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[Dec 7,2006 3:32am - CNV  ""]
One of my favorite hard core bands

Yeah, I will admit I am fucking drunk as a skunk

but Integrity is Occult Hard Core

Humanity is the Devil !!!!

[Dec 7,2006 6:14am - Troll ""]
Humanity Is The Devil, Those Who Fear Tomorrow, Systems Overload.
All the Occult Hardcore one needs.
Ha Ha! Watch that become a new sub-genre now.
[Dec 7,2006 7:48am - Anthony nli  ""]
Just got into them recently, and yeah, this shit's awesome.
[Dec 7,2006 8:09am - xmikex ""]

2 of the better Integrity style bands that are out right now
[Dec 7,2006 8:17am - the_reverend ""]
for shame xmikex, you forgot ringworm
[Dec 7,2006 8:21am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Dec 7,2006 8:38am - Lamp ""]
I just went and checked out some random songs on Soulseek. Most of it wasn't too impressive.
[Dec 7,2006 9:05am - xmikex ""]
the_reverend said:for shame xmikex, you forgot ringworm

i assumed everyone and their mom knew about Ringworm. Besides Ringworm and Integrity are from the same scene around the same time. It's wrong to call Ringworm an "Integrity style" band because they're really their own unique style.
[Dec 7,2006 9:11am - xmikex ""]
Lamp said:I just went and checked out some random songs on Soulseek. Most of it wasn't too impressive.

Depends on what songs you listen to. Integrity is one of those bands that's real easy to get turned off to if you hear the wrong stuff. Some of my personal favs include:
Judgement Day (check out the Dying Fetus cover)
Abaraxis Annihilation
Die Hard
Salvations Malevolence
Incarnate 365
[Dec 7,2006 9:36am - MadOakDevin ""]
kinda funny cuz i jammed out humanity is the devil last night after i heard 25 ta life for the first time in a LONG time.
[Dec 7,2006 10:29am - watchmaker666 ""]
Fucking love um'. I used to have the TWFT tape rocking non stop in the tape deck of my 79 Ford Fiesta back in the day! MISCHA!!!
[Dec 7,2006 10:32am - Messerschmitt ""]
i use to own a 1990 ford festiva
i bought it for 200 bucks
[Dec 7,2006 10:34am - watchmaker666 ""]
I bought mine for 300$ what a fucking peice of shit but for some reason I fucking loved that car, lasted me 5 years
[Dec 7,2006 10:34am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i need to find a copy of those who fear tomorrow.
systems overload is by far my favorite integrity album, especially since i found it for $3. that makes it 10x better.
[Dec 7,2006 10:35am - watchmaker666 ""]
TWFT is like integritys Reign in Blood, a must have IMO
[Dec 7,2006 10:44am - xmikex ""]
the new live DVD is worth checking out. It's from a show in Ohio back in the early 90's. Dwid looks like Phil Anselmo circa Cowboys from Hell era.
[Dec 7,2006 10:47am - largefreakatzero ""]
I saw Integrity at a matinee Club Babyhead show a loooong time ago. I used to really dig their earlier shite.
[Dec 7,2006 12:59pm - ninkaszi  ""]

one of my favorite bands of all time. everything they did up to and including "seasons in the size of days" is fucking gold. "to die for" is pretty good as well although its a completely different band.
[Dec 7,2006 1:24pm - xmikex ""]
anyone who likes Integrity should like Darkside NYC too. Although good luck finding any of their stuff.
[Dec 7,2006 1:31pm - inject-now ""]
they have the old guitarist of sheer terror right? i used to see that cd all the time. should have picked that up.
[Dec 8,2006 7:17pm - BlackoutRick ""]
inject-now said:they have the old guitarist of sheer terror right? i used to see that cd all the time. should have picked that up.

No. But their old guitarist is now in Hatebreed. How bout that!!
[Dec 8,2006 7:18pm - BlackoutRick ""]
xmikex said:anyone who likes Integrity should like Darkside NYC too. Although good luck finding any of their stuff.

