[Oct 2,2008 11:33am - ouchdrummer ""]
i do in fact know some things. Shoot me an email. Boarcorpse@gmail.com

Rob- word brutha, i can take digs with the best of em, i just like to embellish upon them afterward.
[Oct 2,2008 11:37am - corpus_colostomy ""]
it might be worth saying that i tried my best to maintain the original dysentery formula while also pushing towards an evolution, with my own interpretations on slam and groove. it may sound counter intuitive but i did try and make 'soulful' dm...

i cant stand austere technicality any more than i can low brow chunk and groove. i get a kick out of the whole slam vs tech argument that seems kinda prevalent these days...it makes me smile when people are close minded enough to think that it's one or the other...

song writing and riff building for me is about conflict/resolution and achieving a sense of closure, or intentionally derailing closure, as to fuck with/ manipulate the expectations and needs of the listeners/ audience.

bottom line? the old stuff we wrote just wasnt relevant to me anymore and truth be told there were songs that i HATED playing. the newer stuff was getting close to something i was really stoked about but i felt i had to omit / augment alot of the new stuff i was writing, for the sake of fitting into what i saw as a limited formula...which to me signified it was time to move on.

its been said before. you gotta do what you gotta do.
all the doods in dysentery are great guys and bros forever.
i respect and appreciate everyone's posi-vibes and understanding.
see you out on the battlefield, at a later date, with a new project.
[Oct 2,2008 11:54am - Martins ""]
Understood, man. I'm a fan of musical technicality, not technicality for its own sake. And I'm a fan of groove. Slam is pretty much the ultimate form of groove. Tech slam would be brutal but you don't want too much slam. Nor do you want too much tech.
[Oct 2,2008 1:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm gonna need a line graph representing the proper proportions necessary for adequate tech to slam ratios

[Oct 3,2008 9:39pm - dreadkill ""]
good luck with grad school dude
[Oct 3,2008 9:53pm - xmikex ""]
If this thread never ends then Nick never officially quits Dysentery.


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