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Humble Proposal for slow RTTP days, Never Ending Thread that goes absolutely nowhere

[May 31,2014 2:18pm - MotleyGrue ""]
For slow days on this board, to keep it interesting, for the invocation of music related chatter, as well as bullshit that doesn't go anywhere. I humbly propose a thread of anything goes to fallback on.

Slight buzz from Jack's Abby beer right now, no real concrete thoughts until the sudden invasion of Dokken in my mind, why???? Fuck you that's why, I blame this on watching Weird Science on the BBC channel last night. But here is to growing up underage in the 80's listening to all types of metal, and being able to go to high school/college parties where there was beer, joints, broads (no offense to the women on this board) that were older than me, and try harding to get laid. Sure I had to listen to Dokken, and other bands that they played, especially the band BOSTON for some unknown fucking reason. George Lynch you won't.

[May 31,2014 2:21pm - The_reverend ""]
Weird science was my jam.
[May 31,2014 2:21pm - Goatrider ""]
Grundle is the single greatest word ever invented.
[May 31,2014 2:21pm - MotleyGrue ""]
I blame this, but would watch again.

[May 31,2014 2:23pm - MotleyGrue ""]
I forgot how hot Kelly Lebrock was.
[May 31,2014 2:28pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Gratuitous Oingo Boingo post.

[May 31,2014 2:35pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
Ran into Nickleen yesterday, first time I'd seen her since the '90s. Didn't mount her back in the day 'cos she was a notorious liar/bullshitter. (For example: claimed to have mourned Cliff Burton's death in '86, at age eight.) (!)
NEVER get involved with women that are fuckin' liars.
[May 31,2014 2:52pm - Abe  ""]
There was that time I took the fairy to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter you'd say. Now where were we, oh ya. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because if the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones
[May 31,2014 3:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 31,2014 3:20pm - TimRiley ""]
Canada Takeover

[May 31,2014 3:38pm - demondave ""]
[img] [img]

[img] [img]
[img][img] [img][img]

[May 31,2014 3:48pm - Samantha ""]
[May 31,2014 4:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]

George Lynch has a new project/band with Dug Pinnick (King's X) and Ray Luzier (Korn). It's pretty good I think. Might not appeal to traditionalists but it's a solid rock record.
[May 31,2014 5:23pm - MotleyGrue ""]

TimRiley said:Canada Takeover


Not gonna lie this song rules, and the live extended (for her pleasure) guitar solo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 31,2014 5:27pm - MotleyGrue ""]

arilliusbm said:Weiners.

I have a confession for you..............I am the Disinfo Agent troll.
I lay this troll to rest RTTP style, sorry if it caused you any anger as it was for the lulz, Alex Casket is not the troll for this it was me.
[May 31,2014 5:29pm - TimRiley ""]
MotleyGrue- April Wine is criminally underrated.
[May 31,2014 5:30pm - MotleyGrue ""]
It was me, It was me all along!!! You all brought it, hook line, and sinker!!!!!

[May 31,2014 5:31pm - MotleyGrue ""]

TimRiley said:MotleyGrue- April Wine is criminally underrated.

Criminally indeed, thank you.
[Jun 1,2014 12:12am - Hoser ""]

boblovesmusic said:
George Lynch has a new project/band with Dug Pinnick (King's X) and Ray Luzier (Korn). It's pretty good I think. Might not appeal to traditionalists but it's a solid rock record.

Doug Pinnick is sick.....albeit ancient....but awesome.
[Jun 1,2014 7:39am - HookedonMetal ""]



[Jun 1,2014 11:57am - MotleyGrue ""]

Samantha said:[img]

Hell-o again metal maiden!
[Jun 1,2014 12:00pm - MotleyGrue ""]

HookedonMetal said:



Saw RATT twice in the late 80's, very early 90's. Keel had some cool songs, but the dude went country, then tried to go back to metal ha, suck it Ron Keel.

[Jun 1,2014 12:13pm - MotleyGrue ""]

[Jun 1,2014 4:29pm - arilliusbm ""]

MotleyGrue said:
arilliusbm said:Weiners.

I have a confession for you..............I am the Disinfo Agent troll.
I lay this troll to rest RTTP style, sorry if it caused you any anger as it was for the lulz, Alex Casket is not the troll for this it was me.

[Jun 1,2014 4:31pm - TimRiley ""]
Cooking dinner so I committed the cardinal sin of drinking an "OK" beer straight from a 22 oz. bomber. cracked it, let it sit for a few minutes, took a swig and the foam exploded in my face. all up in my orifices. Beware of Blue Hills Brewery Black Hops black IPA (or cascadian dark ale for the hipsters) it's a bottle grenade. Anyone ever have this happen before? I've dealt with bacterial infections in 22 oz's before where you crack them and it's a bottle bomb, but this one sat for a good 3-5 minutes before i took a swig. :duffbeer:
[Jun 1,2014 6:27pm - HookedonMetal ""]

MotleyGrue said:
HookedonMetal said:



Saw RATT twice in the late 80's, very early 90's. Keel had some cool songs, but the dude went country, then tried to go back to metal ha, suck it Ron Keel.


