interesting site for whites[views:11618][posts:57]____________________________________________ [Feb 5,2004 10:42pm - national alliance ""] |
__________________________________________ [Feb 5,2004 10:43pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""] please please PLEASE play wiffle ball in the middle of 495 or 93. |
__________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 12:28am - Kalopsia ""] aaron i think i speak for the majority of this board when i ask that you please completely delete this thread |
______________________________ [Feb 6,2004 1:00am - Hoser ""] Hey, I in no way condone this Kalopsia.....but under the Constitution of the United States of America...this person has the freedom of speech. However, if the Rev wants to nix it, he also, has that same right. GO METAL!!! |
____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 1:23am - RustedAngel ""] rev doesn't delete anything, he's too afraid of having 'holes' in his database. |
_______________________________ [Feb 6,2004 8:22am - retzam ""] Hahaha, funny shit. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 8:35am - the_reverend ""] also, as long as it's not something like kiddy porn.. I sort of follow hoser's thoughts. I don't believe in it so I ignore it. plus, I'm all about new england's dominance over ever-where-else. I'm a ne-power advocate. NORTH EAST POWER! |
_______________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 11:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""] There are two lessons our people must learn in order to set the world right: 1) the Jews are an alien, hostile people, and 2) we must love our race and make its survival our highest value. The National Alliance is making progress on both educational fronts. This month we begin our first coordinated worldwide literature distribution: the "Love Your Race" campaign. |
___________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 12:12pm - JellyFish ""] Kalopsia said:aaron i think i speak for the majority of this board when i ask that you please completely delete this thread Im with you, dude. As a white person with a multi-racial friend base, I find this rather ridiculous and unappropriate. I dont think it has any place on a music website, where people of different races could view it. I respect this persons oppinion, but i dont want to hear it. |
____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 12:52pm - MyDeadDoll ""] too bad you can't wipe yor butt with internet web pages |
_______________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 12:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""] joe chaos is half jew and he is better then nazis |
____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 1:01pm - RustedAngel ""] Joe/NotCommon said:There are two lessons our people must learn in order to set the world right: 1) the Jews are an alien, hostile people, and 2) we must love our race and make its survival our highest value. The National Alliance is making progress on both educational fronts. This month we begin our first coordinated worldwide literature distribution: the "Love Your Race" campaign. wtf |
___________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 1:27pm - anonymous ""] I don't completely agree with what this web site is saying but they do have some good points. |
_______________________________ [Feb 6,2004 2:05pm - retzam ""] JellyFish said:Kalopsia said:aaron i think i speak for the majority of this board when i ask that you please completely delete this thread Im with you, dude. As a white person with a multi-racial friend base, I find this rather ridiculous and unappropriate. I dont think it has any place on a music website, where people of different races could view it. I respect this persons oppinion, but i dont want to hear it. I think you mean inappropriate. Besides, I don't know why you think this is that offensive. Shit happens. Anyway, freedom of speech. |
___________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 2:11pm - BornSoVile ""] funny, they have spanish text. i'm still a human racist. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 2:21pm - the_reverend ""] bsv... that's the funiest thing ever! "White Pride! check back next month for the chinese, hebrew, and arameic versions!" |
_______________________________ [Feb 6,2004 3:26pm - morkul ""] mexicans have la rasa and blacks have the united negro college fund and such so this site isn't that bad. |
___________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 4:34pm - MyDeadDoll ""] brown pride baby. MORKUL, shut up, you're irish. you have nothing. go eat a potato |
______________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 6:56pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] Patatas bravas. |
___________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 6:58pm - MyDeadDoll ""] papas con huevos. |
____________________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 7:11pm - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""] This is a REAL Patriot, not a disenfranchised White Nigger with no HONOR..... By John "Birdman" Bryant If you are like a lot of people, you believe that racism is wrong. So let me tell you a couple of things I believe will surprise you. FIRST, the 'racists' are RIGHT. And SECOND, I can PROVE IT