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Suggest new ideas for looking for drummers

[Jan 21,2010 3:33pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I ask this periodically, but the same old bag of tricks isn't working.

Surely, somebody that plays drums, listens to Young Widows and Botch, and lives withing 20 miles of Boston is out there. WTF do I have to do to rope them in?
[Jan 21,2010 3:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i suggest paying a homeless man with sandwiches to play on garbage cans.
[Jan 21,2010 3:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I don't want you to take this the wrong way.... i luv u guys. But maybe at this point people associate you're band with the drummers you've had, the styles they've had, etc. Maybe try changing the name? Also i know it turns a lot of people off to hear that you aim for 30 second songs.

But i do luv ya.
[Jan 21,2010 3:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

ouchdrummer said:Nick,
I don't want you to take this the wrong way.... i luv u guys. But maybe at this point people associate you're band with the drummers you've had, the styles they've had, etc. Maybe try changing the name? Also i know it turns a lot of people off to hear that you aim for 30 second songs.

But i do luv ya.

Hey no offense taken, I appreciate your honesty.

Maybe we DO need to start thinking outside the box like this. I'll have to sit with it a bit.

Keep the ideas coming!
[Jan 21,2010 3:50pm - metal_church101 ""]
Try stopping by the Soup Kitchen with some busted raviollis
[Jan 21,2010 4:05pm - reimroc ""]
i don't know. drummers are faygs.
[Jan 21,2010 4:34pm - arktouros ""]
yeah what jim said. just IMO as a drummer, someone working on his chops for years to play fast like botch or something usually wouldn't want to blow 30 second loads, even for grind. i'm turned off by that but that's just me. i have no idea how to help you out. i'm not sure how people find us. i've never had to find a drummer. i only know a handful, and even less that can play fast.

most drummers aren't songwriters or musicians, but they expect the other musicians to be mindreaders and write riffs that they want to play. also, we hate moving our drumsets, and we hate waiting around for guitarists to do stupid shit like tune up and write music.

i don't know how bands deal with us. just use a drum machine.
[Jan 21,2010 4:45pm - Simon Philips  ""]
I am interested in trying out!
[Jan 21,2010 4:47pm - reimroc ""]
i write music all the time. its hella easy as a drummer coming up with rythms.
[Jan 21,2010 4:56pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Simon%20Philips said:I am interested in trying out!


Though I feel like this might be a troll
[Jan 21,2010 4:57pm - reimroc ""]
lol nick i'm pretty sure you got trizzolled.
[Jan 21,2010 4:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I am pretty sure, too, but who knows
[Jan 21,2010 5:08pm - slartibartfast  ""]
learn how to play drums, hahaha thats what i had to do
[Jan 21,2010 6:23pm - Murph ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I ask this periodically, but the same old bag of tricks isn't working.

Surely, somebody that plays drums, listens to Young Widows and Botch, and lives withing 20 miles of Boston is out there. WTF do I have to do to rope them in?

Honestly, HONESTLY, HONESTLY...go to shows, and chat up/steal drummers that tickle your fancy.

Living in Providence and really seeing how sort of whorish this music scene is has made me realize how many different people play in different bands.

Also, lotsofnoise.com is decent to make connects, if not to necessarily find someone. You'd have better luck since you're close to Boston maybe going to a shitton of shows and meeting peeps. I really can't see any other way to do it.
[Jan 21,2010 7:28pm - alexc ""]
[Jan 21,2010 7:42pm - Lamp ""]
The thing that turns me off about wanting to drum for your band aside from the fact that I don't have a set anymore is that it seems like you're trying to mash way too many influences into one band. Nothing really seems to stick or make sense. Other people might be thinking the same thing... just my two cents.
[Jan 21,2010 9:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Lamp said:The thing that turns me off about wanting to drum for your band aside from the fact that I don't have a set anymore is that it seems like you're trying to mash way too many influences into one band. Nothing really seems to stick or make sense. Other people might be thinking the same thing... just my two cents.

You're absolutely right, but that's what I'm going for.
[Jan 21,2010 9:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Think of us as the Naked City of crust
[Jan 21,2010 9:42pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Hmmm...I had something here but it didn't show up. I gotta report that as a bugggg
[Jan 21,2010 9:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
WTF, happened twice in a row...
[Jan 21,2010 10:18pm - the_reverend ""]

Murph said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I ask this periodically, but the same old bag of tricks isn't working.

Surely, somebody that plays drums, listens to Young Widows and Botch, and lives withing 20 miles of Boston is out there. WTF do I have to do to rope them in?

Honestly, HONESTLY, HONESTLY...go to shows, and chat up/steal drummers that tickle your fancy.

Living in Providence and really seeing how sort of whorish this music scene is has made me realize how many different people play in different bands.

Also, lotsofnoise.com is decent to make connects, if not to necessarily find someone. You'd have better luck since you're close to Boston maybe going to a shitton of shows and meeting peeps. I really can't see any other way to do it.

[Jan 21,2010 10:18pm - the_reverend ""]
worked for me.
[Jan 21,2010 10:20pm - Murph ""]

the_reverend said:
Murph said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I ask this periodically, but the same old bag of tricks isn't working.

