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[May 2,2003 10:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
wow, those guys are intense!!!
if anyone has a chance to see them tonight, definately do
also, they might be playing in boston again in july with kevorkian's angels, lee marshall, and *fingers crossed* hopefully the almighty watchmaker

i got their 7", once my headache goes away its going on
[May 2,2003 1:52pm - the rev in canada, eh  ""]
that 7" is awesome.
an their sets are amazing.
what did you think of their set at o'bien's?
[May 3,2003 11:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i loved them, they were fucking intense on stage
i am working with brian from prophetless productions
we want to get them on a show with kevorkian's angels and watchmaker
their drummer is wicked awesome also

[Jul 23,2005 1:23pm - boobtoucher ""]
joe used to love metalcore
[Jul 23,2005 1:42pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
uh oh...
[Jul 23,2005 2:19pm - mOe_RK_in jersey  ""]
[Jul 23,2005 2:53pm - anonymous  ""]
haha proof that joe not common is a complete living joke.

way to jock the trends bro....metalcore isnt cool on RTTP anymore...so i guess joe was just running with the flock.
[Jul 23,2005 2:58pm - Notorious_DUG  ""]
way to jock the word jock over and over again, retard.
[Jul 23,2005 6:13pm - boobtoucher ""]
Strange, I really dont know what may have happend in the past 2 years or so to make Joe stop liking the_network's style of music.

But hopefully this will just end. I'm really not trying to be an asshole here, but I think most people know that Joe is just a shit talker for the sake of shit talking I guess. Its fine to say you dont like a band's music but you dont need to attack the band members personally and, when in an arguement, you also dont need to spin other people's words around to fit your own preconceived, narrow minded perspective.
[Jul 23,2005 7:37pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]

I love how you guys are trying to make this new argument look like I started it, even though you are the one who went into my thread and started bashing me and my shows and my label, and then threatened to kick my ass.

Don't pussy out now, I really want you to kick my ass. Just try to not spit all over me.
[Jul 23,2005 7:53pm - the_reverend ""]
fighting = lame.

this burn is pretty freakin' sweet though
[Jul 23,2005 8:01pm - boobtoucher ""]
the_reverend said:fighting = lame.

this burn is pretty freakin' sweet though

Yea i thought so too, I figured this would end it...I'm done. However, if I prove to be too weak and end up continuing with this shit, please no one except Joe pay attention to me. (which is probably how its gone so far anyway)

[Jul 23,2005 8:57pm - anonymous  ""]
this is the ownage of the century.
[Jul 23,2005 8:57pm - Joe/GayCommon  ""]
This is proof Joe/GayCommon is absolutely pathetic. Nothing but a shit talker, running a shitty label and shitty shows!
[Jul 23,2005 9:12pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
if he was such a fag then you wouldn't care so much
[Jul 23,2005 9:16pm - Joe/GayCommon  ""]
congratulations on making a response that doesn't make any sense
[Jul 23,2005 9:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Can he respond to why he came into that thread and started shit talking me then, if all I did was make this post about how good they are?

I guess Josh Martin was correct calling your bullshit on fucking me up.
[Jul 23,2005 10:11pm - anonymous  ""]
Joe got burned, indeed. Maybe he has MPD though, who knows...

Regardless, the Network is a gay band with a bunch of shit talking kids playing music that is already being played by far greater bands. Revel in your mediocrity!
[Jul 23,2005 10:40pm - boobtoucher ""]
Just so everyone knows, I REALLY am not "Joe/GayCommon" or any anonymous posts having to do with this subject and neither is anyone from the_network. Go ahead and not believe me or whatever...I'm sure I'll be called "gay," which seems to be the most groundbreaking insult being thrown around in these threads but I really dont do anonymous shit.

I'm just gonna sit back and read...this is one of the dumbest yet most entertaining things I've been a part of in awhile. I'd much rather argue in person I suppose. I wrote one thing and now I'm typing the most I have since finishing college.
[Jul 23,2005 10:41pm - boobtoucher ""]
I'm also getting yelled at by my other band members because of this stupid shit.
[Jul 23,2005 10:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Why would anyone think you are the anonymous guy?
[Jul 23,2005 10:52pm - boobtoucher ""]
I dont know, I haven't read every anonymous one I'm just throwing it out there.
[Jul 23,2005 11:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am just saying, why would you log out to make fun of me, when you were already doing it logged in?
[Jul 23,2005 11:32pm - boobtoucher ""]
Well I know that people do that shit.
[Jul 24,2005 2:23am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
Joe/GayCommon said:congratulations on making a response that doesn't make any sense

congratulations on not picking up on the previous zing
[Jul 25,2005 8:50am - RustedAngel ""]
I just gotta say...


I knew I remembered a thread like this.
[Jul 25,2005 9:49am - Josh_Martin ""]
I don't see how this is a burn since Joe never said anything about this stupid band until one of them started talking shit about Not Common on the other thread.

If a band I'd booked started trashing me I sure as Hell would talk back.
If anything, this makes the network look even more like backstabbing assholes.

[Jul 25,2005 9:51am - RustedAngel ""]
it's clearly a burn, just accept it.

the fact is he hyped them up 2 years ago, and then put them down musically as a band in the other thread calling them 'safe and mainstream sounding' after being attacked personally.
[Jul 25,2005 10:00am - Josh_Martin ""]
Fine, but its a pretty weak burn considering the other thread.
It doesn't change the fact that the Network are backstabbing pussies.

Someone is able to burn Joe one time after getting burned countless times in the other thread and every faggot on here acts like its a big deal.

It would take a lot of balls for someone to book the Network in Boston again after all the enemies they've made here.

