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Olde Crow looking for vocalist

[Mar 28,2009 10:43am - Troll ""]
We're a relatively new band based in Keene NH.

We're looking for a vocalist with a decent range....Sorry, no growlers.

If your like music ala Black Sabbath,Goatsnake,Blue Cheer,Fu-Manchu,Sleep,Hellacopters,Witchcraft,Orange Goblin,Dozer,The Stooges,Uriah Heep,Kyuss,Mountain,Ramones,Nebula,Trouble,Acid King,Grand Funk,Electric Wizard,Deep Purple,Witchfinder General then please contact us!

http://www.myspace.com/oldecrow1788 :duffbeer:

[Mar 28,2009 4:11pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm listening to it right now. good stuff. good luck with the vocalist search.
[Mar 28,2009 4:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this sounds badass i been wantin to do a stonerish band like this for a while now
[Mar 28,2009 4:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm doin an acoustic blues thing right now with this kid from high school...how do you feel about a second guitar with some mean blues vocals?
[Mar 28,2009 4:46pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
shitloads of cowbell, fuck yes.
[Mar 28,2009 4:50pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Mar 28,2009 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 28,2009 6:01pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
listening right now. pretty sweet stuff. any examples of what kind of decent range you want your vocalist to have?
[Mar 28,2009 6:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
I'm down. I live in Nash
[Mar 28,2009 6:24pm - Troll ""]

Notorious_D.U.G. said:listening right now. pretty sweet stuff. any examples of what kind of decent range you want your vocalist to have?

Not too picky as long as they can hold key and sing with some soul.
Some of our favorite vocalists are John Garcia(Kyuss),Eric Wagner (Trouble),Mark Farner(Grand Funk Railroad), Bobby Liebling(Pentagram)

[Mar 28,2009 6:32pm - Troll ""]

BlackoutRick said:I'm down. I live in Nash

You've got a sick set of pipes Rick, but I don't think you'd be totally content singin' our shit.
BTW, Blackout Frenzy still active?
[Mar 28,2009 6:44pm - Troll ""]

the_reverend said:rocky

[Mar 28,2009 7:01pm - Troll ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i'm doin an acoustic blues thing right now with this kid from high school...how do you feel about a second guitar with some mean blues vocals?

We started with a second guitarist/singer (Jeff from Tractorass) sounded great too. Had loads of duel harmonys. He ditched out so we decided to strip down the format and just fuzz till death.

BTW, Jason from Tractorass plays the bass with us. Funny, he was just asking about Never Say Never yesterday. We'll have to hit up a gig. LFOD!
[Mar 29,2009 12:27am - W3 nli  ""]
diggin it.
[Mar 30,2009 12:26pm - Troll ""]
[Mar 30,2009 12:35pm - DYA NLI  ""]
This sounds (from the influences, without access to a PC with both Myspace and speakers to listen to it) fucking awesome. Move to Mass so I can do it. LOL
[Mar 30,2009 12:37pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, we're still active. Just played Saturday @ Oasis in Woosta. This is the stuff I want to do. I'm gettin to old for screaming my lungs out.
[Mar 30,2009 1:03pm - metal_church101 ""]

BlackoutRick said:Yeah, we're still active. Just played Saturday @ Oasis in Woosta. This is the stuff I want to do. I'm gettin to old for screaming my lungs out.

You are an old folgie.
[Mar 30,2009 1:04pm - metal_church101 ""]

Troll said:
BlackoutRick said:I'm down. I live in Nash

You've got a sick set of pipes Rick, but I don't think you'd be totally content singin' our shit.
BTW, Blackout Frenzy still active?

Which pipes from Rick are you talking about?

[Mar 30,2009 1:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Troll said:
FuckIsMySignature said:i'm doin an acoustic blues thing right now with this kid from high school...how do you feel about a second guitar with some mean blues vocals?

We started with a second guitarist/singer (Jeff from Tractorass) sounded great too. Had loads of duel harmonys. He ditched out so we decided to strip down the format and just fuzz till death.