Surely, somebody that plays drums, listens to Young Widows and Botch, and lives withing 20 miles of Boston is out there. WTF do I have to do to rope them in?

Honestly, HONESTLY, HONESTLY...go to shows, and chat up/steal drummers that tickle your fancy.

Living in Providence and really seeing how sort of whorish this music scene is has made me realize how many different people play in different bands.

Also, lotsofnoise.com is decent to make connects, if not to necessarily find someone. You'd have better luck since you're close to Boston maybe going to a shitton of shows and meeting peeps. I really can't see any other way to do it.


[Jan 22,2010 11:29am - ouchdrummer ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Think of us as the Naked City of crust

Well honestly Nick, you're answering your own question with this statement. If naked city was trying out drummers in boston, how many drummers do you think would try out? Very, very few. Not because the music isn't awesome, but because it's so different, and all over the place, and technically demanding that it's a super small group of people that would listen to it, never mind listen to it, play the instrument well enough, and have the time to do it.
[Jan 22,2010 11:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Point taken.

It ain't easy bein' green :(
[Jan 22,2010 11:36am - ouchdrummer ""]
exactly..... but it's easy to find green... wink wink
[Jan 22,2010 11:42am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
We should smoke up anyone that tries out.

We'd have a line around the block.
[Jan 22,2010 12:05pm - arktouros ""]
yep. most drummers don't care to get too technical/eclectic unless they're actually a real drummer that eats rudiments every meal of the day. *glares...*
[Jan 22,2010 12:24pm - brodown ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:We should smoke up anyone that tries out.

We'd have a line around the block.

Can I audition more than once?
[Jan 22,2010 12:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Already my plan is working!
[Jan 22,2010 5:51pm - gravityblast ""]
I don't know your specific situation, but as a drummer, I see the same things over and over again- and here are my conclusions. Of course there are exceptions, but I think they're accurate for most situations...

For newer bands who have never had a steady drummer- so many people put the carriage before the horse. One or two guitarists write a bunch of music and expect to plug in a drummer. The further along the process you get, the more rigid the musical style gets and harder it becomes to find a match.

Lets be honest here- 99% of metal bands can plug in a bassist. Most metal bands can plug in a vocalist. It's very rare that a metal band can plug in a drummer and make it work- musically and personally. If you can't find a drummer for what you've written, despite networking and truly being diligent, the problem is usually the material in some way. That's hard for a lot of guitarists to hear, but that's the impersonal judgment a drummer who doesn't know you will make.

If you've developed a dedicated following, (don't kid yourself), you'll have interested drummers because they see the band is going somewhere. I think most musicians will step out for a band that is already going somewhere even if it's not currently ideal. Ask yourself: If you had a reputable label and a full US tour waiting, how much easier would it be to find someone?

For bands who have lost a drummer but can't find a new drummer, it's a similar situation. Unless you're at least a semi-pro band (signed, touring 3+ months a year) you're not going to find a clone of the last drummer you had. So many bands refuse to take a step back and open themselves up to change to find a new drummer. Your riffs may sound like _____ and your last drummer may have sounded like ______, but that's gone. Unless your music influenced other players, that sound is gone. If you're going to play the "but I think we sound like ____, and everybody loves them" card, then it's the material's fault. Accept it, take a step back, and open yourself to change.

The bottom line is that you have to progress based on what's out there and not a list of what you want in a drummer for what you already have going. And yes, if a band has a goofy name, I won't even consider them.
[Jan 22,2010 6:29pm - cav nli  ""]
i just think they are all intimidated by your sexiness
[Jan 22,2010 8:13pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jan 22,2010 8:20pm - t2daeek ""]
all the ideas are good... between hyeo, fuck everyone, and crippling fear. maybe combine all of them? pick whatever name for it you like and set out to put together a new band with all the different influences in one. you can use old songs from all bands, possibly arrange them a little differently, and maybe get something more intricate and more interesting.
after all, if you wanna sound like crusty naked city, then you're not helping yourself by being so specific with each band... you should get rid of the specifics and the genres and just play what you want to hear.
you might
get more people to audition with a flyer that says "wanted: drummer for metal band" than with what you've been passing out (or at least the one i got when considered trying it... later realizing that i'm a bass player, and a flawed musician, percussively speaking) asking people for blast beats and fast double bass specifically.

you should ask kyle, the big dude that works the door/sound at obriens if you haven't already. if you have, i have no help to offer.

[Jan 22,2010 9:21pm - the_reverend ""]
drooooooommmmer machhiiiiiinnneeeee
[Jan 22,2010 9:46pm - Simon Phillips  ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
Simon%20Phillips said:I am interested in trying out!


Though I feel like this might be a troll

This is a serious inquiry! Here is my audition video:

[Jan 23,2010 2:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

gravityblast said:I don't know your specific situation, but as a drummer, I see the same things over and over again- and here are my conclusions. Of course there are exceptions, but I think they're accurate for most situations...

