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how i love cunt drama

[Feb 23,2005 10:23pm - handinjury ""]
I think i need to delete my myspace acount, change my email, or something. I am getting plagued by the ol "ex girlfriend that just will not grow the fuck up/ im a jealous bitch/ im gonna stalk brian and try to fuck him over/ emo cuntrag" drama. She stalks my myspace page/bogs. Sends me emails asking me if im fucking girls on myspace friends list and gives me shit everytime a female leaves comments. The stupid bitch calls me 3 days ago, telling me shes jealous that she cant be with me, so shes blocking me from AIM and myspace, and i am no longer welcome in her life. (cool- im down with that!) Today she IM's me threats of "screwing me"and "im going to get what i deserve".
Wonderfully, whateva that means- bring it you stupid cunt. I told you to fuckoff and grow up, go spread your emo-crybaby crap someplace else.

"Hey bitch are you reading this too???, do you spy me down on RttP also?"


Sorry guys, i just feel like committing homicde :shocker:
[Feb 23,2005 10:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hey send her my way, i know how to treat girls like that !
[Feb 23,2005 10:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
She is on my friends list.
[Feb 23,2005 10:30pm - lady_czerach ""]
Don't delete your MySpace account.
Should I see if she adds me as a friend? :P
[Feb 23,2005 10:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im finally getting to the point where im happy to be single
[Feb 23,2005 10:35pm - handinjury ""]
lady_czerach said:Don't delete your MySpace account.
Should I see if she adds me as a friend? :P

No, are you crazy!:shocked:
[Feb 23,2005 10:36pm - handinjury ""]
I should save all this IM blackmail shit shes messaging me.
[Feb 23,2005 10:42pm - KeithMutiny ""]
glad to know im not the only one with crazy ex's
[Feb 23,2005 10:44pm - handinjury ""]
This just in from IM: ...."games are fun and my time is not being wasted at all, i got plenty of time"

So basically i wait for her to "blackmail me", sweet !!!!! I love games!!!!
[Feb 23,2005 10:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hey, lets not get racist here... no pc uprising, you and your black males
[Feb 23,2005 10:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will take her on a few dates and bang her a bunch of times, she will forget all about you.
[Feb 23,2005 11:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
girlfriends and myspace DO NOT MIX....

trust me I know.
[Feb 23,2005 11:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
RustedAngel said:girlfriends and myspace DO NOT MIX....

trust me I know.

[Feb 23,2005 11:02pm - handinjury ""]
I broke up with this chick a while ago. this is fucked retarted.
[Feb 23,2005 11:05pm - Abbath ""]
RustedAngel said:girlfriends and myspace DO NOT MIX....

trust me I know.

ya it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth too
[Feb 23,2005 11:07pm - Hooker ""]
make a thread about it
[Feb 23,2005 11:28pm - succubus ""]
i'm gonna leave you a comment now...
[Feb 23,2005 11:31pm - lady_czerach ""]
Haha, nice. You should have juiced it up a little, Carina! ;)
[Feb 23,2005 11:33pm - succubus ""]
i was going to tell you to leave him another comment =)

the reason i posted that is because she is calling him an asshole..gotta make her see that she is the only one who thinks that!
[Feb 23,2005 11:35pm - lady_czerach ""]
Ahh, good call. In the meantime, I'll think up something that'll make her squirm. Muahaha...
[Feb 23,2005 11:36pm - handinjury ""]
succubus said:i'm gonna leave you a comment now...

Im so screwed :thescream:
[Feb 23,2005 11:37pm - succubus ""]
handinjury said:succubus said:i'm gonna leave you a comment now...

Im so screwed :thescream:

wait.. why?

delete it if she's gonna drive you nuts

but that sux..she's an ex and should leave you alone
[Feb 23,2005 11:39pm - lady_czerach ""]
Yeah. You're a chick magnet and she's going to have to deal with that. I would say you can delete my comment but I'm sure it's too late.
[Feb 23,2005 11:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am gonna do her.
[Feb 23,2005 11:40pm - handinjury ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I am gonna do her.

Go for it john, anything that will take attention off me.
[Feb 23,2005 11:41pm - davefromthegrave ""]
why don't you invite her over and have sex with her?
[Feb 23,2005 11:42pm - blue ""]
ill leave a hot comment too.
[Feb 23,2005 11:43pm - handinjury ""]
aww, you guys
[Feb 24,2005 4:01am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Why don't you block her IMs and ignore her emails?
[Feb 24,2005 7:34am - Hung_To_Bleed ""]
sounds like your gonna have to choke a bitch
[Feb 24,2005 7:37am - handinjury ""]
So, it seems her plan is to email any chicks on myspace list and tell them that I use her for sex and im a slut, all this because her life is hitting rock bottom (co-worker wants to kick her ass, dude she was seeing is blowing her off, her car got smashed) so she's going to "try" to destroy mine.
I may just have to get more than even!
[Feb 24,2005 7:53am - succubus ""]
if i get a message...i'll reply to her and send you everything
[Feb 24,2005 8:00am - handinjury ""]
succubus said:if i get a message...i'll reply to her and send you everything

Thank you.
[Feb 24,2005 8:03am - the_reverend ""]
Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch?
[Feb 24,2005 8:07am - dirteecrayon ""]
the_reverend said:Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch?

lol, that did wonders for his career
[Feb 24,2005 9:08am - davefromthegrave ""]
so why haven't you given out her information so that all of us here can harass her?
[Feb 24,2005 9:26am - Christraper ""]
i dont think ive ever had a girlfriend that was that crazy about me
[Feb 24,2005 10:42am - anonymous  ""]
wow. that's......frightening. i'll have to leave a suggestive comment on your myspace now...when someone is an EX they need to realize they just need to stop....
[Feb 24,2005 12:47pm - tbone_r ""]
if it makes you feel any better, id leave a comment on your myspace too if i was your friend.
[Feb 24,2005 3:00pm - whoremastery ""]
fuck dumb whores....send me stories and ill get right on some personal songs for ya'll...............let them all keep living a cunts life.
[Feb 24,2005 3:10pm - handinjury ""]
whoremastery said:fuck dumb whores....send me stories and ill get right on some personal songs for ya'll...............let them all keep living a cunts life.

This would make good whoremastery material.:doublehorns:
[Feb 25,2005 1:42pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
that anonymous post up there, that was me.
[Feb 25,2005 2:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I emailed her on My Space and she hasn't replied yet.
[Feb 25,2005 2:11pm - succubus ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I emailed her on My Space and she hasn't replied yet.

why would you do that?

he's trying to end shit..not start it
[Feb 25,2005 2:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
She was already a friend on My Space.
[Feb 25,2005 2:26pm - succubus ""]
yeah you said that but i still don't get why you'd email her..
[Feb 25,2005 2:39pm - handinjury ""]
succubus said:yeah you said that but i still don't get why you'd email her..

You dont really know the dwyer in know.:tightiewhities:
[Feb 25,2005 2:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 25,2005 2:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Actually Carina, she emailed me and I replied to her, I just haven't gotten a reply from that email back yet.
[Feb 25,2005 3:01pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:AUTOPSY_666 said:I emailed her on My Space and she hasn't replied yet.

why would you do that?

he's trying to end shit..not start it

are you sure about that? I don't think he'd be telling a bunch of people about it unless he wanted to move it to a different level.

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