IN JUST ONE SENTENCE. But first, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John "Birdman" Bryant. I am the author of 40 books, a member of the legendary high- IQ society Mensa, have had my works praised by many of the world's most distinguished men including Nobel prizewinners, and am listed in many of the standard biographical references, including Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. I also run a website (the one you are on) which is devoted, among other things, to breaking the embargo on information about race and related matters which the Establishment media have sought to suppress. I said earlier that I could prove that the 'racists' are right in one single sentence. My proof stems from the fact that racial matters are never genuinely debated today, because the only thing you ever see in the major media is the politically-correct 'anti-racist' viewpoint. The 'other side' is never allowed to make its case, i.e., THE 'RACIST' SIDE IS SUPPRESSED. And you sure as hell can't have a debate about race if one of the sides is never allowed to speak. So here is the one-sentence proof that the 'racists' are right: THERE IS NO REASON TO SUPPRESS A VIEWPOINT UNLESS IT IS TRUE, because a false viewpoint can easily be combated with facts and logic, while truth cannot be combated except by lies which are vulnerable to refutation. Or to put it another way, the 'racist' view HAS to be suppressed, because if it weren't, MOST PEOPLE WOULD BECOME 'RACISTS'! So what is the 'racist' view? Very simply, it is one that takes the following facts -- and a lot of others -- into account. * FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population. * FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. * FACT: If present demographic trends continue, whites will be a minority in America in only 50 years. Whites are already less than 50% of the population in California. Between blacks and Hispanics, whose crime rate is about 4 times that of whites, we can expect to see huge escalations in crime against whites as they become fewer in number and thus more vulnerable both physically and politically. * FACT: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (i.e., committed BY blacks AGAINST whites). * FACT: There are 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes. * FACT: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (That means that blacks commit VASTLY MORE hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!) * FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient Egyptians were not black. * FACT: The Jews have been expelled from almost every Western country at one time or another, including Britain, Spain, France, Portugal and Germany. There are several possible explanations for this, including religious differences, the clannishness of Jews which tends to make them loyal to their own 'nation' rather than to their host country, and envy of Jewish wealth and success (the average Jewish IQ is 115, as far above white as white is above black). * FACT: Virtually all the major media outlets, including TV networks, newspapers, movie studios and book publishers, are owned or controlled by Jews. * FACT: The major media incessantly harps on any white-on-black crime (such as the Jasper TX dragging), yet ignores the much greater number of black- on-white crimes which are equally horrific yet happen FAR MORE FREQUENTLY. * FACT: Communism was a largely-Jewish phenomenon. Almost all the top communists of the Russian Revolution were Jews, as well as almost all the atomic spies, and the Revolution was financed in large measure by Wall Street Jews. * FACT: In the late 1920s the Communist Party USA decided on a policy of destroying American society by pushing 'racial equality'. * FACT: One of the most distinguished black scholars in America, syndicated columnist Dr Thomas Sowell, has studied multiracial societies around the world and has observed that -- with the single exception of societies where one race is completely dominant over all others -- such societies simply do not work. * FACT: The NAACP was founded principally by Jews, and Jews remained in charge of the organization till 1970. * FACT: The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr took his instructions from a Jewish communist, plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and was an adulterous womanizer who spent the evening prior to his assassination in bed with two white women. Yet King is the only single American to be honored with a national holiday. * FACT: The 1954 Supreme Court decision which brought about school integration was based on deliberate misrepresentation of a supposedly- scientific study. * FACT: Liberals and blacks claim that the reason for black failure is "discrimination"; and yet many other racial and ethnic groups have been discriminated against -- Chinese, Irish and Jews, for example -- and yet all except blacks have become successful within a generation or so. * FACT: Most of the 'Orthodox Jewish version' of the Holocaust is false, (and in fact is significantly based on 'confessions' of Germans at the Nuremberg Military Tribunal obtained under torture), and numerous Jewish scholars have actually acknowledged this. (The stories acknowledged by Jewish scholars to be false include the existence of homicidal gas chambers, the