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porphyria is fucking awesome

[Dec 11,2006 8:03pm - brendan  ""]
oops forgot to not log in
[Dec 11,2006 8:04pm - brendan  ""]
hahaha, alright bud. i gotta freshin up on my myspace skills and need to get more socially awkward.
[Dec 11,2006 9:03pm - nickyhelliot ""]
Fuck semen across lips and waking the cadaver.
[Dec 11,2006 9:03pm - nickyhelliot ""]
I miss hearing frailties every day out my window. When are you guys practicing again?
[Dec 11,2006 9:10pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i personally think they suck, but thats just me, theyre all really mean and pick on kids and old ladies for fun. then they go and laugh at strippers with no titties while kicking puppies. fuck those guys. If they wore tighter pants they would be cool, maybe someday.
[Dec 11,2006 9:37pm - xanonymousx ""]
maybe they should wear makeup too?
[Dec 11,2006 9:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
that goes without saying.
[Dec 11,2006 11:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Waking the Cadaver is such a horrible band... why do they have like 1.5 million plays on myspace?

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