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Niggers bein' niggers

[Oct 16,2005 9:13am - the_day_of_the_rope ""]
White niggers. Black niggers. Commie Niggers. They're all the same.....

In case you haven't learned, Don't gotta be Black to be a "Nigger", honkey.

A few dozen dopey National-Socialist's wanna march and be free, but uh-oh, here come the Commie loudmouths (with degenerate Black nigger Gang-Bangers in tow)....resorting to the very tactics they so "frown upon". You can't do it, Nazi....but we can. Violence, hate, disdain. Run you out. Another hypocritical base of meathead, dead-from-the-neck-up Zombie niggers...throwin' rocks at them bad "Nazi's". Lootin', rootin', tootin', N shootin'.

Poor White Niggers, actin' like Poor Black Niggers. The Infinite Sum.


Lefty? Righty? Whitey? Blacky? Don't care, nigga. Your time is gonna come. The men in the middle are preparing to march. The Day of the Rope is coming. Prepare for thee ultimate division...
[Oct 16,2005 10:04am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Oct 16,2005 10:35am - davefromthegrave ""]
I'm sorry, but today is already named Sunday.
[Oct 16,2005 1:38pm - Dissector ""]
Did somebody say Zombie Niggers?!?!
[Oct 16,2005 1:50pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Dissector said:Did somebody say Zombie Niggers?!?!


[Oct 16,2005 2:24pm - mOe ""]
WOW...kill yourself
[Oct 16,2005 2:25pm - Anthony nli  ""]
yeah what's the deal with the racist bullshit on the board recently?
[Oct 16,2005 2:27pm - Anthony nli  ""]
there's this and then that "white power bands" thread got resurrected
[Oct 16,2005 3:03pm - RichHorror ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Dissector said:Did somebody say Zombie Niggers?!?!




Sambo Tyler!
[Oct 16,2005 3:42pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Hahahahahahahahaha, that is hilarious! The blacks and commies decided to protest by burning the town they live in and looting stores!!!!
[Oct 16,2005 3:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
mOe said:WOW...kill yourself

[Oct 16,2005 4:19pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 16,2005 4:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Alright then.
[Oct 16,2005 8:38pm - retzam ""]
Does anyone else realize how pathetic it is that the racists on this board post stuff like this clearly trying to sound intelligent and creative?

"You can't do it, Nazi....but we can. Violence, hate, disdain."

"Poor White Niggers, actin' like Poor Black Niggers. The Infinite Sum."

Hahahaha well aren't you clever. "The Infinite Sum"! Catchy man! Keep working on it though.

And I'm moreso referring to the few times I've seen anonymous posts as "Science" with cliché messages like "You can try to argue with me, but you will always lose". I don't understand how posting as an abstract noun and trying to sound intellectual and philosophical proves anything except how much of a douche you are.
[Oct 16,2005 8:47pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
retzam said:Does anyone else realize how pathetic it is that the racists on this board post stuff like this clearly trying to sound intelligent and creative?

I wouldn't know. I didn't read the first post because I assumed it was a bunch of garbage. I'm just here for the funny photoshops.
[Oct 16,2005 8:51pm - retzam ""]
[Oct 16,2005 9:29pm - Mini Van Merle  ""]
retzam said:Does anyone else realize how pathetic it is that the racists on this board post stuff like this clearly trying to sound intelligent and creative?

"You can't do it, Nazi....but we can. Violence, hate, disdain."

"Poor White Niggers, actin' like Poor Black Niggers. The Infinite Sum."

Hahahaha well aren't you clever. "The Infinite Sum"! Catchy man! Keep working on it though.

And I'm moreso referring to the few times I've seen anonymous posts as "Science" with cliché messages like "You can try to argue with me, but you will always lose". I don't understand how posting as an abstract noun and trying to sound intellectual and philosophical proves anything except how much of a douche you are.

From what I gather Day Of The Rope is calling both groups "niggers". I think what is pathetic is that you actually think your smart! Hahahahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 16,2005 9:46pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 16,2005 9:56pm - retzam ""]
Mini Van Merle said:retzam said:Does anyone else realize how pathetic it is that the racists on this board post stuff like this clearly trying to sound intelligent and creative?

