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classic rock top 5 songs

[Jul 3,2007 11:09pm - TROLL ""]
This_Is_Heresy@work said:
The Who - Baba O'Reily

Use to cover this in a shitty punk rawk band when I was younger.
Great song! :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 5,2007 1:09am - vein_water  ""]
favorite classic rock tune would be Hawkwinds "Brainstorm"
[Jul 5,2007 8:11am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Black Sabbath - Into the Void
Black Sabbath - Into the Void
Black Sabbath - Into the Void
Black Sabbath - Into the Void
Black Sabbath - Into the Void
[Jul 5,2007 9:40am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:FuckIsMySignature said:
Roger does a siiiiick black metal scream in one of the songs but i forget which one it is.

careful with that ax, eugene

ah yes, thanks.
[Jul 5,2007 9:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
King Crimson - Court of the Crimson King

heard it all the way through the other day... mind-blowing.
[Jun 24,2017 1:28pm - susurrate ""]
what comes to mind is

Highway Song- Blackfoot
Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding - Elton John
Telegraph Road- Dire Straits
Kid Charlemagne- Steely Dan
On The Turning Away- Pink Floyd

Bonus since it's not a common verse/chorus structured tune: Blood On The Snow- Coven

Song I'm most surprised isn't listed- Don't Fear The Reaper
[Jun 24,2017 1:28pm - susurrate ""]
Top 20 seems more reasonable considering the bevy of shit that is considered classic rock now.

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