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ABHORRED dropped from Guiness Book of World Records!

[Apr 30,2005 6:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Their guitarist is NOT the tallest.

[Apr 30,2005 6:37pm - Robdeadskin ""]
dont drop us john!! LOL
[Apr 30,2005 6:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No way, TERATISM rules!
[Apr 30,2005 6:46pm - powerkok ""]
why were they dropped?
[Apr 30,2005 6:53pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 30,2005 7:12pm - mOe_rk ""]
PRobably the whole not wanting to tour and not wanting to play local shows...would you keep them on your label?
[Apr 30,2005 7:14pm - ...  ""]
Or Josh opening his big mouth
[Apr 30,2005 7:59pm - BSV  ""]
shut the fuck up dwyer
[Apr 30,2005 8:02pm - ?  ""]
FYI the original title was ABHORRED dropped from notcommon records. Why is Dwyer being a douche?
[Apr 30,2005 8:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck you, Josh.
[Apr 30,2005 8:17pm - succubus ""]
hey john, can you please edit your post to remove the "news" flag because when aaron sends his newsletter we have to remove "fake" news manually.
[Apr 30,2005 8:18pm - mOe_rk ""]
from what i've heard this isnt so fake
[Apr 30,2005 8:21pm - succubus ""]
no longer in the book of world records? that's the title now...
[Apr 30,2005 8:21pm - powerkok ""]
mOe_rk said:PRobably the whole not wanting to tour and not wanting to play local shows...would you keep them on your label?

wait, Im confused, what else is there, besides local or non local shows?
[Apr 30,2005 8:22pm - powerkok ""]
semi local? within a 106 mile radius?
[Apr 30,2005 8:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Anything for you, Carina.
[Apr 30,2005 8:26pm - succubus ""]
thanks bunny =)
[Apr 30,2005 8:49pm - BSV  ""]
Moe, what the hell are you talking about?
You guys are letting the internet dictate your lives, good job.
[Apr 30,2005 8:51pm - BSV  ""]
Moe, what's your phone number, email me odiumvile@hotmail.com
[Apr 30,2005 9:11pm - BSV  ""]
John, you really need to stop starting shit. I was just talking on the phone to Joe about our first tour with Notcommon Records. Again John, you need to get your facts straight before you run your mouth on the internet for the sole purpose of creating a shit storm. Learn to tell the truth, bitch.
[Apr 30,2005 9:16pm - eddie ""]
[Apr 30,2005 9:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck off Josh, you are the biggest shit talker that I have ever known!

I was told the truth and I posted it and I was never told not to say anything until after the cat was already out of the bag.

I love how you try to turn this shit around on me when you and your big mouth are the one that started this whole thing snowballing.

Don't talk to me again unless you want your crust stained teeth knocked down your throat you fucking 2 faced back-stabber.
[Apr 30,2005 9:27pm - MikeFuckAss  ""]
[Apr 30,2005 9:32pm - BSV  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Fuck off Josh, you are the biggest shit talker that I have ever known!

I was told the truth and I posted it and I was never told not to say anything until after the cat was already out of the bag.

Who are you to speak for Joe on his business?
I love how you try to turn this shit around on me when you and your big mouth are the one that started this whole thing snowballing.

Sure, I said something that couldn't be edited. I didn't have to turn it around on you, you shot your own foot again, it's okay you just have to learn from your mistakes John, don't give up.
Don't talk to me again unless you want your crust stained teeth knocked down your throat you fucking 2 faced back-stabber.

Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful. Thanks for bringing 4th grade back to metal.

[Apr 30,2005 9:33pm - BSV  ""]
This shit makes me laugh, thanks for keeping me smiling.
[Apr 30,2005 9:34pm - Robdeadskin ""]
well this is entertaining at the least...now back to video games!
[Apr 30,2005 9:36pm - powerkok ""]
John is gonna knock teeth down throats?
Josh would fuckin tear you in half, Dwyer.
Youre fat, old and soft like a fuckin bowl of pudding.
[Apr 30,2005 9:42pm - powerkok ""]
I also love how you change the post title, like the faggot bitch you are, and then wont answer the questions at hand.
I shoulda kicked your face in at the bombshelter, like I was talked out of.
[Apr 30,2005 9:45pm - Robdeadskin ""]
man everyones on dwyer huh?
I love the guy myself.....but this is gettin stupid....
[Apr 30,2005 9:48pm - powerkok ""]
He may be cool with you, because you guys are tight or whatever, but lemme tell you, he pisses ALOT of people off.
[Apr 30,2005 9:53pm - succubus ""]
i don't want to speak for dwyer but it's
A LOT ;)

ok no more arguing now!
[Apr 30,2005 9:54pm - powerkok ""]
succubus said:i don't want to speak for dwyer but it's
A LOT ;)

ok no more arguing now!

you, maam, are IN CORRECT.
[Apr 30,2005 10:01pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
All I know is that John Dwyer gets my clothes that extra level of white that the competing detergents just can't achieve.
[Apr 30,2005 10:07pm - RichHorror ""]
That Dwyer guy left a burning bag of dogshit on my porch. This was back in the fall of '57 and he still hasn't returned to collect it. If it takes my dying breath, he will be brought to justice.
[Apr 30,2005 10:23pm - FUCK DWYER  ""]
this little shit talker should act his age and should stop trying to scam people.
[Apr 30,2005 10:36pm - BSV  ""]
Learn to spell bitch!
[Apr 30,2005 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
'he called his shit poop!'

