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Death Angel in Nashua, Nh 18+ Show

The Amber Room (Nashua, NH) - [bonded_by_blood][candy_striper_death_orgy][crypter][death_angel][dorian_gray][lazarus_ad][randomshots]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Dec 29,2010 1:24pm - deathangelnh  ""]

Thursday February 3rd
Death Angel
Lazarus AD
Early Man
Bonded by Blood
The Amber Room
Nashua, Nh
18+ $20
Doors at 6pm

Local bands if you want to play contact tony@neconcerts.com
[Dec 29,2010 2:27pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Bonded By Blood is terrible live. Other than that, awesome show. Now I just need to find a way to Nashua.
[Jan 8,2011 5:52pm - rottingdeath  ""]
CSDO has been added to this show.
[Jan 9,2011 7:26am - confused  ""]
This is a death metal show and they added a bar band? ( csdo)
what happened to Rocko's?
[Jan 14,2011 6:36pm - divine intervention  ""]
Early Man and Hexen aren't playing. CSDO, Crypter and Dorian Grey are on the show. Just got my tix from Eric last weekend.
[Jan 14,2011 6:37pm - divine intervention  ""]
By the way, it's a thrash show.
[Jan 15,2011 4:21pm - intervention divine  ""]
by the way its a gay show
[Jan 15,2011 9:48pm - LPCustom  ""]
By the way - Life Angel is opening.
[Jan 18,2011 1:21pm - idiots  ""]
alot of faggots on this board
[Jan 18,2011 1:22pm - idiots  ""]
can't wait for this show
[Jan 18,2011 2:28pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Is Hoglan drumming for Death Angel? If so I'm there.
[Jan 18,2011 2:44pm - Rockos ""]
Nobody books in NH without going through me! This "death angel" band is never going anywhere until they learn the RULES!
[Jan 18,2011 8:33pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
This Death Angel band? Don't you know who they are you fuckin' dope? Wow!!
[Jan 18,2011 8:57pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

CANDY%20STRIPER%20DEATH%20ORGY said:This Death Angel band? Don't you know who they are you fuckin' dope? Wow!!

don't make my meliah rage on you fucker!!
[Jan 19,2011 8:06am - Dave motherfucking Thirsty ( Destroyer of Faggots who support New  ""]

Rockos said:Nobody books in NH without going through me! This "death angel" band is never going anywhere until they learn the RULES!

Haha hater!

[Jan 19,2011 8:07am - Dave motherfucking Thirsty  ""]

CANDY%20STRIPER%20DEATH%20ORGY said:This Death Angel band? Don't you know who they are you fuckin' dope? Wow!!

Worst band ever. Please retire from music.
[Jan 19,2011 9:28am - rockos ""]

CANDY%20STRIPER%20DEATH%20ORGY said:This Death Angel band? Don't you know who they are you fuckin' dope? Wow!!

F U kike. I booked Asking Alexandria. I tell you what bands are worth knownin about. Not the other way around.
[Jan 19,2011 8:33pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Kike? Haha... I'm Italian and Ukranian.
[Jan 19,2011 8:59pm - ancient master  ""]

BlackoutRick said:Is Hoglan drumming for Death Angel? If so I'm there.

dark angel doii
[Jan 20,2011 6:22am - Dave s  ""]
So many people want to be me. THis is the real Dave from Rocko's. Fuck Candy Stripper worst band ever. The only time they play Rocko's is when Bernie books them cuz they sell a lot of tickets and make him afford his lexus.
Death Angel is actually a good band that i listen too. THey might be playing at Rocko's if Bernie wants them there.
Its funny how people are trying to use my name to make a joke of things...
I am going to stay off this site for another month and see what i read then,
[Jan 20,2011 3:54pm - to gay for thrash  ""]
you r right csdo sucks out loud, gotta love bands that have been around since 1989 and never got better
[Jan 20,2011 7:17pm - idiots  ""]
it's funny how many people on this board shit on good bands. Oh I forgot, you people like metalcore.
[Jan 20,2011 7:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

idiots said:it's funny how many people on this board shit on good bands. Oh I forgot, you people like metalcore.

2005 called, it wants its even remotely true back.
[Jan 20,2011 7:37pm - idiots  ""]
o.k. crappy death metal
[Jan 20,2011 7:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
well that's tough to argue.
[Jan 21,2011 8:41pm - gay for thrash  ""]

idiots said:it's funny how many people on this board shit on good bands. Oh I forgot, you people like metalcore.