use of Jewish skin for lampshade coverings and Jewish body fat for soap, and the assertion that there were 'Six Million' Jews killed by the Nazis.) But questioning these widely-believed but false stories is illegal in most countries of the Western world, and 8,000 people are in jail in Germany alone for questioning these and similar dogmas. Can you figure out what powerful international ethnic group was responsible for causing these laws to be passed? * FACT: Sympathy and guilt for the (largely false) story of the Holocaust has resulted in the payment of close to a hundred billion dollars to Israel by the German government. Furthermore, Jews everywhere continue to use the Holocaust as a tool for extracting money from gentiles, whether thru the movies (more than 400 have been made on this subject), Holocaust museums, 'reparations' (more than a billion from the Swiss, billions from German companies, etc) and the like. There is a saying widely used among Jews which goes, "There's no business like Shoah [Holocaust] business." Can you figure out why the Jewish establishment has been so eager to suppress questioning of the Holocau$$$t dogma? * FACT: Israel is the only 'Western' country to legally sanction torture, and the Israeli Defense Forces use bone-breaking and shoot- to-maim policies against Palestinians, and even reporters. Furthermore, Israel forbids marriages of Jews to non-Jews, just like Nazi Germany. * FACT: Jewish political influence has been the principal force attempting to nullify our Constitution, and particularly the freedoms enjoyed under the Bill of Rights. For example, Jews have been the major force behind 'gun control' (i.e., the attempt to nullify the Second Amendment), integration and affirmative action (to nullify freedom of association), 'hate crimes' (laying the foundation for suppressing freedom of speech), immigration (introducing large numbers of inassimilable nonwhites which will effectively destroy American culture and ideals), anti-militia statutes and similar efforts. Personally, I find the above facts disturbing, and I would think that any rational person would also find them so. But what I find even more disturbing is the pattern which the above facts show, namely a clear and continuing program by Jews -- not all Jews, of course, but an effort clearly Jewish in nature -- to destroy American and Western society by such devices as communism, undermining the Constitution, manipulating the media, and fomenting racial strife with immigration, integration, multiculturalism, and anti-white policies such as affirmative action, all while extracting billions in 'guilt money' thru the Holocaust fraud. These facts, and the pattern which they show, need to be publicized as widely as possible; and yet the fact that the major media are in Jewish hands makes it extremely difficult to do so, not merely because there is no access to the media for such facts, but because the media have engaged in a program of conditioning people to disbelieve such facts because they are 'racist'. A major purpose of my website is to provide documentation and discussion of the facts discussed here and a great many related ones. The problems entailed by these facts do not lend themselves to simple solutions, but their discussion is vital for the continued survival of America and that unique race -- the white race -- which built Western civilization. In fact, the resolution of these problems is critical to ALL races, because the modern world is based on the civilizing influence of Western culture, and its destruction will foredoom a return to barbarism. In the few short months that my website has been up, I have had thousands of visitors as a result of word of mouth alone, and hundreds of other sites now link to mine. I invite you to hear the 'other side' of the race question by reading the articles on this site. Just click the line below to get to the home page and table of contents. |
______________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 7:13pm - Joe/NotCommon ""] haha im not reading that. all i know is the french and english are white and i hate them, so white power is stupid. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 7:15pm - swamplorddvm ""] The kikes, niggers, spics and chinks should all die, because I'm afraid of other cultures and I'm angry at something, and blaming it on other races is easier than fixing or just dealing with my problems on my own and it gives me a feeling of belonging. Whites are perfect because we created mathematics, gun powder, geometry, the number Zero, paper and writting. Yup, it was ALL us. |
______________________________ [Feb 6,2004 7:44pm - Hoser ""] MyDeadDoll said:brown pride baby. MORKUL, shut up, you're irish. you have nothing. go eat a potato Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....I'm Irish too and that was some funny shit bitch!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahah...go eat a potato...hashahahahahahahahahahahaha |
______________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 7:57pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] Patatas con naranjas. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 7:59pm - swamplorddvm ""] Hijo de puta!!! Adonde esta mi pene? |
____________________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 9:02pm - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""] Oh, woops, I forgot the average attention span of the average Joe on this site is about the amount of time it takes to get the pissy pot pipe up to your face. Fuckin White Niggers. Poor sap White's make me laugh. While your laboring your way through life, the organized Jews are busy buying up all your media outlets, theme parks, and anything else you might need or enjoy. Your fucking saps. You cant fight the real fight. So just sit back, and let the honorable do it for you. Cuz when we're done, we're gunna thin out the herd, and all you fucking lowlife skunks will be cancelled. Your no good to your own race. Your no good to anything. |
______________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 9:17pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] I don't see you making any great changes either. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 9:24pm - swamplorddvm ""] I am Incan, Spanish (Chilean) and Italian. Would you get rid of me? Am I scum? Do I make you uncomfortable? Do you like Slayer? Do you? |
________________________________________ [Feb 6,2004 9:29pm - DestinationVoid ""] I love walking down the streets of Boston, and slipping racist terms into my conversations idlely "Oh man that was a great movie I can't nigger nigger how awesome nigger of an actor nigger Mel Gibson is" of these days I'm going to get killed. |
_________________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 1:41am - TheGreatSpaldino ""] The_Day_of_the_Rope said: So just sit back, and let the honorable do it for you. Cuz when we're done, we're gunna thin out the herd, and all you fucking lowlife skunks will be cancelled. Your no good to your own race. Your no good to anything. Sure thing, Superman. I'll sit back and enjoy my life and let me know when you are "done" so I can kick a hole through your face when you come to "cancel" me. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 2:56am - swamplorddvm ""] Ignorance + fear + anger = hate Just what I think. Than again I can be an Ignorant fool too. But I don't hate others because of it. |
______________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 3:49am - DeOdiumMortis ""] Ignorance + fear + anger · ascendancy = hate³ And since ignorance + fear + anger = hate, ascendancy must = hate² Thus hate = Sq. Root of ascendancy |
_________________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 4:32am - what went wrong ""] Day of the Rope...Amen. Your commentary is amazing. You are a TRUE patriot!!! :swedenflag: |
____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 4:37am - Platoon 14 ""] It's time for war |
____________________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 4:41am - The white minority ""] The day of the rope hit the fucking nail on the head !!!!! |
________________________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 4:42am - BobNOMAAMRooneyNUMBER2 ""] Nation of Islam=KVLT |
_____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 4:58am - bludgeoncore ""] Come on man. How about making a stronger argument? Just quoting someone else's work is not enough. The reason that most people do not take racist viewpoints seriously is because of shit like this. There are too many conflicting beliefs within white supremacist movements for them to be taken seriously. One group will claim from a religious standpoint that the first man, Adam, was white and therefore makes the white race superior to all others. These are often the lowest of the low. When asked why they hate blacks or jews the common reply is "my Momma say that nigres ain't none good," or "Jesus was white." Sorry, that is just not good enough. In one breath you will hear the stereotypical statement that Mexicans are lazy, but a few minutes they are stealing all of our jobs. The majority of white supremacists in this country are poor, uneducated whites looking to blame someone for those own misfortune. The true reason for white poverty is racism. Imagine going to speak to your boss about a raise. Your boss calmly tells you no and goes on to say he can hire two Mexicans to do your job for what he is paying you now. You leave the office mad as hell, and because of your racism you are pissed off at some Mexican you have never met. The true culprit is your boss who is feeding off your own prejudices and keeping you down. There is truly no intent on actually hiring two Mexicans to do your job, but the threat alone will get you back to work and stop you from ever asking for a raise again. You, a white man are a victim of white racism. If you would like to make an attempt to back up what you are preaching, spend some time researching the Eugenics Movement. An argument can be made that there is a true racial hierarchy, with whites at the top. The problem is that in believing this you now admit to your black ancestry. If the black man is at the bottom of the racial hierarchy then we all have black blood flowing through are veins. Can you tell me who the most hated group was during the post Civil War era? Well, it was Irish and German Catholics. The Eugenicists believed that Irish and Germans were no higher on the racial hierarchy than Africans. A freedman was more likely to find work at this time than any Catholic. A common advertisement for employment