For newer bands who have never had a steady drummer- so many people put the carriage before the horse. One or two guitarists write a bunch of music and expect to plug in a drummer. The further along the process you get, the more rigid the musical style gets and harder it becomes to find a match.

Lets be honest here- 99% of metal bands can plug in a bassist. Most metal bands can plug in a vocalist. It's very rare that a metal band can plug in a drummer and make it work- musically and personally. If you can't find a drummer for what you've written, despite networking and truly being diligent, the problem is usually the material in some way. That's hard for a lot of guitarists to hear, but that's the impersonal judgment a drummer who doesn't know you will make.

If you've developed a dedicated following, (don't kid yourself), you'll have interested drummers because they see the band is going somewhere. I think most musicians will step out for a band that is already going somewhere even if it's not currently ideal. Ask yourself: If you had a reputable label and a full US tour waiting, how much easier would it be to find someone?

For bands who have lost a drummer but can't find a new drummer, it's a similar situation. Unless you're at least a semi-pro band (signed, touring 3+ months a year) you're not going to find a clone of the last drummer you had. So many bands refuse to take a step back and open themselves up to change to find a new drummer. Your riffs may sound like _____ and your last drummer may have sounded like ______, but that's gone. Unless your music influenced other players, that sound is gone. If you're going to play the "but I think we sound like ____, and everybody loves them" card, then it's the material's fault. Accept it, take a step back, and open yourself to change.

The bottom line is that you have to progress based on what's out there and not a list of what you want in a drummer for what you already have going. And yes, if a band has a goofy name, I won't even consider them.

That's really well thought out, kudos!
[Jan 23,2010 3:01pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Posted on LotsOfNoise, saw the ad I put up there in August like two posts below the one I just made. That site doesn't get a lot of movement.
[Jan 23,2010 3:49pm - Blue ""]
tyler has a good suggestion i think. stop trying to do 4 different bands focusing on such specific niche styles of grind and incorporate them into one concrete project.
[Jan 23,2010 4:23pm - elihhcb  ""]
Concrete is heavy
[Jan 24,2010 12:25pm - BlackoutRick ""]

Just saw this.
[Jan 24,2010 1:34pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i think my main reservation from trying out for you guys on drums other than the fact that i am already in more than one band, is the fact that not everyone is going to fit right in with that style immediately.

im personally more of a death drummer than grind, but i always learn and adapt to what it is that i want to do, if you were to be more open to allow drummers that are interested to try out and learn it, rather than waiting for that someone who fits right in cuz they play nothing but grind

this isnt an attack, but i had sent you guys a message about 4 or 5 months ago and didnt get a reply, im guessing it was cuz i openly admitted that i was more of a death metal drummer and didnt have as much experience with grind, but at the same time, i wasnt a death metal drummer at one point, and all it took was determination and practice
[Feb 1,2010 12:27am - Alexecutioner ""]
New suggestion. Make kenny g play for hyeo and crippling fear
[Feb 1,2010 12:53am - RichHorror ""]

Blue said:tyler has a good suggestion i think. stop trying to do 4 different bands focusing on such specific niche styles of grind and incorporate them into one concrete project.
[Feb 1,2010 2:17am - sxealex ""]
what have u been doing besides bumping rttp threads? just curious im seeing it here only
[Feb 1,2010 4:58am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Alexecutioner said:i think my main reservation from trying out for you guys on drums other than the fact that i am already in more than one band, is the fact that not everyone is going to fit right in with that style immediately.

im personally more of a death drummer than grind, but i always learn and adapt to what it is that i want to do, if you were to be more open to allow drummers that are interested to try out and learn it, rather than waiting for that someone who fits right in cuz they play nothing but grind

this isnt an attack, but i had sent you guys a message about 4 or 5 months ago and didnt get a reply, im guessing it was cuz i openly admitted that i was more of a death metal drummer and didnt have as much experience with grind, but at the same time, i wasnt a death metal drummer at one point, and all it took was determination and practice

I never got this message. I just went through my entire email account.

You sure you sent it to the right place?
[Feb 1,2010 5:00am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
(this post was a bug)
[Feb 1,2010 6:06am - the_taste_of_c1garettes  ""]
i want drummer but no want try make good music
[Feb 1,2010 10:05am - President.Joe.McNamara ""]
try moving to slovakia
[Feb 1,2010 11:02am - Alexecutioner ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
Alexecutioner said:i think my main reservation from trying out for you guys on drums other than the fact that i am already in more than one band, is the fact that not everyone is going to fit right in with that style immediately.

im personally more of a death drummer than grind, but i always learn and adapt to what it is that i want to do, if you were to be more open to allow drummers that are interested to try out and learn it, rather than waiting for that someone who fits right in cuz they play nothing but grind

this isnt an attack, but i had sent you guys a message about 4 or 5 months ago and didnt get a reply, im guessing it was cuz i openly admitted that i was more of a death metal drummer and didnt have as much experience with grind, but at the same time, i wasnt a death metal drummer at one point, and all it took was determination and practice

I never got this message. I just went through my entire email account.

You sure you sent it to the right place?

i sent the message to your myspace page way back when, that may have been my error

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