Yeah I remember spending hours one day going through these massive bins of $1-$2 used CDs at Newbury Comics when I was like 15 and I found a copy of Iron Horse' album. I saw that Ron Keel was on it and decided to check it out. I put it in the CD player and was like "WTF is this?" Not bad for what it was, but definitely not my thing. Fast forward about 8 years, I checked out Streets of Rock and Roll when it came out. IMO, it was pretty reminiscent of the old school Keel albums.

I know what you mean though. I think he only went back to doing heavy metal because he saw that there was a revival of interest in it.



[Jun 1,2014 8:40pm - Samantha ""]
[Jun 1,2014 8:50pm - Samantha ""]

MotleyGrue said:
Samantha said:[img]

Hell-o again metal maiden!

Hello. I'm glad to see this thread is going well. No one has threatened to murder me or burn down my house on this site for a while, so that is good.
[Jun 1,2014 9:02pm - HookedonMetal ""]
I think things are looking up for RTTP, knock on wood.
[Jun 1,2014 10:10pm - HookedonMetal ""]

MotleyGrue said:Gratuitous Oingo Boingo post.


[Jun 2,2014 10:08am - ssds  ""]
Best two or three shows everyone has been to yet this year? Fests(MDF, Ragnaarok, etc.) excluded.
[Jun 2,2014 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
Inot Another was pretty awesome.
[Jun 2,2014 10:52am - Burnsy ""]
[Jun 2,2014 10:57am - MotleyGrue ""]

Samantha said:[QUOTE="MotleyGrue:1388304

Hell-o again metal maiden!

Hello. I'm glad to see this thread is going well. No one has threatened to murder me or burn down my house on this site for a while, so that is good.

(Jaime Lannister voice)there are far better things to be threatened with than that. Heh.
[Jun 2,2014 11:07am - MotleyGrue ""]
Yes I watch game of thrones and don't read the books. I was so pissed that the prince got killed last night, eyes gouged out, head smashed by the mountain, I blame it on his vanity for dying as he was kicking the mountains ass.
[Jun 2,2014 11:34am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jun 2,2014 11:55am - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

shutup fagget
[Jun 4,2014 4:02pm - spence ""]
[Jun 4,2014 4:22pm - Yeti ""]

[Jun 4,2014 4:25pm - spence ""]
Also, I saw Big D & And The Kids Table the other day performing their 1999 album "Good Luck" in entirety. And The Toasters opened. (Sold out paradise rock club)

Honestly, the most pure fun i've had at a concert in a long time and I found myself constantly thinking about how ska shows have a billion times better pits/overall crowds than metal or non-ska punk shows, and how strange that is. Perhaps it's the lack of MA Metalheads members or fat drunk old men.

[Jun 4,2014 5:12pm - RTTP DEPT OF GOSSIP  ""]
I heard Vogel Richt beat up his own mom wearing a klan robe and jerking it to pictures of girls on facebook.
[Jun 6,2014 4:34pm - MotleyGrue ""]
*This post is brought to you by Yuengling Traditional Lager beer*


[Jun 6,2014 4:57pm - MotleyGrue ""]

[Jun 6,2014 5:07pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
I'm just going to point out that the easiest way to crash a long thread is to load it up with shockwave shit like YouTube videos. Just sayin'.
[Jun 6,2014 5:38pm - MotleyGrue ""]

DYA%20is%20DUAL%20BISMUTH%20YAW%20GATE said:I'm just going to point out that the easiest way to crash a long thread is to load it up with shockwave shit like YouTube videos. Just sayin'.

Ha ha, thanks, still learning the rules of the jungle.
[Jun 6,2014 5:48pm - HookedonMetal ""]
My apologies. I got a little carried away with that myself.
[Jun 7,2014 10:04am - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
[Jun 7,2014 5:29pm - Some Dude  ""]
Metal is dead. Thus, it's all slow days unless you like numu or lite jazz deathcore bullshit.
[Jun 8,2014 7:36am - demondave ""]
[Jun 11,2014 8:53pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Talking Points:
1. Saw no one get absorbed into her computer, but just turn to rocks.
2. Aluminum gun defeats Queen of the Reich.
3. Hair do's/ Hair don'ts.
4. Identification of band members name/instruments.

[Jun 11,2014 9:32pm - Samantha ""]




[Jun 11,2014 11:23pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Once again greetings to the Metal Maiden Samantha, the Beavis and Butthead videos gave me the lulz.
[Jul 27,2014 8:00pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
I was walking in Burrillville, RI, trying to investigate 'the mystery of Snake Hill.' Apparently an entire skeleton of a woman was found there around 1910, about 30' from the train tracks. Bullet hole in the skull. The case was never solved. Of course I had to see for myself, dig the vibes of that vicinity, etc.

I entered the secluded, wooded terrain via the abandoned railbed of the Providence & Springfield RR. When I was getting ready to leave though, some squatters w/ mustaches emerged from their tent and told me "private property, we don't wanna see yah again." (I had to wade through a river 'cos they were blocking the old rail bridge.) They looked like child molesters and freebase addicts, with full blown AIDS besides. Man, fuck those people.
[Jul 28,2014 11:03am - Samantha ""]
[Jul 28,2014 12:12pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Jul 28,2014 12:56pm - Yeti ""]
I've got my mind set on you.
[Jul 28,2014 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
the cat nebula?

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