Its funny how butt lovin marys love shitty thrash bands that should have feel off the face of the earth in the 80s
[Jan 21,2011 8:44pm - gay for thrash  ""]
but im not talking shit about thrash bands just the ones lick sweat off of dudes nuts like C.S.D.O. and Razormaze or insert any generic thrash band that wish they could of been Antrax or Slayer
[Jan 25,2011 12:51pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Anyway, the show is next week... Only have a handeful of tickets left!!
[Jan 25,2011 2:02pm - porphyria  ""]
no Early Man :(
[Jan 25,2011 7:33pm - autofellatio ""]
After going to a handful of shows at Rocko's, I think every show should be 18+ there. Actually, I'd like it if I can be the youngest guy there. So make the cut off date my birthday.

New Hampshire brings the bromosh.
[Jan 26,2011 8:01am - Rocko's  ""]

autofellatio said:After going to a handful of shows at Rocko's, I think every show should be 18+ there. Actually, I'd like it if I can be the youngest guy there. So make the cut off date my birthday.

New Hampshire brings the bromosh.

That wont happen.
[Jan 26,2011 11:55am - apple jacks  ""]
[Jan 27,2011 2:26pm - divine intervention  ""]
I don't care for Death Angel. I want to see Bonded By Blood, CSDO and Crypter.
[Feb 1,2011 2:27pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
2 more days to go... John, our lead guitarist, will be filling in on drums. Our drummer Graig got into a little accident. He'll be tied up for 4 to 6 weeks :(
[Feb 1,2011 3:42pm - BlackoutRick ""]
What? What happened? Did he slip and fall in a snap booth at your store? Lol.
[Feb 1,2011 4:11pm - metal_church101 ""]
Sounds like Greg gave himself a concussion from pulling up on himself too hard.
[Feb 2,2011 12:26pm - yo negro's  ""]
tomorrow night!
[Feb 2,2011 9:23pm - scoflaw  ""]
[Feb 3,2011 6:54pm - the_reverend ""]
This venue is fantasic. Waiting to hear wht the sound is like but really it is super clean and way too nice for us. If you get here, feel free to brush your teeth or poop in the bathroom. It is just that clean.
[Feb 3,2011 7:48pm - the_reverend ""]
Dorian Gray: pretty impressive range in the singers vocals. Some things sounded nu-metally, but other soundedlike nwobhm. I like omen and there some parts that sounded like omen. Good stuff and pretty old school with maybe 2 break downs.
[Feb 3,2011 8:42pm - the_reverend ""]
Oh and their singer reminded me of dreadken. Oh and I HATE DURIAN FRUIT WITH A PASSION.

crypter: make awesome thash and totally make me see a bunch of hope that kids can be into good music. Book these kids.
[Feb 3,2011 9:17pm - the_reverend ""]
Csdo had their guitarist fill in on drums cause I guess. Greg got into a car accident. They also had the singer of dorian gray go up and sing a judas priest song. That is also something that dreadken would do... hm... is dreadken and the singer of dorian gray thesame person...
[Feb 3,2011 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
Bonded by blood were fun. People who don't like them probably don't like other things that are fun (ike fun). The singer stayed out and in the crowds face for basically the whole set.
[Feb 3,2011 10:49pm - the_reverend ""]
Lazurus ad were much better than the last tim I aw them. Probably cause I wasn't under duress of the palladium telling me no flash photography upstairs. Their set also seemed short.
[Feb 4,2011 2:38am - the_reverend ""]

Death Angel was good, but their set list in worcester was much better. The singer really overacts when he talks. They also played only one song from folic through the park.
[Feb 4,2011 9:46am - BrianDBB ""]
Saw Death Angel last week on a cruise, awesome set
[Feb 4,2011 11:23am - aaron_michael ""]
Someone photoshop this please.
[Feb 4,2011 11:39am - crypter  ""]
yeah book us kids!
[Feb 4,2011 12:35pm - AlxNLI  ""]
[Feb 4,2011 12:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Feb 5,2011 12:44am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 8,2011 1:56pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
We all had a great time at this show... Special thanks to our friends Crypter and Dorian Gray. We shared drums and cabs. It made everything go so easy.
[Feb 9,2011 3:09pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Next show : CSDO & JOEY BELLADONNA (voice of ANTHRAX doing ANTHRAX tunes!!) and CRYPTER at the Palladium on March 31st.
[Feb 9,2011 3:10pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 9,2011 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
you aren't playing with raven?
[Feb 9,2011 3:14pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
No, we didn't take that show...

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