BTW, Jason from Tractorass plays the bass with us. Funny, he was just asking about Never Say Never yesterday. We'll have to hit up a gig. LFOD!

right on
[Mar 30,2009 1:10pm - aril  ""]
set up another coos county fest and I will help you search
[Mar 30,2009 3:35pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Thanks Matt.
[Mar 30,2009 3:53pm - metal_church101 ""]

BlackoutRick said:Thanks Matt.

[Mar 30,2009 6:26pm - BlackoutRick ""]
No, I've been thinkin about doin Sabbathy stuff for a long time. Life of Agony is one of my main influences if that helps.
[Mar 31,2009 1:15am - Troll ""]
We are a bit guilty of drawing from the vast well of Sabbathian riffertoire.

We're really just looking for someone completely commited to this band only....Well, with the exception you might have a one man boombox black metal project or something. Besides talent, we're looking for personality. We've gotta have a good working relationship with whoever we decide to bring into the group. Chemisrty is key. The three of us are lucky enough find eachother in NH's music dead zone and just happen to be not only into all the same kind of music and lifestyle, but also on the same page as far as what we want to achive as a band.
Anyways, if you'd like to try out Rick I'll give you my #.
[Mar 31,2009 9:44am - BlackoutRick ""]
[Mar 31,2009 12:35pm - Troll ""]
its in your private msgs.
[Mar 31,2009 12:37pm - Troll ""]

If anybody is interested singin' for Olde Crow let us know! We'd like to try out as many people as possible!
Please spread the word!

FYI, these mp3s are mere lo-fi practice space demos. Please, excuse the production.
[Mar 31,2009 6:50pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
Damn my tone deafness and complete inability to hold a note.
[Mar 31,2009 7:10pm - sinistas ""]
Man, that logo is killer. I dig the tunes as well.
[Mar 31,2009 7:27pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Sounds cool from the description. If you guys can pull it together and bring your own whores and drugs, you can share the stage with Penance Tyrant.
[Apr 1,2009 1:02am - Troll ""]
I think we can muster up couple chickenheads and a few bottles of robitussin?!?!
[Apr 1,2009 2:38pm - Troll ""]
[Apr 1,2009 3:00pm - troll reverend  ""]
no one will get this, but the username Troll is impervious to the april fools. I specifically made it no mark troll as a troll
[Apr 2,2009 1:10am - Troll ""]
[Apr 2,2009 2:09am - Paul CNV  ""]
Good luck Troll... Sounds good
[Apr 3,2009 1:31am - Troll ""]
still spin my CNV discs!
[Apr 5,2009 10:57pm - Troll ""]
[Apr 15,2009 2:33am - Troll ""]
New(er) untitled rough demo track posted!

We've been sitting on these songs and more for awhile now. We really need a singer/lyricist/alcoholic to step up to the plate and fuckin' take a swing!
[Apr 16,2009 12:41pm - SIBZdxe  ""]
good fucking shit guys
[Apr 18,2009 1:27am - Troll ""]
Just posted another tune!
Asheulot Chicken Toss (working title)
[Apr 18,2009 1:31am - Troll ""]

SIBZdxe said:good fucking shit guys

Can't wait to find a vocalist and bring this shit to a studio!
[Apr 18,2009 2:12am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i wish i could do vox cause i love this band, shit is so good.
[Apr 18,2009 3:14am - Darnli  ""]
this is cool Troll...make it happen. Ask Paul to teach you some magic spells to facilitate the appearance of a sick vocalist
[Apr 18,2009 10:55am - troll ""]
[Apr 18,2009 11:14am - sinislazy  ""]
Seriously, somebody get on this.
[Apr 18,2009 12:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

sinislazy said:Seriously, somebody get on this.

[Apr 18,2009 2:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Apr 20,2009 11:21am - troll ""]
[May 19,2009 1:26am - Troll ""]
Found Vocalist! A couple raw tunes just posted!


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