during this era often read in bold letters "IRISH NEED NOT APPLY." Well, please go do your own research and stop quoting someone because they belong to MENSA. If you follow this rationale then from a psychological perspective Freud is the genius when it somes to the mind. Freud's Oedipus theory has been ridiculed and suppressed over time and proven to be untrue. You quote Bryant as saying that: "THERE IS NO REASON TO SUPPRESS A VIEWPOINT UNLESS IT IS TRUE, because a false viewpoint can easily be combated with facts and logic, while truth cannot be combated except by lies which are vulnerable to refutation." Since Freud's views are now suppressed and ridiculed they must therefore be true. Following this logic, you have a deep urge to fuck your own mother. We now suppress the the viewpoint that the earth is flat, therefore the earth must be flat. Regardless of what you may think of other races, white racism holds the white man in his place. The rich white man keeps the poor white man in check by threatening him with the poor black man. |
_____________________________ [Feb 7,2004 5:04am - wow ""] wow...dude you are a fucking idiot....The stereotype is one that Jerry Springer spoon fed you...I know pro white people (not your conditioned white supremacist label) that are currently attending Harvard! Oy Vey! Fuck off ! |
_____________________________ [Feb 7,2004 5:12am - die ""] bludgeoncore....your a fag and must be destroyed...White history month? why not? White entertainment channel? hmmmmm.....Revolution! |
__________________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 12:10pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""] way to be the same person replying under different unregistered aliases, you worthless stool slurping troglodyte. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 1:19pm - bludgeoncore ""] wow said:wow...dude you are a fucking idiot....The stereotype is one that Jerry Springer spoon fed you...I know pro white people (not your conditioned white supremacist label) that are currently attending Harvard! Oy Vey! Fuck off ! Wow have you ever set me straight. Everyone knows that if one white supremacist (I mean pro-white) attends Harvard then all white supremacists must be the same. How could I ever doubt a guy who knows someone who attends Harvard? You are a fucking genius Dr. Olestra the anonymous. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 1:23pm - bludgeoncore ""] die said:bludgeoncore....your a fag and must be destroyed...White history month? why not? White entertainment channel? hmmmmm.....Revolution! You are a bright one. How's your friend who attends Harvard doing? Send him my best. Feel free to destroy me anonymous man. White pride? If you are so proud then why are you posting anonymously? Go fuck your mother! |
______________________________ [Feb 7,2004 1:41pm - moran ""] The_Day_of_the_Rope said:Oh, woops, I forgot the average attention span of the average Joe on this site is about the amount of time it takes to get the pissy pot pipe up to your face. Fuckin White Niggers. Poor sap White's make me laugh. While your laboring your way through life, the organized Jews are busy buying up all your media outlets, theme parks, and anything else you might need or enjoy. Your fucking saps. You cant fight the real fight. So just sit back, and let the honorable do it for you. Cuz when we're done, we're gunna thin out the herd, and all you fucking lowlife skunks will be cancelled. Your no good to your own race. Your no good to anything. Is this guy serious? I watched a racism documentary the other day, and the majority of those douches were wearing Slayer shirts and had Slayer posters every where. I don't think they realize that Tom Araya isn't white. |
____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 1:57pm - james raov ""] you can view the site in spanish. ironic whitepower is as cool as aids cum |
_____________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 2:56pm - swamplorddvm ""] swamplorddvm said:I am Incan, Spanish (Chilean) and Italian. Would you get rid of me? Am I scum? Do I make you uncomfortable? Do you like Slayer? Do you? Thank you Moran. thank you. Yes Tom is chilean i believe. Twat out Krisiun? Brazillian. God forbid? All black, last time I checked. |
_______________________________ [Feb 7,2004 3:15pm - Abbath ""] Joe/NotCommon said:haha im not reading that. all i know is the french and english are white and i hate them, so white power is stupid. Agreed. The French do suck almost as much as this discussion. |
___________________________________ [Feb 7,2004 6:17pm - MyDeadDoll ""] Hoser said:MyDeadDoll said:brown pride baby. MORKUL, shut up, you're irish. you have nothing. go eat a potato Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....I'm Irish too and that was some funny shit bitch!