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What scale does Necrophagist write in?

[Feb 28,2008 11:36am - largefreakatzero ""]
HaHaha -- why is anybody arguing with this guy?
[Feb 28,2008 12:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Classic poster.
[Feb 28,2008 4:56pm - yummy ""]
That's the biggest boast I've ever heard about anybody.
[Feb 28,2008 6:09pm - immortal13 ""]
LFAZ is right, not even gonna bother with this kid anymore.
[Feb 28,2008 6:53pm - Archaeon ""]

immortal13 said:LFAZ is right, not even gonna bother with this kid anymore.

it's a troll
[Dec 31,2013 5:59pm - Way2Troll  ""]
Looks like this thread managed to mess up cha cha


"Necrophagist only plays in Archaeon scales, which is basically a wide range of time scales. ChaCha again soon!"
[Dec 31,2013 6:56pm - DYA DEPARTMENT OF DYA  ""]
*bro fist*

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