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Jesus Christ on a pogostick......it's more crabcore

[Dec 14,2010 12:19pm - A YOUNG FAN BY THE NAME OF WREN  ""]

[Dec 14,2010 1:12pm - No_Redemption ""]

Yeti said:i let out a long-winded raging blowout last night to my girlfriend about this song. i think that has taken the spot as the number 1 worst piece of steaming shit i have ever heard. i know metal is sickening now, but that is an entirely new level. i am stunned that something so insanely atrocious has been created. i'd rather listen to Buckcherry than hear that song again.

pretty much
[Dec 14,2010 1:16pm - The_Rooster ""]
Stop posting shit like this and helping lame bands get their nauseating videos viral on the internet.

No publicity is bad publicity and all that...
[Dec 14,2010 1:18pm - moustache  ""]
[Dec 14,2010 3:07pm - TRUCK BALLS  ""]
[Dec 14,2010 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
i have no idea what TRUCK BALLS posted, but i'm sure it's infinitely better than this.

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