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahah...go eat a potato...hashahahahahahahahahahahaha glad to bring some laughter to your day. ![]() |
_______________________________ [Feb 8,2004 5:15am - George ""] i hope these kids either kill themselves or some big burly black guy beats them to death, only after raping them. honestly. nothing pisses me off more than bigots. i fucking hate people. |
________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 11:14am - retzam ""] The_Day_of_the_Rope said:This is a REAL Patriot, not a disenfranchised White Nigger with no HONOR..... By John "Birdman" Bryant If you are like a lot of people, you believe that racism is wrong. So let me tell you a couple of things I believe will surprise you. FIRST, the 'racists' are RIGHT. And SECOND, I can PROVE IT IN JUST ONE SENTENCE. But first, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John "Birdman" Bryant. I am the author of 40 books, a member of the legendary high- IQ society Mensa, have had my works praised by many of the world's most distinguished men including Nobel prizewinners, and am listed in many of the standard biographical references, including Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. I also run a website (the one you are on) which is devoted, among other things, to breaking the embargo on information about race and related matters which the Establishment media have sought to suppress. I said earlier that I could prove that the 'racists' are right in one single sentence. My proof stems from the fact that racial matters are never genuinely debated today, because the only thing you ever see in the major media is the politically-correct 'anti-racist' viewpoint. The 'other side' is never allowed to make its case, i.e., THE 'RACIST' SIDE IS SUPPRESSED. And you sure as hell can't have a debate about race if one of the sides is never allowed to speak. So here is the one-sentence proof that the 'racists' are right: THERE IS NO REASON TO SUPPRESS A VIEWPOINT UNLESS IT IS TRUE, because a false viewpoint can easily be combated with facts and logic, while truth cannot be combated except by lies which are vulnerable to refutation. Or to put it another way, the 'racist' view HAS to be suppressed, because if it weren't, MOST PEOPLE WOULD BECOME 'RACISTS'! So what is the 'racist' view? Very simply, it is one that takes the following facts -- and a lot of others -- into account. * FACT: Blacks make up 12% of the population, yet are 50% of the prison population. * FACT: This means that blacks commit NINE TIMES the crimes of whites. (That's NOT 9% -- it's 900%!) It means that if there were equal numbers of blacks and whites in our population, NINE OF EVERY TEN CRIMINALS WOULD BE BLACK. * FACT: If present demographic trends continue, whites will be a minority in America in only 50 years. Whites are already less than 50% of the population in California. Between blacks and Hispanics, whose crime rate is about 4 times that of whites, we can expect to see huge escalations in crime against whites as they become fewer in number and thus more vulnerable both physically and politically. * FACT: 90% of all inter-racial crime is black-on-white (i.e., committed BY blacks AGAINST whites). * FACT: There are 20,000 black-on-white rapes every year in the US, but fewer than 100 white-on-black rapes. * FACT: The majority of hate crimes are committed by blacks, in spite of the fact that blacks make up only 12% of the population, and in spite of the great reluctance of authorities to report hate crimes when they are committed by blacks. (That means that blacks commit VASTLY MORE hate crimes in proportion to their numbers than whites!) * FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). Note: Contrary to black propaganda, the ancient Egyptians were not black. * FACT: The Jews have been expelled from almost every Western country at one time or another, including Britain, Spain, France, Portugal and Germany. There are several possible explanations for this, including religious differences, the clannishness of Jews which tends to make them loyal to their own 'nation' rather than to their host country, and envy of Jewish wealth and success (the average Jewish IQ is 115, as far above white as white is above black). * FACT: Virtually all the major media outlets, including TV networks, newspapers, movie studios and book publishers, are owned or controlled by Jews. * FACT: The major media incessantly harps on any white-on-black crime (such as the Jasper TX dragging), yet ignores the much greater number of black- on-white crimes which are equally horrific yet happen FAR MORE FREQUENTLY. * FACT: Communism was a largely-Jewish phenomenon. Almost all the top communists of the Russian Revolution were Jews, as well as almost all the atomic spies, and the Revolution was financed in large measure by Wall Street Jews. * FACT: In the late 1920s the Communist Party USA decided on a policy of destroying American society by pushing 'racial equality'. * FACT: One of the most distinguished black scholars in America, syndicated columnist Dr Thomas Sowell, has studied multiracial societies around the world and has observed that -- with the single exception of societies where one race is completely dominant over all others -- such societies simply do not work. * FACT: The NAACP was founded principally by Jews, and Jews remained in charge of the organization till 1970. * FACT: The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr took his instructions from a Jewish communist, plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, and was an adulterous womanizer who spent the evening prior to his assassination in bed with two white women. Yet King is the only single American to be honored with a national holiday. * FACT: The 1954 Supreme Court decision which