Integrity is on my top ten bands of all time. ALL bands. I have a tune from Darkside on a comp called East Coast Assault.
[Dec 8,2006 8:33pm - Lamp ""]
xmikex said:Integrity is one of those bands that's real easy to get turned off to if you hear the wrong stuff. Some of my personal favs include:
Judgement Day (check out the Dying Fetus cover)
Abaraxis Annihilation
Die Hard
Salvations Malevolence
Incarnate 365


I guess this band just isn't for me.
[Mar 7,2012 11:29pm - KEVORD ""]
[Mar 7,2012 11:30pm - KEVORD ""]
[Mar 7,2012 11:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Mar 8,2012 2:36am - Lamp nli  ""]
Integrity fucking sucks.
[Mar 8,2012 7:55am - Yeti ""]
Lamp has gotten angrier over the last 6 years. originally this band was "not for me" now they "fucking suck".
[Mar 8,2012 8:32am - joostin ""]

Troll said:
All the Occult Hardcore one needs.
Ha Ha! Watch that become a new sub-genre now.

Flash forward six years and Troll had it right.
[Mar 8,2012 9:12am - Lamp ""]

Yeti said:Lamp has gotten angrier over the last 6 years. originally this band was "not for me" now they "fucking suck".

I wouldn't say this is true at all, but I have become ballsier about voicing an opinion towards Integrity as my taste in music develops further and further. Shitty band that helped pioneer the flood of shitty brocore ass music made by fake hardcore kids who are otherwise indistinguishable from typical frat jocks.
[Mar 8,2012 9:17am - xmikex ""]
Flash forward six years and all my favorite Integrity songs are In Cold Blood songs.

[Mar 8,2012 9:23am - xmikex ""]

xmikex said:http://www.myspace.com/jaggedvisions

2 of the better Integrity style bands that are out right now

Also, Living Hell was always really good live but completely sucked out loud on all their recordings. It seriously made no sense. I bought a used copy of their 1st release for like $2 and couldn't even bring myself to listen to it the whole way through.
[Mar 8,2012 10:38am - Yeti ""]

Lamp said:
Yeti said:Lamp has gotten angrier over the last 6 years. originally this band was "not for me" now they "fucking suck".

I wouldn't say this is true at all, but I have become ballsier about voicing an opinion towards Integrity as my taste in music develops further and further. Shitty band that helped pioneer the flood of shitty brocore ass music made by fake hardcore kids who are otherwise indistinguishable from typical frat jocks.

hahaha fair enough. that was said in jest however.
[Mar 8,2012 10:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 8,2012 10:44am - Lamp ""]
I don't think it's exactly a secret at this point that my ability to detect sarcasm on the Internet is really bad haha.
[Mar 8,2012 10:51am - KEVORD ""]
I can't even comprehend not liking Integrity.
[Mar 8,2012 11:34am - Lamp ""]
I'll never understand what anyone sees in that band.
[Mar 8,2012 11:40am - xmikex ""]
It looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree
[Mar 8,2012 11:50am - ABastard NLI  ""]
Humanity is the Devil.
[Mar 8,2012 11:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ninkaszi said:up to and including "seasons in the size of days" is fucking gold.

and then this happened

[Mar 8,2012 11:57am - KEVORD ""]
Integrity 2000 was a seperate band and everyone knows they sucked.
[Mar 8,2012 12:14pm - Lamp ""]
Integrity 2000 = New Coke?
[Mar 8,2012 12:15pm - KEVORD ""]

Lamp said:Integrity 2000 = New Coke?
LOL kind of.
[Mar 8,2012 12:23pm - Fagss  ""]
Shai Hulud is way better and more melodic and heavier
[Mar 8,2012 12:24pm - KEVORD ""]
[Mar 8,2012 12:26pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ABastard%20NLI said:Humanity is the Devil.

other than the short run-time, this is the best Integrity.
[Mar 8,2012 12:27pm - RustyPS ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
ninkaszi said:up to and including "seasons in the size of days" is fucking gold.

and then this happened


LOL, whenever I hear about Integrity, Integrity 2000 is the first thing I think of.

I just remember hearing them on one of the Victory Style comps and being like "WTF?"
[Mar 8,2012 12:34pm - Lamp ""]

Fagss said:Shai Hulud is way better and more melodic and heavier

Reaching really hard for a positive thing to say about Integrity... I would take them over Shai Hulud any day.
[Mar 8,2012 12:36pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Lamp said:Integrity 2000 = coke money
[Mar 8,2012 12:38pm - RustyPS ""]
I am a Shai Hulud fan.

Integrity, not so much. I don't think they suck, they're just not my cup of tea.

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