"You can't do it, Nazi....but we can. Violence, hate, disdain."

"Poor White Niggers, actin' like Poor Black Niggers. The Infinite Sum."

Hahahaha well aren't you clever. "The Infinite Sum"! Catchy man! Keep working on it though.

And I'm moreso referring to the few times I've seen anonymous posts as "Science" with cliché messages like "You can try to argue with me, but you will always lose". I don't understand how posting as an abstract noun and trying to sound intellectual and philosophical proves anything except how much of a douche you are.

From what I gather Day Of The Rope is calling both groups "niggers". I think what is pathetic is that you actually think your smart! Hahahahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it's pretty clear why he's referring to white riotors and criminals as "niggers". If you don't see that as racist, then I couldn't possibly put any thought into any opinion of yours about me.
[Oct 17,2005 1:05am - Dissector ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Dissector said:Did somebody say Zombie Niggers?!?!



HAHA!! That's fucking AMAZING!
[Oct 17,2005 1:20am - Craig is feeling lazy  ""]
who are the jerks that post these threads? i mean, seriously. this is A MUSIC FORUM! i know random shit gets posted up here from time to time, but its for sheer amusement. this is just ri-goddamn-diculous. go flag your message somewhere else. you want to call me a nigger, thats fine. id rather be a nigger than a cocksucking white power piece of shit.
[Oct 17,2005 1:27am - Mini Van Merle  ""]
How did the guy that posted this come off as white power being that he insulted everyone involved including that nazis?.........Learn how to read you fucking cock sucker.
[Oct 17,2005 6:25am - retzam ""]
Mini Van Merle said:How did the guy that posted this come off as white power being that he insulted everyone involved including that nazis?.........Learn how to read you fucking cock sucker.

You're a moron. I'm tired of trying to argue with you in a reasonable way. I think from now on I'll just respond to all of your posts with a picture of a guy jacking off.
[Oct 18,2005 2:31am - the_day_of_the_rope ""]
I realize how pathetic it is when incompetent fools always resort to attacking the debater, and not the debate. You can't argue with reality effectively, so you must resort to some sort of sophomoric personal attack, in an attempt to target and discredit the person, and not what the person is talking about.

I am not the problem. What I talk about is. The message is the problem, not the messenger.

Name calling, slander.....tools of the truly weak and feeble minded individual. Dunce Cap Parade.
[Oct 18,2005 2:59am - BestialOnslaught ""]
post by the_day_of_the_rope at Oct 16,2005 9:13am
White niggers. Black niggers. Commie Niggers. They're all the same.....

In case you haven't learned, Don't gotta be Black to be a " Nigger", honkey.

A few dozen dopey National-Socialist's wanna march and be free, but uh-oh, here come the Commie loudmouths (with degenerate Black nigger Gang-Bangers in tow)....resorting to the very tactics they so "frown upon". You can't do it, Nazi....but we can. Violence, hate, disdain. Run you out. Another hypocritical base of meathead, dead-from-the-neck-up Zombie niggers...throwin' rocks at them bad "Nazi's". Lootin', rootin', tootin', N shootin'.

Poor White Niggers, actin' like Poor Black Niggers. The Infinite Sum.


Lefty? Righty? Whitey? Blacky? Don't care,
nigga. Your time is gonna come. The men in the middle are preparing to march. The Day of the Rope is coming. Prepare for thee ultimate division...

post by the_day_of_the_rope at Oct 18,2005 2:31am
Name calling, slander.....tools of the truly weak and feeble minded individual. Dunce Cap Parade.
[Oct 18,2005 3:16am - BestialOnslaught ""]
And this, I just can't resist:


Dunce Cap Parade indeed!
[Oct 18,2005 3:18am - scoracrasia ""]
I love lamp!
[Oct 18,2005 8:18pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahaha, good one Bestial.
[Oct 18,2005 8:30pm - Dissector ""]
scoracrasia said:I love lamp!