this is going to be another one of those threads where I hope that the two people involved will and then they dont.
[Apr 30,2005 10:48pm - BSV  ""]
I have no problem with Dwyer. It just sucks when he pulls shit like this. A good example, when started that whole european tour fiasco, he didn't have his facts straight and posted on very very very little information. I called him that night to straighten it out and everything was fine and dandy. Then a few nights later at dee dee's he starts yelling at me in the middle of the fucking bar telling me to "read the email bitch" and "learn to read bitch" and "learn to spell bitch", the whole was quite funny but all in all it sucks he had to take it to that level, after all i called him the day THERE WAS a problem so we could AVOID a public fiasco but he didn't want anything to do with that apparently. So now instead of dealing with that shit I opt to settle it on here in a more public manner. Other people can give some opinions like we have read before, this is a very healthy process, I think it will help John. I understand why he's irritated with me, it's not everyday that someone half your age is the bigger man in down and dirty situations, all I want is for him to stop spreading lies about Abhorred. That's all. John knows that I have supported Pathos for a few years, all he's doing is making it difficult for me to buy his cds.
[Apr 30,2005 10:53pm - ?  ""]
You have an issue with the guy, take it off line. Why talk shit and post personal shit between you 2 and try to make him look bad? You also posted shit about Abhorred even though you just joined, so you should not run your mouth as much as you do. I could go on, but I won't.
[Apr 30,2005 11:05pm - Bradness ""]
i just took a shit, and it was smelly
[Apr 30,2005 11:58pm - retzam ""]
succubus said:i don't want to speak for dwyer but it's
A LOT ;)

ok no more arguing now!


[May 1,2005 12:01am - powerkok ""]
BSV said:I have no problem with Dwyer. It just sucks when he pulls shit like this. A good example, when started that whole european tour fiasco, he didn't have his facts straight and posted on very very very little information. I called him that night to straighten it out and everything was fine and dandy. Then a few nights later at dee dee's he starts yelling at me in the middle of the fucking bar telling me to "read the email bitch" and "learn to read bitch" and "learn to spell bitch", the whole was quite funny but all in all it sucks he had to take it to that level, after all i called him the day THERE WAS a problem so we could AVOID a public fiasco but he didn't want anything to do with that apparently. So now instead of dealing with that shit I opt to settle it on here in a more public manner. Other people can give some opinions like we have read before, this is a very healthy process, I think it will help John. I understand why he's irritated with me, it's not everyday that someone half your age is the bigger man in down and dirty situations, all I want is for him to stop spreading lies about Abhorred. That's all. John knows that I have supported Pathos for a few years, all he's doing is making it difficult for me to buy his cds.

And you didnt crack his skull open, why?
[May 1,2005 12:04am - retzam ""]
powerkok said:And you didnt crack his skull open, why?

Because of:

[May 1,2005 12:49am - BSV  ""]
i don't have an issue with dwyer, dwyer thinks i'm out to get him and he's confused. peoples actions make them who they are, me illustrating them isn't exactly trying to make him look bad. i still can't believe that little comment cause so much bullshit. people shouldn't let that ruin their day that much.
[May 1,2005 12:58am - BSV  ""]
100 bucks says ? is Carina.
[May 1,2005 1:23am - BSV  ""]
i'm not posting in this thread any more, i'm serious, wicked serious, you have no idea. everyone knows that abhorred is alive and well, we're writing for the next album, as well as going over tour plans for the summer. thanks for the publicity. i guess we need to put something on our webpage that says, "if you don't read it here it's probably a rumor" just like on the morbid angel page. i will never forget the suffering i have cause by typing on the internet.
[May 1,2005 1:59am - RichHorror ""]
BSV said:everyone knows that abhorred is alive and well, we're writing for the next album, as well as going over tour plans for the summer.

As well as playing this show!
[May 1,2005 3:30am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I didn't know ABHORRED had a multiple album contract with NOT COMMON.
[May 1,2005 3:43am - succubus ""]
BSV said:100 bucks says ? is Carina.

ok where's the $100? show me the money...

I have NO CLUE why yer bringing me into this...but thanks josh! I just love waking up and having aaron tell me that someone accused me of making anonymous posts.

[May 1,2005 9:26am - KillerKadoogan ""]
Well then, where to start?

Josh has pretty much said what needs to be said, I suppose.

As far as "You also posted shit about Abhorred even though you just joined" that's just as retarded to say as Dwyer's original post.

Josh may be relatively new to the band, but that doesn't mean he can't speak on behalf of us. Sure, he misconstrued what we were getting at with the local show thing, but we straightened it out, and all is well.

It's too bad Dwyer didn't die when he fell off that waterfall...
[May 1,2005 10:42am - mOe_rk ""]
WOW, i didnt think it was that big of a deal
[May 1,2005 10:56am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Get your facts straight idiot, I didn't go over the waterfall.

[May 1,2005 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
He and a friend decided to go wading in the Niagra river in an area directly preceding the rapids.

Something about Dwyer's brain wasn't working properly. Things that should have clued him in to the danger went unnoticed, such as "Wading Prohibited" and "rapids".

Dwyer lost his footing and found himself quickly transported closer to his doom. He managed to find a rock to hang onto, and was rescued, sadly thwarting natural selection and keeping himself in the gene pool.

Had he lost his grip, he would have been swept down the rapids and over the falls, plummeting to his doom. Doom!

[May 1,2005 11:09am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's called sleep deprivation, I was up for 2 days straight before the trip to Milwaukee Metalfest.

Wow, 5 years ago this July, time sure flies!
[May 1,2005 12:00pm - powerkok ""]
You almost fell off Niagara Falls?!!?!?!?!?!

OMG thats fucking funny.
There must be a net or something to catch bobbing morons, there?
[May 1,2005 12:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Did Dwyer hate Abhorred all along? This is new and confusing to me.
[May 1,2005 12:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I don't hate ABHORRED at all.

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