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interesting site for whites

[Feb 8,2004 11:48am - anonymous  ""]
I believe the "birdman" is right. I don't believe in destroying the black race. I don't believe in destroying the jewish race. I don't want to be the minority in this country. If whites want to be with whites I see no problem with that. The birdman's speech above is all logical and makes sense... All the replies by leftist, pc, ARA kids have not even come close to the birdman's exellent essay.
Spain is a european country....idiot.
[Feb 8,2004 11:52am - swamplorddvm ""]
Yes, Spaian is a europian country. For some reason most don't consider them "white". but the French and Italian are?
[Feb 8,2004 12:25pm - the_reverend ""]
a false viewpoint can easily be combated with facts and logic, while
truth cannot be combated except by lies which are vulnerable to

first, from a logic standpoint, this statement is a false implication. it's basically the type of logic block that looks convincing to people but if you break it out it doesn't hold water. Basically, a smart looking sentence made by a smart person to fool dumb people.

second, more opressed than "racist view-points" and things like "child molesting view-oints" or "dog sodomy view-points"

"Or to put it another way, the 'racist' view HAS to be suppressed,
because if it weren't, MOST PEOPLE WOULD BECOME 'RACISTS'!

using birdman's flase logic that would imply th say for dog sodomy and child molesting.

* FACT: it only takes 7,000 years for the human species to change skin colors when moving from one location to another.

his thoughts on inprisoned blacks should be looked at through socio-economic eyes. a large reason why blacks are in jail and poor is because of racism. Remember, your average white cop pulls over a lot more blacks and can't tell them apart when he does.

* FACT: when new popluations come into a new area where they can breed they do almost uncontrolled until population control is implemented or imposed. In america it's called EDUCATION. The Irish, Italians, etc... all white did this in the history of our country and people were just as racist against them.

* FACT: if I was a robber, I would steal from the person that had more money.

his hate-crime statistics are wrong and not backed up.

* FACT: if I made an IQ test and gave it to you, I would get a 200 and you would get a 10. I'd just make all the question things that I knew from growing up.

I love how he uses the comunist party first to back his theory and then second puts the comunist party in a negative light... bad argument there mensa guy.

* FACT: lincoln and washington both had holidays. (they are both this month).

* FACT: most of the anonymous posts came fomr the same computer.

* FACT: tommy (slayer) was born in June 6th, 1961, Valparaiso, Chile

* FACT: Chile is not part of Spain....idiot
[Feb 8,2004 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, I didn't want to post something like that... seeing as I don't care about the view points.

I look at racial zealots as any other zealot. Whether the this they are fenatical about is race, money, religion, whatever, I don't care. I'm not going to change a bible thumpers ideas anymore than anyother because once you become a zealot, their ability to debate and be convinced is all but gone.

I like the way the more moderates think.. like Paul (cnv) who believes in his white race, but doesn't push that on people or makelovesohard who lives for jesus, but doesn't push it on you.

so if people on both sides wish to keep typing, trying to convince the other side of something they can't, and wishing to battle on dick size, go right ahead, freedom of speech so no one view point is left unturned (on a site mainly about music).

just my .02 and I'm done posting in this thread.
[Feb 8,2004 12:43pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
of course the anonymous posts came from the same computer. nothing was more evident than that. thats why i never said more than than that one sentence in response to them. he raves on about how he is intelligent and whatnot but then pulls this childish "post a hundred times with different anonymous names to make mymself look cooler" shit. thats really fucking intelligent.
[Feb 8,2004 3:27pm - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:of course the anonymous posts came from the same computer. nothing was more evident than that. thats why i never said more than than that one sentence in response to them. he raves on about how he is intelligent and whatnot but then pulls this childish "post a hundred times with different anonymous names to make mymself look cooler" shit. thats really fucking intelligent.

Speaking of anonymous posts, has anyone else noticed that there has been an unusual amount of them in the past two weeks or so?
[Feb 8,2004 3:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yes acctualy... oh and the cd review thing seems to be ignored lately... sort of.
[Feb 8,2004 11:56pm - goratory ""]
so anyways.........:duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer:

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