[Jul 25,2005 10:16am - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_Martin said:Fine, but its a pretty weak burn considering the other thread.
It doesn't change the fact that the Network are backstabbing pussies.

Someone is able to burn Joe one time after getting burned countless times in the other thread and every faggot on here acts like its a big deal.

It would take a lot of balls for someone to book the Network in Boston again after all the enemies they've made here.

how are they backstabbing?

I'm sure they'd have no problem getting shows anywhere around boston if they really tried. Enemies? you and joe? okay......they might as well call it quits right? hahaha. christ.
[Jul 25,2005 10:36am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
this is stupid.
listen to good music and enjoy it.
[Jul 25,2005 10:36am - Josh_Martin ""]
How is talking shit about someone who booked your band twice and said nice things about you not backstabbing?

And you're right, me and Joe were the only one's making fun of that idiot in the other thread, dumbass.

[Jul 25,2005 10:44am - RustedAngel ""]
I'm not even going to get into the other retarded thread with you.

man, you're like almost 40 and you never shut up. you think you win every argument, but you don't. crackhead.

I hope I actually have stuff to do when I'm 40 and I'm not arguing with youngin's on a message board all day.
[Jul 25,2005 10:52am - Jeff Pierce/PIV  ""]
[Jul 25,2005 10:52am - Josh_Martin ""]
RustedAngel said:I'm not even going to get into the other retarded thread with you.

man, you're like almost 40 and you never shut up. you think you win every argument, but you don't. crackhead.

I hope I actually have stuff to do when I'm 40 and I'm not arguing with youngin's on a message board all day.

I like how you have nothing to say when you're proven wrong.

[Jul 25,2005 10:56am - RustedAngel ""]
not proven wrong...Joe was burned...end.
[Jul 25,2005 11:08am - Josh_Martin ""]
Josh_Martin said:How is talking shit about someone who booked your band twice and said nice things about you not backstabbing?

[Jul 25,2005 11:15am - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 25,2005 11:15am - RustedAngel ""]
who knows what could have happend in 2 years. joe is no angel obviously.
[Jul 25,2005 11:17am - RustedAngel ""]
joe booked my band once, talked shit about our vocalist twice and we weren't backstabbing him. so eat my fecal matter.
[Jul 25,2005 11:18am - Josh_Martin ""]
And you don't think if something had happened in the last 2 years it wouldn't have been brought up in the other thread, where everything in the whole world was brought up? Give it up. You're almost 30, you should be smarter than that.

Isn't it time for you to log out and log back in as Josh-Martin?

[Jul 25,2005 11:19am - Josh_Martin ""]
RustedAngel said:joe booked my band once, talked shit about our vocalist twice and we weren't backstabbing him. so eat my fecal matter.

Who said anything about your band? You are really dumb for someone who's almost 30.
[Jul 25,2005 11:21am - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_Martin said:And you don't think if something had happened in the last 2 years it wouldn't have been brought up in the other thread, where everything in the whole world was brought up? Give it up. You're almost 30, you should be smarter than that.

Isn't it time for you to log out and log back in as Josh-Martin?

it was brought up, The Network realized Joe had his head up his ass. What else is there?

i'm sorry but I clearly have no problem bashing you with my own username gaylord.
[Jul 25,2005 11:22am - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_Martin said:

Who said anything about your band? You are really dumb for someone who's almost 30.

actually, I'm 19.
[Jul 25,2005 11:25am - Josh_Martin ""]
Yeah, you have no problem bashing anyone from behind a computer but I hear you cower and hide in person. People pushing 30 shouldn't be such pussies.

Please paste where the Network realized Joe had "his head up his ass".
They just seem like a bunch of crybabies.

[Jul 25,2005 11:26am - Josh_Martin ""]
RustedAngel said:Josh_Martin said:

Who said anything about your band? You are really dumb for someone who's almost 30.

actually, I'm 19.

By your brilliant math skills, if I'm almost 40, 19 is pushing 30.

[Jul 25,2005 11:28am - RustedAngel ""]
Josh, why don't you just settle down? Get married to Joe and everything will be okay.
[Jul 25,2005 11:30am - Josh_Martin ""]
Josh_Martin said:Yeah, you have no problem bashing anyone from behind a computer but I hear you cower and hide in person. People pushing 30 shouldn't be such pussies.

Please paste where the Network realized Joe had "his head up his ass".
They just seem like a bunch of crybabies.

[Jul 25,2005 11:30am - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:Josh, why don't you just settle down? Get married to Joe and everything will be okay.

[Jul 25,2005 11:32am - Josh_Martin ""]
Yeah, I knew you were full of shit.
I guess you are just trolling.

[Jul 25,2005 11:36am - RustedAngel ""]
I bet you're old enough to remember these, did you collect them all too?

[Jul 25,2005 11:49am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
lol i remember the ones that used to have cunt holes that you could shove your pensils in. hahahahah best idea.
[Jul 25,2005 11:50am - RustedAngel ""]
attendmyrequiem forgot his password said:lol i remember the ones that used to have cunt holes that you could shove your pensils in. hahahahah best idea.

I'm sure Josh can relate!
[Jul 25,2005 11:51am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
[Jul 25,2005 11:54am - RustedAngel ""]
what the hell have you been up too? MESHUGGAAH!
[Jul 25,2005 11:55am - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
hahaha. nothing too much. working, got a new apt, going to shows, recording bands at mad oak, all that great stuff.
[Jul 25,2005 12:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
right on, send me some of your recorded stuff sometime.
[Jul 25,2005 1:02pm - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
im finishing up my last recording on thursday. it's getting mastered by nick zampiello. i'll send you the pre-master and the mastered version when we get that finished.

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