Do you really love lamp? Or are you just saying that?
[Oct 18,2005 8:42pm - wade ""]
BestialOnslaught said:post by the_day_of_the_rope at Oct 16,2005 9:13am
White niggers. Black niggers. Commie Niggers. They're all the same.....

In case you haven't learned, Don't gotta be Black to be a " Nigger", honkey.

A few dozen dopey National-Socialist's wanna march and be free, but uh-oh, here come the Commie loudmouths (with degenerate Black nigger Gang-Bangers in tow)....resorting to the very tactics they so "frown upon". You can't do it, Nazi....but we can. Violence, hate, disdain. Run you out. Another hypocritical base of meathead, dead-from-the-neck-up Zombie niggers...throwin' rocks at them bad "Nazi's". Lootin', rootin', tootin', N shootin'.

Poor White Niggers, actin' like Poor Black Niggers. The Infinite Sum.


Lefty? Righty? Whitey? Blacky? Don't care,
nigga. Your time is gonna come. The men in the middle are preparing to march. The Day of the Rope is coming. Prepare for thee ultimate division...

post by the_day_of_the_rope at Oct 18,2005 2:31am
Name calling, slander.....tools of the truly weak and feeble minded individual. Dunce Cap Parade.

hard to not see that as pretty much the most effective way to make someone look not smart.

[Oct 20,2005 1:24am - anonymous  ""]
i'm no expert but i've got a feeling day of the rope and mini van whatever the fuck are the same person
[Oct 20,2005 2:33am - dwellingsickness ""]
Racism is pretty stupid
[Oct 20,2005 7:24pm - hoser ""]
No it isn't!!! Without evil, how can we determine good? Without hate, where is kindness? Without black, where is white? Without sickness, where is health?

It will always reside in this and every other country. Nobody can stop it, regardless of how many times they march, waving their corny banners in the air. It will never end. Do what I do....ignore it. Ignorance is bliss and those who die trying to fight it end up dead, and dead is all that will come of it.

Like I said, "Ignorance is bliss." Hold your nose, cross your legs and fart. I guarantee that no matter how much you fight farting, your ass will fart again sooner than you think. There's no use fighting. Kepp your opinions to yourselves and understand that just because you have an opinion that you believe is more "righteous, or moral" than someone else's opinion does not make his or her opinion ignorant or racist. IT IS THEIR opinion.

Ya'll get too gayed up over all of this political and race shit. If you truly believe in something, quit gaying up the metal board and run for office. That goes for you too Retzam.....just like these White Power people push their agendas on you, you push your liberal agenda on them and all of us.

White Power, Neocon, Liberal, Right wing, Left wing.....all agenda's that I'm about sick of. I have responded to posts in the past but am slowly realizing that everyone is as scummy as everyone else. Constantly trying to push some fucking ideal on someone else. Let the politicians do that shit and stick to what you're good at....sitting at home and bitching about everyone elses agendas.

Play metal and shut the fuck up.

Thank you....Good night!!!!

[Oct 20,2005 7:28pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
You don't know shit about politics.
[Oct 20,2005 7:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Anthony nli said:yeah what's the deal with the racist bullshit on the board recently?

I would say that mmmmm... about 98% of people in this country that listen to Metal are white and didn't grow up in the city. and got alittle too comfortable being around abunch of crakers. and often times forget that Metal didn't just pop out by its self from the white man..
[Oct 20,2005 7:34pm - mOe @ work  ""]
A-fucking-MEN dude
[Oct 20,2005 7:35pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I lived in da city dawg so now I know how ta act...... Yo this racism shit is wack!!!
[Oct 20,2005 7:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:I lived in da city dawg so now I know how ta act...... Yo this racism shit is wack!!!


Not that I'm ok with racism and what not, but when sub-urbanites talk shit it just sounds more stupid coming from them.:moe:
[Oct 20,2005 7:43pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
That is being close minded is it not? I lived in Ft Lauderdale and Miami..........
[Oct 20,2005 7:48pm - Anthony ""]
it doesn't matter where you're from, racism and bigotry are stupid. this board would be better without these crappy threads; they drag it down.

keep racism out of rttp, this site is too good for this crap.