brought about school integration was based on deliberate misrepresentation of a supposedly- scientific study. * FACT: Liberals and blacks claim that the reason for black failure is "discrimination"; and yet many other racial and ethnic groups have been discriminated against -- Chinese, Irish and Jews, for example -- and yet all except blacks have become successful within a generation or so. * FACT: Most of the 'Orthodox Jewish version' of the Holocaust is false, (and in fact is significantly based on 'confessions' of Germans at the Nuremberg Military Tribunal obtained under torture), and numerous Jewish scholars have actually acknowledged this. (The stories acknowledged by Jewish scholars to be false include the existence of homicidal gas chambers, the use of Jewish skin for lampshade coverings and Jewish body fat for soap, and the assertion that there were 'Six Million' Jews killed by the Nazis.) But questioning these widely-believed but false stories is illegal in most countries of the Western world, and 8,000 people are in jail in Germany alone for questioning these and similar dogmas. Can you figure out what powerful international ethnic group was responsible for causing these laws to be passed? * FACT: Sympathy and guilt for the (largely false) story of the Holocaust has resulted in the payment of close to a hundred billion dollars to Israel by the German government. Furthermore, Jews everywhere continue to use the Holocaust as a tool for extracting money from gentiles, whether thru the movies (more than 400 have been made on this subject), Holocaust museums, 'reparations' (more than a billion from the Swiss, billions from German companies, etc) and the like. There is a saying widely used among Jews which goes, "There's no business like Shoah [Holocaust] business." Can you figure out why the Jewish establishment has been so eager to suppress questioning of the Holocau$$$t dogma? * FACT: Israel is the only 'Western' country to legally sanction torture, and the Israeli Defense Forces use bone-breaking and shoot- to-maim policies against Palestinians, and even reporters. Furthermore, Israel forbids marriages of Jews to non-Jews, just like Nazi Germany. * FACT: Jewish political influence has been the principal force attempting to nullify our Constitution, and particularly the freedoms enjoyed under the Bill of Rights. For example, Jews have been the major force behind 'gun control' (i.e., the attempt to nullify the Second Amendment), integration and affirmative action (to nullify freedom of association), 'hate crimes' (laying the foundation for suppressing freedom of speech), immigration (introducing large numbers of inassimilable nonwhites which will effectively destroy American culture and ideals), anti-militia statutes and similar efforts. Personally, I find the above facts disturbing, and I would think that any rational person would also find them so. But what I find even more disturbing is the pattern which the above facts show, namely a clear and continuing program by Jews -- not all Jews, of course, but an effort clearly Jewish in nature -- to destroy American and Western society by such devices as communism, undermining the Constitution, manipulating the media, and fomenting racial strife with immigration, integration, multiculturalism, and anti-white policies such as affirmative action, all while extracting billions in 'guilt money' thru the Holocaust fraud. These facts, and the pattern which they show, need to be publicized as widely as possible; and yet the fact that the major media are in Jewish hands makes it extremely difficult to do so, not merely because there is no access to the media for such facts, but because the media have engaged in a program of conditioning people to disbelieve such facts because they are 'racist'. A major purpose of my website is to provide documentation and discussion of the facts discussed here and a great many related ones. The problems entailed by these facts do not lend themselves to simple solutions, but their discussion is vital for the continued survival of America and that unique race -- the white race -- which built Western civilization. In fact, the resolution of these problems is critical to ALL races, because the modern world is based on the civilizing influence of Western culture, and its destruction will foredoom a return to barbarism. In the few short months that my website has been up, I have had thousands of visitors as a result of word of mouth alone, and hundreds of other sites now link to mine. I invite you to hear the 'other side' of the race question by reading the articles on this site. Just click the line below to get to the home page and table of contents. Alright, so your pretty special aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are! So, let me get this straight: Blacks are less intelligent than whites, so they must be destroyed, and Jews are more intelligent than whites, so they must be destroyed. Um, please don't post on here anymore. If I knew your name, I would consult Mensa about your removal from their society. Your representation of them is giving all of them a horrible name. Don't you need logic to gain entrance into Mensa? Don't you need common sense??? |
____________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 11:48am - anonymous ""] I believe the "birdman" is right. I don't believe in destroying the black race. I don't believe in destroying the jewish race. I don't want to be the minority in this country. If whites want to be with whites I see no problem with that. The birdman's speech above is all logical and makes sense... All the replies by leftist, pc, ARA kids have not even come close to the birdman's exellent essay. Spain is a european country....idiot. |
______________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 11:52am - swamplorddvm ""] Yes, Spaian is a europian country. For some reason most don't consider them "white". but the French and Italian are? |
______________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 12:25pm - the_reverend ""] "THERE IS NO REASON TO SUPPRESS A VIEWPOINT UNLESS IT IS TRUE, because a false viewpoint can easily be combated with facts and logic, while truth cannot be combated except by lies which are vulnerable to refutation." first, from a logic standpoint, this statement is a false implication. it's basically the type of logic block that looks convincing to people but if you break it out it doesn't hold water. Basically, a smart looking sentence made by a smart person to fool dumb people. second, more opressed than "racist view-points" and things like "child molesting view-oints" or "dog sodomy view-points" "Or to put it another way, the 'racist' view HAS to be suppressed, because if it weren't, MOST PEOPLE WOULD BECOME 'RACISTS'!" using birdman's flase logic that would imply th say for dog sodomy and child molesting. * FACT: it only takes 7,000 years for the human species to change skin colors when moving from one location to another. his thoughts on inprisoned blacks should be looked at through socio-economic eyes. a large reason why blacks are in jail and poor is because of racism. Remember, your average white cop pulls over a lot more blacks and can't tell them apart when he does. * FACT: when new popluations come into a new area where they can breed they do almost uncontrolled until population control is implemented or imposed. In america it's called EDUCATION. The Irish, Italians, etc... all white did this in the history of our country and people were just as racist against them. * FACT: if I was a robber, I would steal from the person that had more money. his hate-crime statistics are wrong and not backed up. * FACT: if I made an IQ test and gave it to you, I would get a 200 and you would get a 10. I'd just make all the question things that I knew from growing up. I love how he uses the comunist party first to back his theory and then second puts the comunist party in a negative light... bad argument there mensa guy. * FACT: lincoln and washington both had holidays. (they are both this month). * FACT: most of the anonymous posts came fomr the same computer. * FACT: tommy (slayer) was born in June 6th, 1961, Valparaiso, Chile * FACT: Chile is not part of Spain....idiot |
______________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 12:36pm - the_reverend ""] oh, I didn't want to post something like that... seeing as I don't care about the view points. I look at racial zealots as any other zealot. Whether the this they are fenatical about is race, money, religion, whatever, I don't care. I'm not going to change a bible thumpers ideas anymore than anyother because once you become a zealot, their ability to debate and be convinced is all but gone. I like the way the more moderates think.. like Paul (cnv) who believes in his white race, but doesn't push that on people or makelovesohard who lives for jesus, but doesn't push it on you. so if people on both sides wish to keep typing, trying to convince the other side of something they can't, and wishing to battle on dick size, go right ahead, freedom of speech so no one view point is left unturned (on a site mainly about music). just my .02 and I'm done posting in this thread. |
__________________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 12:43pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""] of course the anonymous posts came from the same computer. nothing was more evident than that. thats why i never said more than than that one sentence in response to them. he raves on about how he is intelligent and whatnot but then pulls this childish "post a hundred times with different anonymous names to make mymself look cooler" shit. thats really fucking intelligent. |
_______________________________ [Feb 8,2004 3:27pm - retzam ""] TheGreatSpaldino said:of course the anonymous posts came from the same computer. nothing was more evident than that. thats why i never said more than than that one sentence in response to them. he raves on about how he is intelligent and whatnot but then pulls this childish "post a hundred times with different anonymous names to make mymself look cooler" shit. thats really fucking intelligent. Speaking of anonymous posts, has anyone else noticed that there has been an unusual amount of them in the past two weeks or so? |
_____________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 3:37pm - swamplorddvm ""] Yes acctualy... oh and the cd review thing seems to be ignored lately... sort of. |
__________________________________ [Feb 8,2004 11:56pm - goratory ""] so anyways.........:duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer: |