[Oct 20,2005 7:49pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
When I lived in Miami some Haitian scum bag tried to talk a hooker into bringing me down on the beach so he could rob me at knife point...... I guess living there did not really brighten my vision of 3rd world immigration..........
[Oct 20,2005 9:58pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
Anthony said:it doesn't matter where you're from, racism and bigotry are stupid. this board would be better without these crappy threads; they drag it down.

keep racism out of rttp, this site is too good for this crap.

fuck off wanker!
[Oct 20,2005 10:01pm - Anthony nli  ""]
xxx proctologist said:Anthony said:it doesn't matter where you're from, racism and bigotry are stupid. this board would be better without these crappy threads; they drag it down.

keep racism out of rttp, this site is too good for this crap.

fuck off wanker!

hahaha, whatever. you're a loser troll - get a life.

I'm done with this thread- hopefully it'll go away.
[Oct 20,2005 10:06pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
bump haha
[Oct 20,2005 10:14pm - xxx proctologist  ""]
Anthony nli said:xxx proctologist said:Anthony said:it doesn't matter where you're from, racism and bigotry are stupid. this board would be better without these crappy threads; they drag it down.

keep racism out of rttp, this site is too good for this crap.

fuck off wanker!

hahaha, whatever. you're a loser troll - get a life.

I'm done with this thread- hopefully it'll go away.

what part of fuck off wanker did you not understand son?
[Oct 20,2005 10:25pm - xmikex ""]

this thread sucks. end of story.
[Oct 20,2005 11:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This thread is from NH I bet, except the Dissector in black face, thats definately massachusetts
[Oct 20,2005 11:28pm - Dissector ""]
There's already pictures of us looking black that you don't need to photoshop from our halloween show.
[Oct 20,2005 11:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Dissector said:There's already pictures of us looking bi-curious that you don't need to photoshop from our Ween show.

[Oct 20,2005 11:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]

Is this a mosh pit accident from the last show XmikeX attended? I guess this crew didn't rehearse their moves at the back of tha neck practice space prior to the show.
[Oct 20,2005 11:32pm - Dissector ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Dissector said:There's already pictures of us looking bi-curious that you don't need to photoshop from our Ween show.

You sneaky bastard, Joe.
[Oct 21,2005 12:15am - humpte hump  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:[img]

Is this a mosh pit accident from the last show XmikeX attended? I guess this crew didn't rehearse their moves at the back of tha neck practice space prior to the show.

it looks like another interacial gangbang
[Oct 21,2005 1:55am - xmikex ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
Is this a mosh pit accident from the last show XmikeX attended? I guess this crew didn't rehearse their moves at the back of tha neck practice space prior to the show.

It's a promo shot for the new Jodeci album due out on NotCommon records in 2015. Or whenever Joe can collect enough RC Cola cans to fund another release.
[Oct 22,2005 1:18am - black power is run by jews  ""]
i love complainers. I bet every white person on this board, as anti rascist as you are wont be goooood friends with blacks, and wont bed with them either. if otherwise so, (i shutter) ughhhh....
[Oct 22,2005 4:34am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
black power is run by jews said:i love complainers. I bet every white person on this board, as anti rascist as you are wont be goooood friends with blacks, and wont bed with them either. if otherwise so, (i shutter) ughhhh....

Wow!!!!!!!! You really made a world of difference with that brilliant statement! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!!!!
[Oct 22,2005 10:25am - Ionsphere ""]
xmikex said:Joe/NotCommon said:
Is this a mosh pit accident from the last show XmikeX attended? I guess this crew didn't rehearse their moves at the back of tha neck practice space prior to the show.

It's a promo shot for the new Jodeci album due out on NotCommon records in 2015. Or whenever Joe can collect enough RC Cola cans to fund another release.


mike that was amazing.
next week betrayed by all kid.
[Mar 30,2014 11:12pm - AKOBADAGETH  ""]

[Mar 31,2014 4:37am - Lamp ""]

Anthony said:keep racism out of rttp, this site is too good for this crap.

Things that nobody would ever say or even think about this board in modern day.

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